VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2017

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2017, along with their school and subject details.

167 of 167 entries are shown.
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1 GAVRALAS, Peter Trinity Grammar School Kew Accounting 40
2 MORRISON, William Eric Glynn Trinity Grammar School Kew Accounting 41
3 POLIS, Jack Michael Trinity Grammar School Kew Accounting 41
4 BOYAGAMA, Lasal Nadupa Trinity Grammar School Kew Ancient History 41
5 SMITH, Felicity Trinity Grammar School Kew Ancient History 40
6 CASALAZ, Tom Daniel John Trinity Grammar School Kew Biology 45
7 CURNOW, Denis Murtagh Trinity Grammar School Kew Biology 46
8 HUNT, Benjamin John Trinity Grammar School Kew Biology 42
9 SWINGLER, Kit Francis Leahy Trinity Grammar School Kew Biology 45
10 TAYLOR, Andrew Nicholas Trinity Grammar School Kew Biology 40
11 TIBB, Isabella Sharan Trinity Grammar School Kew Biology 41
12 VU, Jonathan Minh-Tam Trinity Grammar School Kew Biology 43
13 XI, Yeafan Trinity Grammar School Kew Biology 40
14 ASVESTAS, James Dimitri Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 47
15 BAYLEY, Georgia Alexandra Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 41
16 BRANDON-JONES, Elliot John Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 42
17 CHADWICK, Jeremy Isaac Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 45
18 GAVRALAS, Peter Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 50
19 MAGREE, Louis Gilberto Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 41
20 SANDO, Elise Isabella Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 43
21 STEWART, Jack William Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 42
22 YAN, Victor Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 50
23 CURNOW, Denis Murtagh Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 43
24 GALBRAITH, Nicholas Benjamin Marcus Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 41
25 HUNT, Benjamin John Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 41
26 KONSTANTOPOULOS, Adonis Donald Robert Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 40
27 PETEREIT, Jack Brandon Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 44
28 REICH, Alexander Martin Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 40
29 SAUNDERS, William James Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 44
30 SWINGLER, Kit Francis Leahy Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 42
31 XI, Yeafan Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 40
32 YOUINGS, David Charles Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 40
33 DOWNS, Michael Patrick Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 40
34 GALBRAITH, Nicholas Benjamin Marcus Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 45
35 GAVRALAS, Peter Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 44
36 GRAHAM, Christopher David Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 44
37 KONSTANTOPOULOS, Adonis Donald Robert Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 46
38 LEWIS, Joshua Cameron Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 40
39 LOGAN, Benjamin Connor Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 44
40 PETEREIT, Jack Brandon Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 45
41 POLIS, Jack Michael Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 44
42 RANDLES, Daniel Lachlan Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 41
43 ROBERTS, Wilson Henry Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 41
44 SMITH, Edward Clifford Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 43
45 STORY, Matthew Mackenzie Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 40
46 TAYLOR, Andrew Nicholas Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 42
47 YAN, Victor Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 43
48 ADAWAY, Flynn Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew English 43
49 ALEXANDER, Thomas Gerald Trinity Grammar School Kew English 49
50 ASVESTAS, James Dimitri Trinity Grammar School Kew English 41
51 ATKINSON, Joseph Elijah Trinity Grammar School Kew English 43
52 BARNES, Samuel William Bernard Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
53 BHARADWAJ, Anand Kannan Trinity Grammar School Kew English 50
54 BLACKBURN, Harry Albert Trinity Grammar School Kew English 41
55 BOYAGAMA, Lasal Nadupa Trinity Grammar School Kew English 42
56 CHADWICK, Jeremy Isaac Trinity Grammar School Kew English 44
57 CHEN, Mark Si Fan Trinity Grammar School Kew English 41
58 CURNOW, Denis Murtagh Trinity Grammar School Kew English 42
59 DODDS-PAINTER, Sebastian Trinity Grammar School Kew English 44
60 FARMER, Russell Faithfull Trinity Grammar School Kew English 45
61 GALBRAITH, Nicholas Benjamin Marcus Trinity Grammar School Kew English 49
62 GAVRALAS, Peter Trinity Grammar School Kew English 44
63 GRAHAM, Christopher David Trinity Grammar School Kew English 42
64 HARRIS, William Reid Trinity Grammar School Kew English 46
65 HATZINIKOLAIDIS, Dimitri Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
66 HATZINIKOLAIDIS, George Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
67 HILL-SMITH, Luke John Trinity Grammar School Kew English 47
68 HUNT, Benjamin John Trinity Grammar School Kew English 49
69 KALMS, Ethan Courtman Trinity Grammar School Kew English 43
70 KING, Jason Peter Trinity Grammar School Kew English 43
71 KONSTANTOPOULOS, Adonis Donald Robert Trinity Grammar School Kew English 45
72 LELLIOTT, Harry William Trinity Grammar School Kew English 44
73 LOGAN, Benjamin Connor Trinity Grammar School Kew English 41
74 MACAFEE, William Boyd Trinity Grammar School Kew English 43
75 MAGREE, Thomas Humphrey Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
76 MILLAR, Rory John Duff Trinity Grammar School Kew English 41
77 MINZ, Daniel Stuart Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
78 MISHRA, Rishabh Trinity Grammar School Kew English 49
79 MORRISON, Lachlan Alexander Trinity Grammar School Kew English 42
80 MORRISON, William Eric Glynn Trinity Grammar School Kew English 46
81 NAKOS, Alexander Trinity Grammar School Kew English 41
82 PAVLIDIS, Kostas Trinity Grammar School Kew English 47
83 PETEREIT, Jack Brandon Trinity Grammar School Kew English 50
84 POLIS, Jack Michael Trinity Grammar School Kew English 48
85 REICH, Alexander Martin Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
86 ROBERTS, Wilson Henry Trinity Grammar School Kew English 42
87 SAUNDERS, William James Trinity Grammar School Kew English 46
88 SMITH, Edward Clifford Trinity Grammar School Kew English 42
89 STORY, Matthew Mackenzie Trinity Grammar School Kew English 44
90 SWINGLER, Kit Francis Leahy Trinity Grammar School Kew English 46
91 TAYLOR, Andrew Nicholas Trinity Grammar School Kew English 46
92 VU, Jonathan Minh-Tam Trinity Grammar School Kew English 48
93 WEBSTER, Alec William Darling Trinity Grammar School Kew English 46
94 XI, Yeafan Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
95 YAN, Victor Trinity Grammar School Kew English 47
96 YOUINGS, David Charles Trinity Grammar School Kew English 47
97 CHEN, Bolun Trinity Grammar School Kew English as an Additional Language 43
98 ADAWAY, Flynn Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 40
99 CHEN, Nuo Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 43
100 CHUNG, Roderick Howe Qin Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 42
101 DAVEY, William George Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 40
102 HARRIS, William Reid Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 48
103 HILL-SMITH, Luke John Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 45
104 LELLIOTT, Harry William Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 41
105 LI, Pei Zhao Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 40
106 MACAFEE, William Boyd Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 41
107 MAGREE, Thomas Humphrey Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 40
108 MILLAR, Rory John Duff Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 41
109 MOORE, Alexander Michael Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 46
110 MUSTICA, Anthony Joseph Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 44
111 O'GORMAN, Finian Isaac Georghi Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 44
112 PALMER, Thomas Charles Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 40
113 PAVLIDIS, Kostas Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 40
114 PLITSCH, Nicolai Pablo Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 42
115 POWELL, Laura Jane Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 47
116 RANDLES, Daniel Lachlan Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 42
117 ROBERTS, Wilson Henry Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 46
118 ROGERSON, Lewis Henry Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 47
119 STEWART, Jack William Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 43
120 TUXWORTH, Harry Leonard Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 40
121 WILLIAMS, Joseph Charles Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 40
122 XU, Ran Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 46
123 FARMER, Russell Faithfull Trinity Grammar School Kew Global Politics 45
124 HARRIS, William Reid Trinity Grammar School Kew Global Politics 42
125 MISHRA, Rishabh Trinity Grammar School Kew Global Politics 43
126 RABINOWICZ, Anna Hephsibah Trinity Grammar School Kew Global Politics 42
127 SMITH, Edward Clifford Trinity Grammar School Kew Global Politics 41
128 STORY, Matthew Mackenzie Trinity Grammar School Kew Global Politics 41
129 TAYLOR, Andrew Nicholas Trinity Grammar School Kew Global Politics 42
130 WEIGOLD, Katrina Leanne Trinity Grammar School Kew Global Politics 40
131 MORRISON, Lachlan Alexander Trinity Grammar School Kew History: Revolutions 41
132 PLITSCH, Nicolai Pablo Trinity Grammar School Kew History: Revolutions 41
133 POLIS, Jack Michael Trinity Grammar School Kew History: Revolutions 50
134 BOBBERA, Thomas Alexander Trinity Grammar School Kew Informatics 44
135 WU, Yufei Michelle Trinity Grammar School Kew Languages: Chinese First Language 42
136 CHADWICK, Jeremy Isaac Trinity Grammar School Kew Legal Studies 42
137 DEAYTON, Elise Margaret Trinity Grammar School Kew Legal Studies 43
138 HILL-SMITH, Luke John Trinity Grammar School Kew Literature 49
139 SMITH, Edward Clifford Trinity Grammar School Kew Literature 41
140 AVIL, Lachlan Jack Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
141 CROSBY, Ella Florence Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
142 HUANG, Xiaoyu Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
143 LI, Nuoyu Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
144 LI, Pei Zhao Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
145 MISHRA, Rishabh Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
146 REICH, Alexander Martin Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
147 CLARKE, Jessica Faye Trinity Grammar School Kew Physical Education 43
148 KING, Jason Peter Trinity Grammar School Kew Physical Education 43
149 MACAFEE, William Boyd Trinity Grammar School Kew Physical Education 40
150 BHARADWAJ, Anand Kannan Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 48
151 FARMER, Russell Faithfull Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 44
152 LOGAN, Benjamin Connor Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 47
153 MISHRA, Rishabh Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 43
154 PETEREIT, Jack Brandon Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 46
155 YOUINGS, David Charles Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 43
156 HABAL, Sebastian Leonardus Trinity Grammar School Kew Psychology 40
157 SAUNDERS, William James Trinity Grammar School Kew Psychology 48
158 BASSER, Joseph Solomon Trinity Grammar School Kew Software Development 41
159 LOGAN, Benjamin Connor Trinity Grammar School Kew Specialist Mathematics 47
160 NAKOS, Alexander Trinity Grammar School Kew Specialist Mathematics 41
161 YOUINGS, David Charles Trinity Grammar School Kew Specialist Mathematics 41
162 HILL-SMITH, Luke John Trinity Grammar School Kew Studio Arts 45
163 SAUNDERS, William James Trinity Grammar School Kew Studio Arts 42
164 SWINGLER, Kit Francis Leahy Trinity Grammar School Kew Studio Arts 44
165 WILSON, Lucy Jane Trinity Grammar School Kew Studio Arts 42
166 FARMER, Russell Faithfull Trinity Grammar School Kew Visual Communication Design 42
167 PAVLIDIS, Kostas Trinity Grammar School Kew Visual Communication Design 40
Last Updated: 9 Aug 2024
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