VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2016

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2016, along with their school and subject details.

50 of 53 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 AMIET, Nicole Marie Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Health and Human Development 41
2 ANDREWS, Hannah Marlow Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Studio Arts 41
3 BAR - GIORA, Roy Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Business Management 43
4 BLACKER, Alex Victoria Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
5 BOURKE, Sean Andrew Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
6 BRADLEY-HEISE, Yasmin Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Business Management 41
7 BROWN, Samantha Anne Frances Brighton Secondary College Brighton East English 43
8 BROWN, Samantha Anne Frances Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Health and Human Development 40
9 CARR, Bethany Louise Brighton Secondary College Brighton East English 48
10 CARR, Bethany Louise Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Further Mathematics 41
11 CARR, Bethany Louise Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Global Politics 41
12 CARR, Bethany Louise Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Literature 40
13 CONSTANTI, Madeleine Sarah Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Legal Studies 46
14 CONSTANTI, Madeleine Sarah Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Business Management 45
15 CONSTANTI, Madeleine Sarah Brighton Secondary College Brighton East English 41
16 FIELD, Emma Louise Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Global Politics 41
17 GILBERG, Anthony Brighton Secondary College Brighton East English 44
18 GILBERG, Anthony Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Global Politics 42
19 GOGOASA, Julia Elizabeth Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Business Management 40
20 GOLDBERG, Kirsten Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Health and Human Development 45
21 GORDON, Scott Lawrence Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Global Politics 43
22 GORDON, Scott Lawrence Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Chemistry 40
23 GORDON, Scott Lawrence Brighton Secondary College Brighton East History: Revolutions 40
24 GRANT, Georgia Claire Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Business Management 43
25 HAN, Xukai Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Mathematical Methods (CAS) 45
26 HEIGL, Kurt William Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Further Mathematics 44
27 HEIGL, Kurt William Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Legal Studies 44
28 HEIGL, Kurt William Brighton Secondary College Brighton East English 40
29 HOWIE, Christina Kathryn Brighton Secondary College Brighton East English 43
30 HOWIE, Christina Kathryn Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Studio Arts 42
31 LEW, Chen Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Chemistry 41
32 LEW, Chen Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Physics 40
33 LUI, Matthew Aaron Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Business Management 40
34 LYNN, Albert Jia-Yu Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Product Design and Technology 41
35 MORGAN, Abigail Holly Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Biology 40
36 MORGAN, Abigail Holly Brighton Secondary College Brighton East English 40
37 MORGAN, Abigail Holly Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Legal Studies 40
38 RILEY, Emma Frances Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Physical Education 47
39 RILEY, Emma Frances Brighton Secondary College Brighton East English 44
40 RILEY, Emma Frances Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Further Mathematics 44
41 RILEY, Emma Frances Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Health and Human Development 40
42 ROTENBERG, Noa Brighton Secondary College Brighton East English 43
43 ROTENBERG, Noa Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Further Mathematics 40
44 SCHMALENBACH, Joshua Giacomo Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Further Mathematics 40
45 SEARLE, Ellen Claire Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Health and Human Development 41
46 SEARLE, Ellen Claire Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Psychology 40
47 STEWART, Alana May Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
48 STEWART, Georgia Maree Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
49 WALKER, James Liam Garner Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Further Mathematics 47
50 WHITE, William George Brighton Secondary College Brighton East English 41
Last Updated: 11 Jan 2017
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