VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2014

Filtered by School Name and Subject Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2014, along with their school and subject details.

37 of 37 entries are shown.
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1 CHAU, Kevin Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 42
2 CHENG, David Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
3 DE MEL, Gihan Chameera Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
4 DO, Brendon Giang Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 44
5 HE, Yunxu Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 46
6 JIN, Tae Hyun Sam Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 45
7 KUMARAPELI, Sachintha Lakshika Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 46
8 LA, Paul Bao Duy Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
9 LE, Tommy Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
10 LENG, Samuel Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
11 LI, Yigeng Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
12 LIM, Brandon Shee Pey Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 44
13 LIYANAGE, Dinith Deshan Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 47
14 LOU, Michael Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 42
15 LUONG, John Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
16 PATEL, Aayush Ashutosh Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 44
17 PERERA, Hasith Manodya Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
18 QUE, Michael Shaobo Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
19 RAMANEEDHARAN, Kiridaran Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
20 SHEE, Jack Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
21 SRITHARAN, Mayuran Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 45
22 TANG, Truman Chung Mun Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
23 TRAN, Peter Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
24 TU, Samuel Jie Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 45
25 VAN, Matthew Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 42
26 VENKATESH, Vigneshwar Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
27 WANG, Andrew Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
28 WANG, Terry Zhu-Xin Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
29 WONG, Kevin Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
30 WOO, Eric Ka Ho Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 42
31 WU, Yu Wen Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 42
32 XU, Leon Cai Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
33 YANG, Kevin Sing Hoi Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 45
34 YI, Simon Shanning Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 48
35 ZENG, Kevin James Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 45
36 ZHONG, Mason Tao Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
37 ZHOU, Zi Kai Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
Last Updated: 8 Feb 2021
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