VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2017

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2017, along with their school and subject details.

50 of 219 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 ACKERMAN, Simone Ying-Mei Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Health and Human Development 41
2 AGGARWAL, Malika Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 45
3 AGGARWAL, Sonali Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 41
4 ALAHAKOON, Laksha Gayathri Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Literature 46
5 ALAHAKOON, Laksha Gayathri Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 43
6 ALAHAKOON, Laksha Gayathri Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
7 BARTHOLOMEUSZ, Rebecca Cara Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 44
8 BEKHEET, Marina Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Chemistry 41
9 BEKHEET, Marina Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 41
10 BHAMBARI, Riya Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Legal Studies 47
11 BHATNAGAR, Sagarika Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 40
12 BHATNAGAR, Sagarika Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Health and Human Development 40
13 CAI, Yanshu Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
14 CHAN, Mianna Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Legal Studies 41
15 CHEN, Eva Yu-Fang Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Physical Education 40
16 CHEN, Kalin Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Further Mathematics 42
17 CHEN, Tracy Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Music Performance 44
18 CHENG, Kelly Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 40
19 CHIU, Michelle Sum-Wai Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 45
20 CHIU, Michelle Sum-Wai Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 42
21 CHIU, Michelle Sum-Wai Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Chemistry 41
22 CHIU, Michelle Sum-Wai Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Specialist Mathematics 40
23 DAVIDSON, Emily Mary Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Physical Education 42
24 DE COSTA, Nethmi Amasha Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Further Mathematics 41
25 DE COSTA, Nethmi Amasha Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 40
26 DE JONG, Chynna Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Australian History 42
27 DE JONG, Chynna Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 40
28 DE JONG, Chynna Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Literature 40
29 DE WAARD, Ellen Sarah Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 46
30 DE WAARD, Ellen Sarah Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Physical Education 44
31 DE WAARD, Ellen Sarah Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Australian History 42
32 DE WAARD, Ellen Sarah Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Chemistry 40
33 DING, Nancy Lian Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Further Mathematics 50
34 DING, Nancy Lian Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 44
35 DING, Nancy Lian Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Specialist Mathematics 44
36 DING, Nancy Lian Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Chemistry 42
37 DOCKING, Alicia Santina Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 41
38 DOEHMANN, Madeleine Victoria Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 45
39 ETTIA, Rene Cimone Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Legal Studies 43
40 ETTIA, Rene Cimone Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Further Mathematics 42
41 EVANS, Natalie Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 45
42 EVANS, Natalie Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Economics 40
43 FANG, Jiahui Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
44 FIELD, Bryley Nell Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Legal Studies 50
45 FIELD, Bryley Nell Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 46
46 FIELD, Bryley Nell Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Chemistry 41
47 FIELD, Bryley Nell Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
48 FOO, May Yi Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Health and Human Development 46
49 FOO, May Yi Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Languages: Indonesian Second Language 45
50 FOO, May Yi Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Chemistry 44
Last Updated: 9 Aug 2024
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