VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2016

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2016, along with their school and subject details.

148 of 148 entries are shown.
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1 AGGARWAL, Sonali Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
2 APONSO, Amashi Inaksha Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Health and Human Development 49
3 APONSO, Amashi Inaksha Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 45
4 APONSO, Amashi Inaksha Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Chemistry 42
5 ARNOTT-TAN, Anwyn Ainsley Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 41
6 ASSENDER, Abigail Maree Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Studio Arts 40
7 BEKHEET, Marina Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 42
8 CHEN, Eva Yu-Fang Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 42
9 CHEN, Tina Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Further Mathematics 42
10 CHEN, Tina Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Further Mathematics 41
11 CHEUNG, Rebecca Yi-Chan Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Studio Arts 42
12 CHEUNG, Rebecca Yi-Chan Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 41
13 CHEUNG, Rebecca Yi-Chan Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Legal Studies 41
14 CHO, Min Hee Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 40
15 CHUA, Teck Phui Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 43
16 CHUA, Teck Phui Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
17 CHUA, Teck Phui Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Chemistry 40
18 CHUNG, Yin Wai Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English as an Additional Language 44
19 CHUNG, Yin Wai Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Geography 41
20 CHUNG, Yin Wai Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 40
21 COX, Lily Clare Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 43
22 COX, Lily Clare Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Global Politics 41
23 COX, Lily Clare Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood History: Revolutions 41
24 CUI, Mingxuan Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 41
25 DE JONG, Chynna Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood History: Revolutions 44
26 DIGIARIS, Anthea Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Legal Studies 46
27 DING, Nancy Lian Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 44
28 ELLIOTT, Cassandra Monica Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Economics 44
29 ESKANDER, Marina Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Health and Human Development 41
30 EVANS, Natalie Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 46
31 EVERARD, Faith Margaret Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 46
32 FAVILLA, Sophie Arabella Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 50
33 FERNANDO, Anushka Marie Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 43
34 FERNANDO, Sonali Rochelle Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 45
35 FERNANDO, Sonali Rochelle Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 44
36 FERNANDO, Sonali Rochelle Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Chemistry 42
37 FIELD, Bryley Nell Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 50
38 FOO, Isabel Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 44
39 FOO, Isabel Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Chemistry 42
40 FOO, Isabel Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Languages: Japanese Second Language 42
41 FOO, May Yi Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 47
42 GIBBONS, Naomi Hannah Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 48
43 GIBBONS, Naomi Hannah Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood History: Revolutions 43
44 GRAVEN, Rachel Darcy Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 50
45 HAN, Grace Fountain Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 47
46 HAN, Grace Fountain Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Geography 42
47 HAN, Grace Fountain Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Legal Studies 41
48 HE, Jiamin Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
49 HEM, Ashleigh Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Health and Human Development 41
50 HO, Elizabeth Su Yi Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood History: Revolutions 42
51 HO, Shelley Xiao Li Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 43
52 HONG, Rebecca Hooi Yi Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 49
53 HONG, Rebecca Hooi Yi Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Accounting 40
54 HOOKEY, Millicent May Cole Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Further Mathematics 41
55 HORSKA, Ella Frances Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 47
56 HORSKA, Ella Frances Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Legal Studies 44
57 HORSKA, Ella Frances Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Australian History 43
58 HORSKA, Ella Frances Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Theatre Studies 43
59 HU, Angela Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
60 HUANG, Jessica Yimei Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
61 JONES, Jemimah Zoe Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 41
62 KARAKITSOS, Paeton Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 47
63 KAWAKAMI, Ena Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 42
64 KAWAKAMI, Ena Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 42
65 KAWAKAMI, Ena Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Chemistry 40
66 KNOX, Eliza Katherine Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Further Mathematics 41
67 KNOX, Eliza Katherine Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Studio Arts 40
68 KOH, Eleanor Hsieh Yen Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Economics 42
69 KOH, Eleanor Hsieh Yen Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 41
70 KONG, Hei Lam Germaine Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 44
71 KYRANAKIS, Mara Jasmine Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 45
72 LANGFORD, Anna Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 50
73 LANGFORD, Anna Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Art 48
74 LANGFORD, Anna Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Chemistry 43
75 LANGFORD, Anna Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
76 LANGFORD, Anna Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Specialist Mathematics 41
77 LAY, Veda Alexandra Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Languages: Japanese Second Language 41
78 LAY, Veda Alexandra Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 40
79 LI, Clare Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Global Politics 44
80 LI, Clare Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 42
81 LI, Man Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 46
82 LI, Rachael Ze Nan Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Art 43
83 LIANG, Chuqiao Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
84 LIU, Fangyu Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
85 LO, Renee Chi-Sin Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
86 LU, Yiwen Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
87 MACAULAY, Rachael Grace Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood History: Revolutions 40
88 MACPHERSON, Naomi Jane Rosanna Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 49
89 MAHALINGAM, Uma Leonie Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 46
90 MAHALINGAM, Uma Leonie Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
91 MATHIYALAGAN, Mithuja Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 45
92 MATHIYALAGAN, Mithuja Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Languages: Japanese Second Language 43
93 MCLEAN, Angelica Marilyn Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 45
94 MCLEAN, Angelica Marilyn Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Economics 43
95 MCLEAN, Angelica Marilyn Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Legal Studies 43
96 MCLEAN, Angelica Marilyn Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood History: Revolutions 42
97 MELLOR, Harriette Lucy Jane Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Australian History 43
98 NG, Madeleine Jing Ling Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 40
99 NGO, Angie Khoi-Nguyen Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 42
100 NGUYEN, Grace Uyen Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
101 NGUYEN, Grace Uyen Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Music Performance 41
102 NGUYEN, Melanie Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 42
103 PONNAMPALAM, Annalakshmi Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 40
104 QIAN, Jiayi Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Languages: Chinese Second Language Advanced 44
105 QU, Xiaojing Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 44
106 QU, Xiaojing Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Specialist Mathematics 41
107 QUACH, Caroline Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 45
108 RAPER, Jessica Anne Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 45
109 RAPER, Jessica Anne Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Studio Arts 43
110 RAPER, Jessica Anne Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Further Mathematics 40
111 ROE, Emily Jane Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Geography 40
112 ROOS, Emily Kate Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 44
113 SAKER, Amy Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 47
114 SAKER, Amy Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Legal Studies 44
115 SAKER, Amy Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Art 42
116 SAKER, Amy Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Australian History 42
117 SAKER, Amy Elizabeth Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Further Mathematics 40
118 SAMPSON, Emma Michell Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Physical Education 47
119 SAMPSON, Emma Michell Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 43
120 SAMPSON, Emma Michell Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Chemistry 43
121 SAMPSON, Emma Michell Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 42
122 SENEVIRATNE, Sinali Onara Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 43
123 SEOW, Angeline Zyemmund Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 42
124 SURENDRAN, Sarala Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 41
125 SURENDRAN, Sarita Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 48
126 SYLIVRIS, Amy Lauren Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 44
127 TAN, Kaye-Lin Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Geography 43
128 TANG, Michelle Minh-Xuan Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Legal Studies 42
129 TEH, Sara Hui Ling Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
130 TIONG, Denise Ee Wen Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 40
131 TODD, Emma Grace Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Music Performance 48
132 VAN DER WESTHUIZEN, Sophia Grace Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 43
133 WADHWA, Nidhi Rajeev Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 40
134 WANG, Cindy Xin Tong Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Global Politics 43
135 WANG, Qin Yu Pearl Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 41
136 WANG, Xueyi Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 46
137 WILLIAMS, Elinor Laura Jane Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Biology 45
138 WILLIAMS, Elinor Laura Jane Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Languages: Japanese Second Language 40
139 WILLIAMS, Elinor Laura Jane Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
140 WU, Xiao Jing Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 45
141 WU, Xiao Jing Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Legal Studies 43
142 XIE, Katya Pei Yi Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Languages: Japanese Second Language 44
143 YASSA, Sara Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 45
144 ZHANG, Angelina Han Lin Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood English 45
145 ZHANG, Angelina Han Lin Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Economics 41
146 ZHANG, Angelina Han Lin Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
147 ZHOU, Jiqiong Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Languages: Chinese Second Language Advanced 42
148 ZHUANG, Elena Young Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Geography 41
Last Updated: 11 Jan 2017
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