VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2018

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2018, along with their school and subject details.

114 of 114 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 AMARASINGHE, Linal Laknidu Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 40
2 ANKER, Darcee Isabelle Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Psychology 40
3 ASQUITH, Lucy Victoria Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Geography 49
4 BERTOLUS, Brigitte Elise Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 43
5 BHAT, Aditya Ryan Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 50
6 BHAT, Aditya Ryan Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Music Performance 50
7 BHAT, Aditya Ryan Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Mathematical Methods 49
8 BHAT, Aditya Ryan Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Chemistry 43
9 BHAT, Aditya Ryan Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Specialist Mathematics 41
10 BOWMAKER, Daisy Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Health and Human Development 43
11 BOWMAKER, Daisy Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Psychology 43
12 BOWMAKER, Daisy Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 41
13 CASSIDY, Genevieve Emma Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 45
14 CASSIDY, Genevieve Emma Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Legal Studies 45
15 CASSIDY, Genevieve Emma Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 43
16 COLLINS, Emily Renee Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Industry and Enterprise 43
17 COLLINS, Gemma Michelle Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Legal Studies 45
18 CONWAY, Hugh David Jack Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 42
19 COWLING, Samuel Stuart Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
20 COX, Emma Nicole Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Psychology 49
21 COX, Emma Nicole Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Biology 43
22 COX, Emma Nicole Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Chemistry 42
23 COX, Emma Nicole Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Mathematical Methods 41
24 CUMMINS, Tessa Ellen Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 44
25 CUMMINS, Tessa Ellen Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Health and Human Development 44
26 CUMMINS, Tessa Ellen Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 42
27 DALLEY, Annika Laura Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 40
28 DALTON, Jessica Alice Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 43
29 DALTON, Tilly Frances Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Legal Studies 45
30 DEVINE, Georgina Ann Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Studio Arts 40
31 DILLON, Joshua Corey Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Biology 42
32 DOHRMAN, Anthony James Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Languages: Indonesian Second Language 40
33 DROOP, Celeste Amy Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Legal Studies 40
34 EISHOLD, Lucy Frances Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Health and Human Development 50
35 EISHOLD, Lucy Frances Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Legal Studies 49
36 EISHOLD, Lucy Frances Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 41
37 EISHOLD, Lucy Frances Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Economics 40
38 EISHOLD, Lucy Frances Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 40
39 FARRELL, Hugh Michael Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Biology 44
40 FERGUSON, Jaslyn Rose Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Biology 40
41 FORD, Sidney Jack Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Visual Communication Design 41
42 GULLIFER, Paige Alexander Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 49
43 GULLIFER, Paige Alexander Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton History: Revolutions 49
44 GULLIFER, Paige Alexander Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Music Performance 47
45 GULLIFER, Paige Alexander Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Mathematical Methods 43
46 GULLIFER, Paige Alexander Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Chemistry 41
47 HATTY, Thomas Rex Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 42
48 HOOL, Sophie Alexandra Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 48
49 HOOL, Sophie Alexandra Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton History: Revolutions 41
50 HOWELL, Ella Kate Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Legal Studies 43
51 HOWELL, Ella Kate Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Health and Human Development 42
52 HOWELL, Ella Kate Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Industry and Enterprise 41
53 HUMPHRIS, Cameron Thomas Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Outdoor and Environmental Studies 50
54 HUTCHISON, Zachary Leslie Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 44
55 ISLAM, Muhammad Farhan Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Languages: Indonesian Second Language 48
56 JARRETT, Mitchell Francis Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Legal Studies 42
57 KING, Alexander William Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 41
58 KNAGGS, Ned Bailey Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 40
59 LANGHOLCS, Ethan Maurice Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Visual Communication Design 43
60 LEITAN, Shevaan Dhiresh Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Mathematical Methods 40
61 LEWIS, Elizabeth Mary Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 42
62 LEWIS, Elizabeth Mary Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Legal Studies 41
63 MACKALI-CERASI, Azana Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 42
64 MACKALI-CERASI, Azana Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Physical Education 41
65 MAUDE, Charles Francis Nelson Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Accounting 44
66 MAUDE, Charles Francis Nelson Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Mathematical Methods 42
67 MURDOCH, Lucinda Meg Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
68 NELSON, Paige Victoria Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Industry and Enterprise 47
69 NETHERSOLE, Ellie Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 44
70 NETHERSOLE, Ellie Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Health and Human Development 43
71 NETHERSOLE, Ellie Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Legal Studies 42
72 OSBORNE, Lachlan James Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 48
73 OSBORNE, Lachlan James Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Psychology 41
74 PATTERSON, Gabrielle Claire Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Visual Communication Design 46
75 PATTERSON, Gabrielle Claire Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 42
76 PATTERSON, Gabrielle Claire Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Physics 40
77 PELL, Simon William Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Environmental Science 44
78 PELL, Simon William Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Physics 43
79 PETERSON, Tennielle Eden Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 45
80 PETERSON, Tennielle Eden Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Psychology 40
81 POGUE, Milla Haigh Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Industry and Enterprise 45
82 POWELL, Harrison Jack Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 41
83 PRESCOTT, Adele Laura Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Psychology 44
84 PRESCOTT, Adele Laura Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Health and Human Development 41
85 RAGADE, Akshat Anil Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Mathematical Methods 42
86 RAGADE, Akshat Anil Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Chemistry 40
87 RAGADE, Akshat Anil Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 40
88 RAGADE, Akshat Anil Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Physics 40
89 ROBINSON, Lily Florence Mann Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Health and Human Development 43
90 ROBINSON, Lily Florence Mann Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 41
91 ROBINSON, Stella Luna Mann Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 41
92 SCHMEDJE, Alexander John Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Physics 49
93 SCHMEDJE, Alexander John Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Mathematical Methods 45
94 SCHMEDJE, Alexander John Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Chemistry 44
95 SMITH, Miya Arrabella Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Legal Studies 44
96 SMITH, Sophie Maree Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Health and Human Development 40
97 SORRAGHAN, Stephanie Kathleen Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Legal Studies 47
98 SORRAGHAN, Stephanie Kathleen Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Health and Human Development 46
99 SORRAGHAN, Stephanie Kathleen Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 44
100 SORRAGHAN, Stephanie Kathleen Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 43
101 SORRAGHAN, Stephanie Kathleen Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Economics 41
102 THOMPSON, Octavia Grace Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Health and Human Development 42
103 THOMPSON, Octavia Grace Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Accounting 41
104 THOMPSON, Octavia Grace Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 40
105 TREWIN, Angelika Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 42
106 TYSON, Grady Brereton Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Legal Studies 44
107 VEAL, James Robert Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 41
108 WALL, Elena Mary Iris Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Health and Human Development 40
109 WIJESINGHA, Ishan Sangeeth Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Biology 40
110 WITTINGSLOW, Xavier Ezekiel Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Industry and Enterprise 42
111 WORSFOLD, James Nicholas Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton English 43
112 WORSFOLD, James Nicholas Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 43
113 WORSFOLD, James Nicholas Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Mathematical Methods 43
114 WORSFOLD, James Nicholas Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Biology 41
Last Updated: 18 Dec 2018
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