VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2014

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2014, along with their school and subject details.

53 of 103 entries are shown.
51 - 103
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51 MCDONOUGH, Maggie Jane Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 40
52 MCGUIRE, Matilda Ella Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 46
53 MCGUIRE, Matilda Ella Lauriston Girls School Armadale Legal Studies 43
54 MCGUIRE, Matilda Ella Lauriston Girls School Armadale Psychology 42
55 MCGUIRE, Matilda Ella Lauriston Girls School Armadale History: Revolutions 41
56 MCKENZIE, Kate Elizabeth Lauriston Girls School Armadale Studio Arts 50
57 PAINE, Georgia Jane Lauriston Girls School Armadale Studio Arts 41
58 PENPRASE, Ellodie Jane Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 45
59 PHILIP, Anna Jane Lauriston Girls School Armadale Psychology 50
60 PHILIP, Anna Jane Lauriston Girls School Armadale Further Mathematics 45
61 PHILIP, Anna Jane Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 43
62 PHILIP, Anna Jane Lauriston Girls School Armadale Biology 42
63 PYMAN, Genevieve Dianna Lauriston Girls School Armadale Physical Education 45
64 RALPH, Sophie Madeleine Lauriston Girls School Armadale Business Management 43
65 RALPH, Sophie Madeleine Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 41
66 RAO, Alisha Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 46
67 RAO, Alisha Lauriston Girls School Armadale Business Management 43
68 RAO, Alisha Lauriston Girls School Armadale Economics 42
69 RAO, Alisha Lauriston Girls School Armadale Legal Studies 40
70 SINCLAIR, Georgia Grace Lauriston Girls School Armadale Media 50
71 SINCLAIR, Georgia Grace Lauriston Girls School Armadale Visual Communication Design 42
72 SINCLAIR, Georgia Grace Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 40
73 SOO, Julienne Xia Ming Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 50
74 SOUST, Ellen Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 43
75 STARR, Rosemary Louise Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 42
76 STARR, Rosemary Louise Lauriston Girls School Armadale Biology 41
77 STESIN, Alexandra Devi Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 42
78 THOMPSON, Rachel Rose Polya Lauriston Girls School Armadale Psychology 42
79 THOMSON, Sara Mary Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 50
80 THOMSON, Sara Mary Lauriston Girls School Armadale Biology 46
81 THOMSON, Sara Mary Lauriston Girls School Armadale Psychology 43
82 THOMSON, Sara Mary Lauriston Girls School Armadale Further Mathematics 40
83 TOLAT, Malvika Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 45
84 TOLAT, Malvika Lauriston Girls School Armadale Further Mathematics 40
85 TRAN, Yen Hue Lauriston Girls School Armadale Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
86 TRUONG, Michelle Ming Yao Lauriston Girls School Armadale Biology 45
87 TRUONG, Michelle Ming Yao Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 45
88 TRUONG, Michelle Ming Yao Lauriston Girls School Armadale Further Mathematics 43
89 TRUONG, Michelle Ming Yao Lauriston Girls School Armadale Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
90 TRUONG, Michelle Ming Yao Lauriston Girls School Armadale Chemistry 41
91 WANG, Yu Chen Lauriston Girls School Armadale English as an Additional Language 45
92 WANG, Yu Chen Lauriston Girls School Armadale Mathematical Methods (CAS) 44
93 WANG, Yu Chen Lauriston Girls School Armadale Chemistry 41
94 WANG, Yu Chen Lauriston Girls School Armadale Physics 41
95 WILSON, Kara Mckenzie Lauriston Girls School Armadale Theatre Studies 40
96 WITTNER, Georgia Isabella Lauriston Girls School Armadale Visual Communication Design 48
97 WITTNER, Georgia Isabella Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 45
98 WITTNER, Georgia Isabella Lauriston Girls School Armadale Physical Education 45
99 WU, Grace Yanyan Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 46
100 YANG, Zhiyu Lauriston Girls School Armadale English as an Additional Language 47
101 YANG, Zhiyu Lauriston Girls School Armadale Visual Communication Design 44
102 YANG, Zhiyu Lauriston Girls School Armadale Studio Arts 43
103 YANG, Zhiyu Lauriston Girls School Armadale Further Mathematics 42
Last Updated: 8 Feb 2021
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