VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2015

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2015, along with their school and subject details.

52 of 252 entries are shown.
201 - 252
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201 THOMPSON, Angus O'Day Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
202 THOMPSON, Angus O'Day Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 40
203 THOMPSON, Angus O'Day Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Psychology 40
204 THOMPSON, Louis David Burne Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 45
205 TILLY, Mason Patrick Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 43
206 TILLY, Mason Patrick Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Philosophy 41
207 TOOHEY, Oliver Thomas Shiell Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Legal Studies 40
208 TRIANTAFILLOPOULOS, Sam Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
209 TWIGG, James Frederick Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 43
210 TWIGG, James Frederick Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 40
211 VILLALUZ, Nicholas Rufino Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 41
212 VILLALUZ, Nicholas Rufino Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
213 WACKETT, Jonathan Peter Charles Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 43
214 WACKETT, Jonathan Peter Charles Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 40
215 WANG, Xiaoming Eric Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
216 WANG, Xiaoming Eric Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Specialist Mathematics 42
217 WARING, George Colin Grant Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Australian History 40
218 WATKIN, Hunter George Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 48
219 WATKIN, Hunter George Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 42
220 WATKIN, Hunter George Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Global Politics 41
221 WEBB, Christopher Arun Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physics 41
222 WEBB, Christopher Arun Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 40
223 WEERAWARDENA, Ayesh Maywinda Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physical Education 40
224 WILKINSON, Benjamin Jack Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Psychology 40
225 WILLIAMS, Oscar Jack Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physical Education 40
226 WRIGHT, Toby James Michael Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physical Education 41
227 WU, Youzhi Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English as an Additional Language 50
228 WU, Youzhi Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: Japanese Second Language 48
229 WU, Youzhi Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Specialist Mathematics 42
230 WU, Youzhi Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: Latin 41
231 WYLES, Edward David Lear Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Philosophy 42
232 WYLES, Edward David Lear Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
233 WYLIE, Charles Robert Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 46
234 WYLIE, Charles Robert Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 43
235 WYLIE, Charles Robert Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Australian History 40
236 YEOH, Kelvin Kai Hoe Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 48
237 YOUNG, Frederick Henry Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 49
238 YOUNG, Frederick Henry Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 47
239 YOUNG, Frederick Henry Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Drama 43
240 YUAN, Qi Mu Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Geography 48
241 YUAN, Qi Mu Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English as an Additional Language 47
242 YUAN, Qi Mu Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physics 47
243 YUAN, Qi Mu Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Specialist Mathematics 44
244 YUAN, Qi Mu Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Global Politics 43
245 ZHANG, Richard Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 41
246 ZHANG, Yuan Dong Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
247 ZHU, John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 48
248 ZHU, John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 45
249 ZHU, John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Specialist Mathematics 44
250 ZHU, John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 43
251 ZHU, John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physics 40
252 ZOGRAPHOS, George Alexander Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
Last Updated: 7 Feb 2021
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