51 | LE, Nathan Scott | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Business Management | 43 |
52 | LEOW, Jordan | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Software Development | 40 |
53 | LUC, Kelvin | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Religion and Society | 42 |
54 | MAI, Phillip | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | History: Revolutions | 46 |
55 | MAI, Phillip | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Religion and Society | 42 |
56 | MAJSTOROVIC, Nikola | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Mathematical Methods (CAS) | 42 |
57 | MANZO, Joshua James | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | English | 41 |
58 | MAYNARD, Alexander George | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Literature | 49 |
59 | MICHAEL, James Daniel | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | History: Revolutions | 42 |
60 | MICHAEL, James Daniel | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Religion and Society | 42 |
61 | MINACK, Jack Declan | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | History: Revolutions | 45 |
62 | NG, Benjamin Paul Kwok Leong | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Further Mathematics | 43 |
63 | NGUYEN, Leo Linh-Khoi | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Music Performance | 40 |
64 | NGUYEN, Phillip | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Visual Communication Design | 43 |
65 | NGUYEN, Phillip | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | English | 40 |
66 | NGUYEN, Thomas | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Specialist Mathematics | 46 |
67 | NGUYEN, Thomas | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Mathematical Methods (CAS) | 45 |
68 | NGUYEN, Thomas | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Chemistry | 43 |
69 | NGUYEN, Thomas | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Physics | 42 |
70 | NGUYEN, Thomas | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | English | 40 |
71 | OPT HOOG, Renn | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | History: Revolutions | 48 |
72 | OPT HOOG, Renn | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Religion and Society | 46 |
73 | PEIRIS, Vimaj | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | English | 45 |
74 | PEIRIS, Vimaj | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Mathematical Methods (CAS) | 40 |
75 | PHAM, James Kien | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | English | 45 |
76 | PHAM, James Kien | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Mathematical Methods (CAS) | 43 |
77 | PHAN, Alan | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Mathematical Methods (CAS) | 43 |
78 | PHAN, Loi Van | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Further Mathematics | 43 |
79 | RILEY, Benjamin Drew | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Further Mathematics | 41 |
80 | RODRIGO, Vishwantha M Pulahinge | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Chemistry | 49 |
81 | RODRIGO, Vishwantha M Pulahinge | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Mathematical Methods (CAS) | 45 |
82 | RODRIGO, Vishwantha M Pulahinge | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Physics | 44 |
83 | RODRIGO, Vishwantha M Pulahinge | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Specialist Mathematics | 43 |
84 | RODRIGO, Vishwantha M Pulahinge | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | English as an Additional Language | 41 |
85 | ROONEY, Thomas Anthony | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Business Management | 40 |
86 | SHIELDS, Jake William | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Business Management | 40 |
87 | SOHLER, Leonardo | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Religion and Society | 40 |
88 | STUTZ, Mark Gordon | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Religion and Society | 44 |
89 | TANG, Michael | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Business Management | 45 |
90 | TANG, Michael | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Further Mathematics | 42 |
91 | TANG, Michael | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Accounting | 40 |
92 | TIE, Michael Jin-Liong | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Engineering Studies (Certificate II) | 50 |
93 | TODESCO, Robert John | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Religion and Society | 50 |
94 | TODESCO, Robert John | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | History: Revolutions | 49 |
95 | TRAN, Simon Jak | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Religion and Society | 42 |
96 | TRUONG, Alex Pham | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Business Management | 42 |
97 | TRUONG, Giahuy | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Software Development | 40 |
98 | TUDEHOPE, Andrew Afonso | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Religion and Society | 44 |
99 | TUDEHOPE, Andrew Afonso | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | History: Revolutions | 42 |
100 | VAN RENSBURG, Elijah Gabriel | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | English | 42 |
101 | VELUPILLAY, Navin James | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Religion and Society | 43 |
102 | WALKER, Marcus Paul | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Mathematical Methods (CAS) | 43 |
103 | WALKER, Marcus Paul | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | English | 40 |
104 | WEERAKKODY, Dumindu Gayashan | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | English | 47 |
105 | WEERAKKODY, Dumindu Gayashan | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Chemistry | 43 |
106 | WEERAKKODY, Dumindu Gayashan | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Mathematical Methods (CAS) | 41 |
107 | WIJEYERATNE, Adrian Himesh | Mazenod College | Mulgrave | Business Management | 44 |