VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2014

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2014, along with their school and subject details.

39 of 39 entries are shown.
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1 ARCHER, Dylan James St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Visual Communication Design 40
2 ARNOLD, Michael Richard St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully English 41
3 BEACOM, Liam Michael St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Further Mathematics 40
4 BROUGH, Liam Peter St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Further Mathematics 45
5 BROUGH, Liam Peter St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Psychology 41
6 BROUGH, Liam Peter St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Accounting 40
7 CUMMING, James St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Further Mathematics 47
8 CZUDAR, Michael Louis St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Physics 43
9 CZUDAR, Michael Louis St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Specialist Mathematics 40
10 EVANS, Nicholas Fraser St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Psychology 42
11 EVANS, Nicholas Fraser St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Further Mathematics 41
12 JENKIN, James Joseph St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Studio Arts 41
13 JOB, Jack Reagan St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully English 44
14 JOB, Jack Reagan St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully History: Revolutions 43
15 JOB, Jack Reagan St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Literature 40
16 MARSHALL, Dylan John St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Further Mathematics 46
17 MCEWAN, Callum William St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully English 44
18 MCEWAN, Callum William St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully History: Revolutions 41
19 MCLEAN, Harrison Keith St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Integrated Technologies (VCE VET) 45
20 MCLEAN, Harrison Keith St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully English 43
21 MCLEAN, Harrison Keith St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Physics 42
22 PROBERT, Michael Glenn St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully English 41
23 RAK, Christopher John St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Further Mathematics 50
24 RAK, Christopher John St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Accounting 42
25 RAK, Christopher John St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully English 41
26 RAK, Christopher John St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Legal Studies 40
27 SCOTT, Riley William St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Further Mathematics 50
28 SCOTT, Riley William St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Visual Communication Design 46
29 SONDHU, Jasjit Singh St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
30 TAILBY, Jordan Robert St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Physical Education 42
31 TATE, Paul Malcolm St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Studio Arts 42
32 TATE, Paul Malcolm St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Media 41
33 THIELE, Daniel Robert St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Further Mathematics 45
34 TORSELLO, Paul Thomas St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Further Mathematics 41
35 VINCENT, Nicholas Gregory St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Further Mathematics 43
36 WATERMAN, Mitchell David St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Further Mathematics 44
37 WATERMAN, Nathan John St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Integrated Technologies (VCE VET) 48
38 WORSNOP, Lachlan James St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Physical Education 42
39 WRIGHT, James Daniel St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Integrated Technologies (VCE VET) 42
Last Updated: 8 Feb 2021
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