VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2015

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2015, along with their school and subject details.

25 of 404 entries are shown.
1 - 25
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1 POCOCK, Eadie Elizabeth MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Drama 50
2 SHAW, Chiquita Gabriella MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne English 50
3 JONES, Olivia Catherine MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Extended Investigation 50
4 LIU, Isabella Yifan MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Further Mathematics 50
5 PARK, Stacey Hyunseo MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Further Mathematics 50
6 WESTON, Hannah Joan MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne History: Revolutions 50
7 HEGDE, Raksha Keshav MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Literature 50
8 PARK, Alex Nayoon MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Visual Communication Design 50
9 WARREN, Georgina Charlotte MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Biology 49
10 BUCKNALL, Fiona Ying MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne English 49
11 SULTANA, Nushrat MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne English 49
12 ZHU, Georgia MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne English 49
13 WONG, Joyce MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Health and Human Development 49
14 LAMBRELLIS, Areti MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne History: Revolutions 49
15 WONG, Celene Sylvia MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne History: Revolutions 49
16 PIETRZAK, Ariane Louise MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Languages: French 49
17 SUMARNO, Jessica Austine MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Languages: Indonesian Second Language 49
18 HOLFORD, Cassandra Le MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Legal Studies 49
19 LIU, Karen MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Literature 49
20 ALFAYADH, Susan Jalal MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Media 49
21 COWLEY, Sabine Regina Claire MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Media 49
22 SPEAR, Hala MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Biology 48
23 WU, Betty MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Biology 48
24 ZHANG, Zoe MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Biology 48
25 TAN, Katrina Yiying MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne English 48
Last Updated: 7 Feb 2021
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