This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2015, along with their school and subject details.
1 | BOUSTEAD, Madelyn Jade | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Psychology | 44 |
2 | BUSSAU, Rachel Anne | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Product Design and Technology | 40 |
3 | CHAN, Ezra Tian Chi | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | IT Applications | 46 |
4 | COATES, Savannah Nicole | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | IT Applications | 42 |
5 | DASCAL, Naomi Chaya | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | History: Revolutions | 47 |
6 | DAVIS, Nicola Jane | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Health and Human Development | 45 |
7 | DAVIS, Nicola Jane | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | English | 42 |
8 | DUNN, Corey Harrison | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Further Mathematics | 43 |
9 | FERNANDO, Sachin Orson | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Further Mathematics | 42 |
10 | FERNANDO, Sascha Fabian | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Biology | 44 |
11 | GAVAN-GLOVER, Courtland Hutchence | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Psychology | 43 |
12 | GEORGE, Tanya Lilly | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | English | 42 |
13 | GLICKMAN, Alon Harold | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Further Mathematics | 40 |
14 | GLICKMAN, Alon Harold | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Health and Human Development | 40 |
15 | HALLIWELL, Lachlan John | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Further Mathematics | 40 |
16 | HULLEY, Laura Bethany | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Psychology | 42 |
17 | HULLEY, Laura Bethany | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Further Mathematics | 40 |
18 | KHOURY-FADEL, Christina | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Biology | 40 |
19 | KHOURY-FADEL, Christina | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Further Mathematics | 40 |
20 | KOMHA, Jennifer | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Biology | 40 |
21 | MARSHALL, Emily Rose | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Physical Education | 41 |
22 | PIKE, Abbey Jayne | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Business Management | 40 |
23 | RIVALLAND, Jasmine Louise | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Product Design and Technology | 40 |
24 | SMITH, Jarryd Connor | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | IT Applications | 40 |
25 | STEINFORT, Olivia Maree | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Psychology | 44 |
26 | STEWART, Valentia | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | IT Applications | 40 |
27 | VRAZALIC, Ajla | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Further Mathematics | 42 |
28 | ZIDOV, Ana | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Psychology | 42 |
29 | ZOHAR, Sivan Haia | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Health and Human Development | 45 |
30 | ZOHAR, Sivan Haia | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | Psychology | 45 |
31 | ZOHAR, Sivan Haia | Bentleigh Secondary College | Bentleigh East | English | 40 |