VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2016

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2016, along with their school and subject details.

15 of 15 entries are shown.
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1 BAOUSTANOS, Lydia Elisabeth Alphington Grammar School Alphington Languages: Greek 42
2 GIAVRIS, Harrison Nicholas Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria Melbourne Languages: Greek 41
3 IOANNOU, Eleni Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria Melbourne Languages: Greek 47
4 KALLERGIS, Eirini Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria Melbourne Languages: Greek 40
5 TSENTIKOPOULOU, Theofano Greek Orthodox Community of Melbourne and Victoria Melbourne Languages: Greek 49
6 GEORGIOU, Maria Nestor Greek College Brunswick Brunswick Languages: Greek 42
7 LALADAKIS, Konstantinos Northcote High School Northcote Languages: Greek 44
8 ANTONOPOULOS, Dimitris Oakleigh Grammar Oakleigh Languages: Greek 42
9 KATATRIOTI, Christina Chrysanthi Oakleigh Grammar Oakleigh Languages: Greek 41
10 SOULI, Eirini Angeliki Oakleigh Grammar Oakleigh Languages: Greek 43
11 MITROPOULOS, Felicia Constantina Pythagoras Greek School Brighton Languages: Greek 40
12 SALTAS, Konstantinos South Oakleigh College Oakleigh South Languages: Greek 46
13 KOUKLATZI, Chrysoula St Johns Greek Orthodox College Preston Languages: Greek 44
14 LOUNTZI, Georgia St Johns Greek Orthodox College Preston Languages: Greek 40
15 PALOUKAS-LAPPAS, Zacharias Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Greek 43
Last Updated: 11 Jan 2017
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