VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2017

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2017, along with their school and subject details.

200 of 20203 entries are shown.
4938 - 5137
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4938 ENGLISH, Tessa Warrnambool College Warrnambool Extended Investigation 40
4939 ENNATI, Maram Sirius College Broadmeadows Campus Broadmeadows Further Mathematics 40
4940 ENRIQUES, Nicole Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak Visual Communication Design 40
4941 ENTEN, Jacob Leibler Yavneh College Elsternwick English 42
4942 ENTEN, Jacob Leibler Yavneh College Elsternwick Health and Human Development 42
4943 ENTER, Julia Mary MacKillop Catholic College Leongatha Psychology 46
4944 ENTER, Julia Mary MacKillop Catholic College Leongatha English 44
4945 ENTICOTT, Jack William Russ Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Australian History 43
4946 ENTSCH, Andrew Nicholas Neerim District Secondary College Neerim South History: Revolutions 41
4947 EPHRAUMS, Ashlea Heathdale Christian College Werribee Music Performance (VCE VET) 45
4948 EPHRAUMS, Ashlea Heathdale Christian College Werribee Health and Human Development 44
4949 EPHRAUMS, Nathan Haileybury College Keysborough English 42
4950 EPHRAUMS, Nathan Haileybury College Keysborough Further Mathematics 42
4951 EPHRAUMS, Nathan Haileybury College Keysborough Legal Studies 40
4952 EPPELSTUN, Ruby Jean St Michaels Grammar School St Kilda Psychology 43
4953 ERCIYAS, Erol Kenan Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Physics 42
4954 EREZ, Indigo Emmy McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Health and Human Development 45
4955 EREZ, Indigo Emmy McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Psychology 42
4956 EREZ, Indigo Emmy McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Legal Studies 41
4957 ERGI, Harun Sirius College Meadow Fair Campus Broadmeadows Mathematical Methods (CAS) 45
4958 ERGI, Harun Sirius College Meadow Fair Campus Broadmeadows English 43
4959 ERGI, Harun Sirius College Meadow Fair Campus Broadmeadows Physics 43
4960 ERGI, Harun Sirius College Meadow Fair Campus Broadmeadows Specialist Mathematics 42
4961 ERMITA, Mickhaella Audrey Catholic Regional College Sydenham Sydenham History: Revolutions 41
4962 ERMOLAEVA, Alina Alekseevna St Margarets Berwick Grammar Berwick Campus Berwick Informatics 44
4963 ERSKINE, Caitriona Betty Mentone Grammar School Mentone Art 40
4964 ESER, Hakan Burak Sirius College Meadow Fair Campus Broadmeadows Further Mathematics 42
4965 ESGIN, Dilara Ilim College of Australia Broadmeadows Health and Human Development 41
4966 ESH, Jordan Francis Box Hill High School Box Hill Laboratory Skills (VCE VET) 41
4967 ESIPOVA, Maria Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Russian 40
4968 ESLER, Claire Elizabeth Avila College Mount Waverley Chemistry 40
4969 ESLER, Claire Elizabeth Avila College Mount Waverley Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
4970 ESLER, Claire Lucinda Haileybury Girls College Keysborough English 41
4971 ESLICK, Kayla Ashleigh Lilydale High School Lilydale Further Mathematics 42
4972 ESPLAN, Jessica Mae St Leonards College Brighton East Psychology 40
4973 ESPOSITO, Sophie Mary Santa Maria College Northcote Legal Studies 45
4974 ESPOSITO, Sophie Mary Santa Maria College Northcote Studio Arts 43
4975 ESTEPHAN, Jason Parade College Bundoora Further Mathematics 43
4976 ESTRELLA, Luis Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Further Mathematics 43
4977 ETTIA, Rene Cimone Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Legal Studies 43
4978 ETTIA, Rene Cimone Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Further Mathematics 42
4979 EVANS, Benjamin Charlton Eltham High School Eltham Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
4980 EVANS, Benjamin John Highview Christian Community College Maryborough Further Mathematics 43
4981 EVANS, Bethany Rose McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon English 41
4982 EVANS, Bethany Rose McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Food Studies 41
4983 EVANS, Calida Anne Ruyton Girls School Kew English 50
4984 EVANS, Calida Anne Ruyton Girls School Kew History: Revolutions 50
4985 EVANS, Calida Anne Ruyton Girls School Kew Literature 50
4986 EVANS, Calida Anne Ruyton Girls School Kew Geography 48
4987 EVANS, Callum Caradoc Scotch College Hawthorn Psychology 40
4988 EVANS, Carlos Yee Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne Media 42
4989 EVANS, Charlie Louise Eltham High School Eltham Physics 40
4990 EVANS, Emily Bridget Ellen Mentone Girls Grammar School Mentone English 40
4991 EVANS, Gabriel Jackson Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Further Mathematics 41
4992 EVANS, Grace Clare Mentone Girls Grammar School Mentone Food Studies 44
4993 EVANS, Grace Clare Mentone Girls Grammar School Mentone English 40
4994 EVANS, Grace Clare Mentone Girls Grammar School Mentone Psychology 40
4995 EVANS, Jackson Ussher Scotch College Hawthorn Legal Studies 40
4996 EVANS, Jessica Rose Toorak College Mount Eliza Legal Studies 49
4997 EVANS, Natalie Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 45
4998 EVANS, Natalie Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Economics 40
4999 EVANS, Olivia Grace The Geelong College Newtown Further Mathematics 42
5000 EVANS, Olivia Grace The Geelong College Newtown Geography 40
5001 EVANS, Rachel Bridget St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Biology 46
5002 EVANS, Ruby Dee Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster English 40
5003 EVANS, Samuel John Wantirna College Wantirna Biology 45
5004 EVANS, Sylvie Fearn St Leonards College Brighton East Media 46
5005 EVANS, Sylvie Fearn St Leonards College Brighton East English 42
5006 EVANS, Zoe Brigid Avila College Mount Waverley English 44
5007 EVEREST, Lily Rose Dromana Secondary College Dromana English 47
5008 EVEREST, Lily Rose Dromana Secondary College Dromana Australian History 43
5009 EVEREST, Lily Rose Dromana Secondary College Dromana Drama 42
5010 EVERSHEIM, Philipp Sebastian Scotch College Hawthorn Languages: German 48
5011 EVERSHEIM, Philipp Sebastian Scotch College Hawthorn English 41
5012 EVGENIADIS, Madeliene Joanna Lakeview Senior College Caroline Springs Health and Human Development 40
5013 EVGENIADIS, Madeliene Joanna Lakeview Senior College Caroline Springs Legal Studies 40
5014 EVRIPIDOU, Jason Christou Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
5015 EVRIPIDOU, Jason Christou Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Specialist Mathematics 40
5016 EWAN, Fergus William Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat Further Mathematics 47
5017 EWAN, Fergus William Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat Accounting 42
5018 EWAN, Fergus William Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat Chemistry 41
5019 EWART, Amelia Kennedy Ruyton Girls School Kew English 41
5020 EWART-MCTIGUE, Jessica Mentone Grammar School Mentone Biology 44
5021 EWE, Yong Zheng Balwyn High School Balwyn North Further Mathematics 47
5022 EWE, Yong Zheng Balwyn High School Balwyn North English as an Additional Language 42
5023 EWERS, Lachlan Findlay Brighton Grammar School Brighton English 44
5024 EWERS, Lachlan Findlay Brighton Grammar School Brighton History: Revolutions 41
5025 EWERT, Isabelle Rose Mullauna College Mitcham English 45
5026 EWERT, Isabelle Rose Mullauna College Mitcham Biology 43
5027 EWERT, Jessica Pearl Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Dance 40
5028 EWING, Shi-Mei Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak History: Revolutions 41
5029 EXON, William John Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Biology 40
5030 EXTON, Isabella MacKillop Catholic Regional College Werribee History: Revolutions 44
5031 EXTON, Jeanti Louise Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
5032 EYLES, Beth Noelle Templestowe College Templestowe Lower Biology 44
5033 FABIATOS, Evan Caulfield Grammar School Wheelers Hill Wheelers Hill Legal Studies 44
5034 FABIEN, Charlotte Anne Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Sociology 42
5035 FABIEN, Charlotte Anne Haileybury Girls College Keysborough English 41
5036 FABIEN, Madeline May Haileybury Girls College Keysborough English 48
5037 FABIEN, Madeline May Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Psychology 45
5038 FABIEN, Madeline May Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Sociology 45
5039 FACCHINETTI, Mckenzie Callan Ivanhoe Grammar School Plenty Doreen Biology 43
5040 FACCHINETTI, Mckenzie Callan Ivanhoe Grammar School Plenty Doreen History: Revolutions 41
5041 FACCI, Luke Anthony Marcellin College Bulleen Further Mathematics 43
5042 FAGGIANO, Christina Taylors Lakes Secondary College Taylors Lakes Product Design and Technology 45
5043 FAHEY, Benjamin Thomas Parade College Bundoora Texts and Traditions 41
5044 FAHEY, Daniel Peter Mirboo North Secondary College Mirboo North Further Mathematics 40
5045 FAHEY, Lachlan Michael St Patricks College Ballarat Australian History 42
5046 FAHMY, Mina Martin Nossal High School Berwick Physical Education 41
5047 FAIRBRIDGE, Sophie Elizabeth Toorak College Mount Eliza Visual Communication Design 50
5048 FAIRBRIDGE, Sophie Elizabeth Toorak College Mount Eliza English 40
5049 FAIRCHILD, Jordyn Rhiannon Lara Secondary College Lara Community Services (VCE VET) 42
5050 FAIRCHILD, Olivia Lucy Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra Physical Education 46
5051 FAIRLEY, William George Scotch College Hawthorn Studio Arts 48
5052 FAIRLEY, William George Scotch College Hawthorn English 44
5053 FAIRLEY, William George Scotch College Hawthorn Media 41
5054 FAIRLIE, Catherine Elise Catholic Ladies College Eltham Biology 41
5055 FAKHRI, Isaac Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster Business Management 45
5056 FAKHRI, Isaac Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster English 41
5057 FAKLARI, Anna St Johns Greek Orthodox College Preston Languages: Greek 45
5058 FAKLARI, Charalampia Petroula Nestor Greek College Brunswick Brunswick Languages: Greek 42
5059 FAKTOR, Lachlan Mark Aquinas College Ringwood Psychology 45
5060 FAKTOR, Lachlan Mark Aquinas College Ringwood Chemistry 43
5061 FAKTOR, Lachlan Mark Aquinas College Ringwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
5062 FAKTOR, Lachlan Mark Aquinas College Ringwood English Language 40
5063 FALKNER BABBEL, Kierah Rose Thornbury High School Thornbury Media 43
5064 FALKNER BABBEL, Kierah Rose Thornbury High School Thornbury Visual Communication Design 41
5065 FALKO, Ash Alex Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School Warranwood History: Revolutions 40
5066 FALLON, Bridget Ann Sacred Heart College Kyneton Kyneton Drama 40
5067 FALLOON, Timothy Bruce Knox Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Mathematical Methods (CAS) 49
5068 FALLOON, Timothy Bruce Knox Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury English 44
5069 FALLOON, Timothy Bruce Knox Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Specialist Mathematics 42
5070 FAMULARO, Chantal Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Food Studies 42
5071 FAN, Enoch Bo Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Music Performance 50
5072 FAN, Enoch Bo Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 45
5073 FAN, Jackie Copperfield College Delahey Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
5074 FAN, Tianlin Methodist Ladies College Kew Chemistry 44
5075 FAN, Tianlin Methodist Ladies College Kew Economics 40
5076 FAN, Yuheng Haileybury Ningbo Li Hui Li High School Ningbo, China Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
5077 FANG, Jiahui Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
5078 FANG, Rong Annie Shelford Girls Grammar Caulfield English 44
5079 FANG, Rong Annie Shelford Girls Grammar Caulfield Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
5080 FANG, Yiying Ruyton Girls School Kew English 45
5081 FANG, Yiying Ruyton Girls School Kew Psychology 44
5082 FANG, Yiying Ruyton Girls School Kew Chemistry 41
5083 FANG, Zhongwen Edmund Nossal High School Berwick Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
5084 FANG, Zixin Haileybury Ningbo Li Hui Li High School Ningbo, China Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
5085 FANNING, Angus James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 48
5086 FANNING, Angus James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Media 41
5087 FANSTONE, John Vitor McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Music Performance 41
5088 FANSTONE, John Vitor McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Software Development 41
5089 FANTELLA, Chloe Natasha Geelong Lutheran College Armstrong Creek Media 42
5090 FANTENBERG, Kristina Marianne Westbourne Grammar School Truganina English 48
5091 FANTENBERG, Kristina Marianne Westbourne Grammar School Truganina History: Revolutions 45
5092 FANTENBERG, Kristina Marianne Westbourne Grammar School Truganina Further Mathematics 43
5093 FAOUR, Mohammad Gladstone Park Secondary College Gladstone Park Business Management 49
5094 FARAG, Maria Our Lady of Sacred Heart College Bentleigh English 43
5095 FARAGHER, Brenna Caroline Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne English 40
5096 FARAGHER, Ethan Daniel Bentleigh Secondary College Bentleigh East Health and Human Development 42
5097 FARAGHER, Ethan Daniel Bentleigh Secondary College Bentleigh East Physical Education 40
5098 FARAH, Fabiana Regina Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East English 42
5099 FARAH, Fabiana Regina Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Physical Education 41
5100 FARAH, Lucy The Knox School Wantirna South Visual Communication Design 42
5101 FARAH, Stephanie Ave Maria College Aberfeldie Studio Arts 40
5102 FAREEHA, Kyla Aisha Nossal High School Berwick History: Revolutions 41
5103 FARINACCI, Sophie Laura Aquinas College Ringwood Biology 46
5104 FARINACCIA, David St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Systems Engineering 42
5105 FARIS, Liam Matthew Haileybury College Keysborough English 41
5106 FARLEY, Mason James Notre Dame College Shepparton Biology 42
5107 FARLEY, Mason James Notre Dame College Shepparton Physical Education 42
5108 FARLEY, Mason James Notre Dame College Shepparton English 41
5109 FARMER, Emily Rose Flinders Christian Community College Tyabb Tyabb Studio Arts 44
5110 FARMER, Nicholas Scotch College Hawthorn Mathematical Methods (CAS) 45
5111 FARMER, Russell Faithfull Trinity Grammar School Kew English 45
5112 FARMER, Russell Faithfull Trinity Grammar School Kew Global Politics 45
5113 FARMER, Russell Faithfull Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 44
5114 FARMER, Russell Faithfull Trinity Grammar School Kew Visual Communication Design 42
5115 FAROUQUE, Aisha Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 47
5116 FAROUQUE, Aisha Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe History: Revolutions 46
5117 FARR, Brittany Sarah Mentone Girls Secondary College Mentone Health and Human Development 41
5118 FARR, Sierra Grace John Monash Science School Clayton English 40
5119 FARRAR, Ashleigh Skye Christian College Geelong Waurn Ponds Waurn Ponds Biology 40
5120 FARRELL, Alec Michael Wonthaggi Secondary College Wonthaggi Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
5121 FARRELL, Jake Craigieburn Secondary College Craigieburn English 45
5122 FARRELL, Jake Craigieburn Secondary College Craigieburn Legal Studies 42
5123 FARRELL, Kiera Brianne St Josephs College Geelong Newtown Legal Studies 41
5124 FARRELL, Matthew Cohuna Secondary College Cohuna Engineering Studies (VCE VET) 43
5125 FARRELL, Max Xavier College Kew English 45
5126 FARRELL, Max Xavier College Kew History: Revolutions 44
5127 FARRELL, Michelle Quanjai Billanook College Mooroolbark Physical Education 41
5128 FARRELL, Shelby Rose Highview Christian Community College Maryborough Health and Human Development 41
5129 FARRELLY, Lauren Georgia Catholic Ladies College Eltham Biology 40
5130 FARROUGH, James Gordon Eltham High School Eltham English 41
5131 FARROUGH, James Gordon Eltham High School Eltham Music Performance 41
5132 FARROUGH, James Gordon Eltham High School Eltham Further Mathematics 40
5133 FARROW, Simon Ian Brighton Grammar School Brighton English 50
5134 FARROW, Simon Ian Brighton Grammar School Brighton Global Politics 43
5135 FARRUGIA, Courtney Ann Avila College Mount Waverley Product Design and Technology 40
5136 FARRUGIA, Lachlan James St Kevins College Toorak English 41
5137 FARRUGIA, Lachlan James St Kevins College Toorak Legal Studies 40
Last Updated: 9 Aug 2024
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