VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2017

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2017, along with their school and subject details.

21 of 71 entries are shown.
51 - 71
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51 OSINSKI, Simon Aquinas College Ringwood English 40
52 RYAN, Courtney Jessica Aquinas College Ringwood Health and Human Development 40
53 RYAN, Courtney Jessica Aquinas College Ringwood Psychology 40
54 SAHOTA, Kiran Aquinas College Ringwood Business Management 42
55 SCABELLONE, Joshua Julian Aquinas College Ringwood Psychology 42
56 SCABELLONE, Joshua Julian Aquinas College Ringwood Further Mathematics 40
57 SMITH, Zoe Patricia Aquinas College Ringwood Physical Education 40
58 STOW, Liam Francis Aquinas College Ringwood Informatics 44
59 TAYLOR, Julia Lee Aquinas College Ringwood Media 42
60 TAYLOR, Julia Lee Aquinas College Ringwood Studio Arts 42
61 TENNEY, Natasha Marcelle Aquinas College Ringwood Business Management 48
62 TRETHEWEY, Benjamin Aquinas College Ringwood Physical Education 45
63 TUCKER, Chelsea Marie Aquinas College Ringwood Biology 44
64 VAN DER WAL, Blake Peter Aquinas College Ringwood English as an Additional Language 40
65 VAN NISPEN-STRUHS, Jeremy Aquinas College Ringwood English as an Additional Language 41
66 WILLGOOSE, Samuel Albert Aquinas College Ringwood Biology 40
67 WOODSTOCK, Kate Elizabeth Aquinas College Ringwood Physical Education 49
68 WOODSTOCK, Kate Elizabeth Aquinas College Ringwood Food Studies 47
69 WOODSTOCK, Kate Elizabeth Aquinas College Ringwood Further Mathematics 42
70 YAN, Xintong Aquinas College Ringwood Informatics 47
71 YAN, Xintong Aquinas College Ringwood Visual Communication Design 47
Last Updated: 9 Aug 2024
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