VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2014

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2014, along with their school and subject details.

57 of 107 entries are shown.
51 - 107
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51 LE, Nathan Scott Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 43
52 LEOW, Jordan Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 40
53 LUC, Kelvin Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 42
54 MAI, Phillip Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 46
55 MAI, Phillip Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 42
56 MAJSTOROVIC, Nikola Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
57 MANZO, Joshua James Mazenod College Mulgrave English 41
58 MAYNARD, Alexander George Mazenod College Mulgrave Literature 49
59 MICHAEL, James Daniel Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 42
60 MICHAEL, James Daniel Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 42
61 MINACK, Jack Declan Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 45
62 NG, Benjamin Paul Kwok Leong Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 43
63 NGUYEN, Leo Linh-Khoi Mazenod College Mulgrave Music Performance 40
64 NGUYEN, Phillip Mazenod College Mulgrave Visual Communication Design 43
65 NGUYEN, Phillip Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
66 NGUYEN, Thomas Mazenod College Mulgrave Specialist Mathematics 46
67 NGUYEN, Thomas Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 45
68 NGUYEN, Thomas Mazenod College Mulgrave Chemistry 43
69 NGUYEN, Thomas Mazenod College Mulgrave Physics 42
70 NGUYEN, Thomas Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
71 OPT HOOG, Renn Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 48
72 OPT HOOG, Renn Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 46
73 PEIRIS, Vimaj Mazenod College Mulgrave English 45
74 PEIRIS, Vimaj Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
75 PHAM, James Kien Mazenod College Mulgrave English 45
76 PHAM, James Kien Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
77 PHAN, Alan Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
78 PHAN, Loi Van Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 43
79 RILEY, Benjamin Drew Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 41
80 RODRIGO, Vishwantha M Pulahinge Mazenod College Mulgrave Chemistry 49
81 RODRIGO, Vishwantha M Pulahinge Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 45
82 RODRIGO, Vishwantha M Pulahinge Mazenod College Mulgrave Physics 44
83 RODRIGO, Vishwantha M Pulahinge Mazenod College Mulgrave Specialist Mathematics 43
84 RODRIGO, Vishwantha M Pulahinge Mazenod College Mulgrave English as an Additional Language 41
85 ROONEY, Thomas Anthony Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 40
86 SHIELDS, Jake William Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 40
87 SOHLER, Leonardo Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 40
88 STUTZ, Mark Gordon Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 44
89 TANG, Michael Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 45
90 TANG, Michael Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 42
91 TANG, Michael Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 40
92 TIE, Michael Jin-Liong Mazenod College Mulgrave Engineering Studies (Certificate II) 50
93 TODESCO, Robert John Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 50
94 TODESCO, Robert John Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 49
95 TRAN, Simon Jak Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 42
96 TRUONG, Alex Pham Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 42
97 TRUONG, Giahuy Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 40
98 TUDEHOPE, Andrew Afonso Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 44
99 TUDEHOPE, Andrew Afonso Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 42
100 VAN RENSBURG, Elijah Gabriel Mazenod College Mulgrave English 42
101 VELUPILLAY, Navin James Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 43
102 WALKER, Marcus Paul Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
103 WALKER, Marcus Paul Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
104 WEERAKKODY, Dumindu Gayashan Mazenod College Mulgrave English 47
105 WEERAKKODY, Dumindu Gayashan Mazenod College Mulgrave Chemistry 43
106 WEERAKKODY, Dumindu Gayashan Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
107 WIJEYERATNE, Adrian Himesh Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 44
Last Updated: 8 Feb 2021
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