VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2015

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2015, along with their school and subject details.

50 of 101 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 BAILOUNI, Sebastien Daniel Mazenod College Mulgrave Interactive Digital Media (VCE VET) 44
2 BARLOW, Jake Stuart Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 42
3 BAROUDI, Daniel Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 46
4 BAROUDI, Daniel Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 41
5 BAVIELLO, Lucas Lorenzo Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 40
6 BAYLY, Brendan Patrick Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
7 BAYLY, Brendan Patrick Mazenod College Mulgrave Physics 40
8 CAUCHI, Cameron John Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 40
9 CAUCHI, Cameron John Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 40
10 CHENG, Kenny Mazenod College Mulgrave English 42
11 CHENG, Kenny Mazenod College Mulgrave Chemistry 41
12 CHEON, Stephen Usheen Mazenod College Mulgrave Music Performance 43
13 CHEON, Stephen Usheen Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 42
14 CHIA, Joshua Ming Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 44
15 CHIA, Raphael Yi Mazenod College Mulgrave Languages: Japanese Second Language 44
16 CHIA, Raphael Yi Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 40
17 CLIFTON, Samuel Stuart Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 45
18 COORAY, Sithij Rinaldi Mazenod College Mulgrave Studio Arts 47
19 COORAY, Sithij Rinaldi Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 40
20 CUMMINGS, Tom William Mazenod College Mulgrave Engineering Studies (VCE VET) 40
21 D'MELLO, Jadyn Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 44
22 D'MELLO, Jadyn Mazenod College Mulgrave Languages: Italian 40
23 D'SOUZA, Kristos Francisco Mazenod College Mulgrave Chemistry 40
24 D'SOUZA, Kristos Francisco Mazenod College Mulgrave English Language 40
25 D'SOUZA, Kristos Francisco Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
26 DIETZEL, Anthony James Mazenod College Mulgrave Psychology 47
27 DIETZEL, Anthony James Mazenod College Mulgrave Geography 46
28 DIETZEL, Anthony James Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 43
29 DIETZEL, Anthony James Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 42
30 DO, Steven Mazenod College Mulgrave Studio Arts 41
31 DO, Steven Mazenod College Mulgrave Visual Communication Design 40
32 DUCKETT, James Herman Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 47
33 DUGGAN, Husharn Liam Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 44
34 DUGGAN, Husharn Liam Mazenod College Mulgrave Physics 44
35 DUGGAN, Husharn Liam Mazenod College Mulgrave English 42
36 DUGGAN, Husharn Liam Mazenod College Mulgrave Chemistry 40
37 FERNANDO, Muthuwadige Trevin Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 42
38 FERNANDO, Nathan Ashan Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 40
39 FERNANDO, Nuwan Christopher Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 42
40 GOONETILLEKE, Githira Sashintha Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 43
41 GRAMATAKOS, Nicholas Salvatore Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 41
42 GUBBELS, Nicholas David Mazenod College Mulgrave English 43
43 GUBBINS, James Matthew Mazenod College Mulgrave Interactive Digital Media (VCE VET) 41
44 HETRELEZIS, Nicholas Mazenod College Mulgrave Geography 40
45 HILL, Jaydyn Mcewan Mazenod College Mulgrave Legal Studies 40
46 HONAN, Michael Ryan Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 40
47 HOU-TOTH, Erick Christopher Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 40
48 HOWLEY, Matthew Joseph Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 48
49 HOWLEY, Matthew Joseph Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 42
50 JOSEPH, Sarath Siby Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 45
Last Updated: 7 Feb 2021
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