VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2013

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2013, along with their school and subject details.

197 of 197 entries are shown.
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1 Albiston, Thomas Frankston High School Frankston Outdoor and Environmental Studies 47
2 Alexander, Sarah Catholic College Sale Sale Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
3 Amy, Stephanie Salesian College Sunbury Sunbury Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
4 Andersen, Jye Wonthaggi Secondary College Wonthaggi Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
5 Antonopoulos, Sofia Penola Catholic College Broadmeadows Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
6 Appleby, Thomas Lilydale High School Lilydale Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
7 Arians, Ryan Benalla P-12 College Benalla Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
8 Armstrong, Thomas Catholic Regional College Sydenham Sydenham Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
9 Ball, Kerry Nagle College Bairnsdale Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
10 Barallon, Kayla Beaconhills College Berwick Berwick Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
11 Bastin, Eleanor Woodleigh School Langwarrin South Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
12 Beggs, Brittany Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
13 Bennett, Harrison St Josephs College Geelong Newtown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
14 Blattman, Jack Luther College Croydon Hills Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
15 Blazevski, Emily Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Outdoor and Environmental Studies 46
16 Botta, Hannah Benalla P-12 College Benalla Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
17 Bowers, Charlie St Josephs College Geelong Newtown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
18 Bradshaw, Ruby Mercy Regional College Camperdown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 46
19 Bramich, Thomas Beaconhills College Berwick Berwick Outdoor and Environmental Studies 46
20 Brooks, Lydia Ballarat High School Ballarat Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
21 Brown, Alyshia Padua College Mornington Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
22 Brown, Leesa Koo Wee Rup Secondary College Koo Wee Rup Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
23 Brown, Myles Sandringham College Sandringham Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
24 Bruns, Megan Charlton College Charlton Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
25 Budge, Ryan Saint Ignatius College Drysdale Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
26 Burnell, Sheridan Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College Geelong Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
27 Bury, Renae Trafalgar High School Trafalgar Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
28 Butera, Bridget Penola Catholic College Broadmeadows Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
29 Caldow, Matthew St Josephs College Geelong Newtown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
30 Campbell, Andrew Luther College Croydon Hills Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
31 Cheslett, Thomas Mercy Regional College Camperdown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
32 Clarke, April North Geelong Secondary College Geelong North Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
33 Clarke, Elizabeth Bayside Christian College Langwarrin South Outdoor and Environmental Studies 46
34 Cole, Eliza St Josephs College Geelong Newtown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
35 Coletti, Jessie Penola Catholic College Broadmeadows Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
36 Collins Levy, Michael Woodleigh School Langwarrin South Outdoor and Environmental Studies 50
37 Connell, Chelsea Healesville High School Healesville Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
38 Costello, Joel St Bernards College Essendon Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
39 Cowan, Ebony Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
40 Croft, Georgia Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
41 Damato, Patrick Penola Catholic College Broadmeadows Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
42 Dawe, Ryan Elisabeth Murdoch College Langwarrin Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
43 Day, Grace Echuca College Echuca Outdoor and Environmental Studies 46
44 De Zilva, Nathan Penola Catholic College Broadmeadows Outdoor and Environmental Studies 50
45 Dillema, Sophie Mooroolbark College Mooroolbark Outdoor and Environmental Studies 47
46 Donohue, Cameron Mount Eliza Secondary College Mount Eliza Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
47 Dullard, Alexis Padua College Mornington Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
48 Dunne, Liam Bellarine Secondary College Drysdale Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
49 Dyke, Melissa Chairo Christian School Drouin Drouin Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
50 Edmondson, Robert Beaconhills College Berwick Berwick Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
51 Elgar, Jaimi Echuca College Echuca Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
52 Espenschied, Tahlia Padua College Mornington Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
53 Everett, Samuel St Josephs College Geelong Newtown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 48
54 Excell, Chelsey Saint Ignatius College Drysdale Outdoor and Environmental Studies 47
55 Exton, Louella Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 47
56 Faust, Nicholas Williamstown High School Williamstown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
57 Fiddes, Aaron Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
58 Fitzgerald, Gabrielle Mater Christi College Belgrave Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
59 Frawley, Kaitlyn Beaconhills College Berwick Berwick Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
60 Freeman, Isobel Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
61 Gaffney, Kris Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
62 Gardner, Breanna Frankston High School Frankston Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
63 Gilhooley, Daniel Sandringham College Sandringham Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
64 Gillbee, Lisa Wonthaggi Secondary College Wonthaggi Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
65 Goodwin, Maximilian Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
66 Gottwald, Annabelle Billanook College Mooroolbark Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
67 Gould, Jane Boort District P-12 School Boort Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
68 Gundry, Hannah Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
69 Gunner, Millicent Galen College Wangaratta Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
70 Hallyburton, Amy Mercy Regional College Camperdown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 46
71 Hamilton, Maeve Padua College Mornington Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
72 Hammill, Beren Frankston High School Frankston Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
73 Handby, Gina Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
74 Harrison, Courtney Frankston High School Frankston Outdoor and Environmental Studies 50
75 Hindle, Elizabeth Wangaratta High School Wangaratta Outdoor and Environmental Studies 50
76 Hobbs, Tom St Josephs College Geelong Newtown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
77 Hocking, Emma Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
78 Hollway, Juliana Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
79 Holmes, Monique Sacred Heart College Kyneton Kyneton Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
80 Holroyd, Rochelle Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College Geelong Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
81 Huxley, Alysha Chairo Christian School Drouin Drouin Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
82 Ingamells, Alexandra Luther College Croydon Hills Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
83 Inger, Louise Elisabeth Murdoch College Langwarrin Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
84 Ireland, Michael Wanganui Park Secondary College Shepparton Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
85 Jennings, Brooke Girton Grammar School Bendigo Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
86 Johnstone, Cassie Beaconhills College Berwick Berwick Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
87 Jones, Eliza Sandringham College Sandringham Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
88 Jopling, Ashleigh Frankston High School Frankston Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
89 Kalpokas, Oliver Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne Outdoor and Environmental Studies 46
90 Keast, Meghan Lavalla Catholic College Traralgon Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
91 Keep, Ebony Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
92 Kelenc-Gasior, Nadine Salesian College Sunbury Sunbury Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
93 Kennedy, Michaela Ave Maria College Aberfeldie Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
94 Kernaghan, Samantha Oberon High School Armstrong Creek Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
95 Kernahan, Holly Vermont Secondary College Vermont Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
96 Keryk, Madeline Ave Maria College Aberfeldie Outdoor and Environmental Studies 47
97 Koroneos, Matthew Penola Catholic College Broadmeadows Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
98 Kousal, Joshua Luther College Croydon Hills Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
99 Laffin, Emily Luther College Croydon Hills Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
100 Larsen, Isa Waverley Christian College Wantirna South Wantirna South Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
101 Lavender, Edward Girton Grammar School Bendigo Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
102 Lennon, Philippa Woodleigh School Langwarrin South Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
103 Leyden, Amy Lara Secondary College Lara Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
104 Liddell, Erin Maffra Secondary College Maffra Outdoor and Environmental Studies 47
105 Linane, Chanelle Ballarat High School Ballarat Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
106 Lipari, Jordan Elisabeth Murdoch College Langwarrin Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
107 Livesay, Georgia Overnewton Anglican College Keilor Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
108 Logie, Madelaine Catholic Regional College Sydenham Sydenham Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
109 Long, Alana Echuca College Echuca Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
110 Look, Alison Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 49
111 Lowing, Brayden Sunbury Downs Secondary College Sunbury Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
112 Macdonald, Jessica Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
113 Mackay, Alexandra Emmanuel College Warrnambool Warrnambool Outdoor and Environmental Studies 48
114 Marinelli, Luke St Bernards College Essendon Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
115 Martyn, Natalie Warragul Regional College Warragul Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
116 May, Brayden Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
117 Mayo, Sarah Kurnai College University Campus Churchill Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
118 Mccullough, Henry Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
119 Mcgindle, Imogen Koo Wee Rup Secondary College Koo Wee Rup Outdoor and Environmental Studies 47
120 Mckenna, Patrick Salesian College Sunbury Sunbury Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
121 Mcnish, Abby Wonthaggi Secondary College Wonthaggi Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
122 Mims, Bianca Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
123 Minns, Kiralee Williamstown High School Williamstown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
124 Moloney, Maria Emmanuel College Warrnambool Warrnambool Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
125 Monaghan, Ellen Sandringham College Sandringham Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
126 Moore - Gadd, Brylee Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
127 Moss, Liam Williamstown High School Williamstown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
128 Mountjoy, Celine Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
129 Murfet, Zachary Warragul Regional College Warragul Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
130 Napoleone, Andre Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
131 Nolan, Stephanie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
132 Nunan, Maeve St Josephs College Geelong Newtown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
133 Nurse, Ellen Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
134 O'Grady, Mahlon Luther College Croydon Hills Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
135 O'Halloran, Stephanie Mansfield Secondary College Mansfield Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
136 Olivier-Gargano, Laurence Frankston High School Frankston Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
137 Oxenham, Khan Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
138 Patterson, Emily Frankston High School Frankston Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
139 Pecar, Morgan Bellarine Secondary College Drysdale Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
140 Pecchiari, Nicholas St Josephs College Geelong Newtown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
141 Pendy, Lee-Jillian Rosebud Secondary College Rosebud Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
142 Percy, Gemma Bellarine Secondary College Drysdale Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
143 Peters, Ebony Wanganui Park Secondary College Shepparton Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
144 Pintar, Ebony Koo Wee Rup Secondary College Koo Wee Rup Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
145 Pitches, Morgan Yarrawonga College P-12 Yarrawonga Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
146 Polman-Short, Mieke Warragul Regional College Warragul Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
147 Powell, Cydney Penola Catholic College Broadmeadows Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
148 Powell, Miranda Woodleigh School Langwarrin South Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
149 Ramsay, Tanzin Mount Eliza Secondary College Mount Eliza Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
150 Reupert-Allen, Codie Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College Geelong Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
151 Rhode, Dana Mercy Regional College Camperdown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
152 Rigby, Laura Frankston High School Frankston Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
153 Roadnight, Benjamin Beaconhills College Berwick Berwick Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
154 Roberts, Kellie Ave Maria College Aberfeldie Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
155 Roberts, Samuel Lavalla Catholic College Traralgon Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
156 Robinson, Daniella Beaconhills College Pakenham Pakenham Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
157 Rocca, Luke St Bernards College Essendon Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
158 Rodriguez, Andrea Hillcrest Christian College Clyde North Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
159 Ronchi-Banay, Ezra Mount Eliza Secondary College Mount Eliza Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
160 Rowland, Clare Catholic College Wodonga Wodonga Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
161 Rundle, Caitlyn Clonard College Herne Hill Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
162 Ryan, Liam Emmanuel College Warrnambool Warrnambool Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
163 Sartori, Melissa Wangaratta High School Wangaratta Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
164 Schneider, Hannah Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 49
165 Schutt, Cody Galen College Wangaratta Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
166 Shaw, Emily Emmanuel College Warrnambool Warrnambool Outdoor and Environmental Studies 48
167 Shaw, Ruby Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
168 Shelley, Bevan St Josephs College Geelong Newtown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 48
169 Sherlock, Aaron Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
170 Siddle, Paige Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
171 Sinclair, Tamara Wanganui Park Secondary College Shepparton Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
172 Singh, Gayatri Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
173 Slaney, Gaelen Mansfield Secondary College Mansfield Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
174 Slykhuis, Jack St Leonards College Brighton East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
175 Smith, Bailey Frankston High School Frankston Outdoor and Environmental Studies 48
176 Smith, Joshua Frankston High School Frankston Outdoor and Environmental Studies 46
177 Stanford, Dana Girton Grammar School Bendigo Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
178 Starlight, Rose Leongatha Secondary College Leongatha Outdoor and Environmental Studies 47
179 Thomas, Jenna Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Outdoor and Environmental Studies 46
180 Thompson, Benjamin Luther College Croydon Hills Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
181 Timmins, Ryan Girton Grammar School Bendigo Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
182 Tiplady, Georgina Beaconhills College Berwick Berwick Outdoor and Environmental Studies 45
183 Todhunter, Mathew Catholic College Wodonga Wodonga Outdoor and Environmental Studies 46
184 Tognazzini, Olivia Flinders Christian Community College Carrum Downs Carrum Downs Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
185 Walk, Jack Warragul Regional College Warragul Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
186 Walker, Tamika Frankston High School Frankston Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
187 Wallace, Rebecca Frankston High School Frankston Outdoor and Environmental Studies 49
188 Wallace, Sarah Frankston High School Frankston Outdoor and Environmental Studies 49
189 Warncke, Rachael Sunbury Downs Secondary College Sunbury Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
190 Watson, Alice Williamstown High School Williamstown Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
191 Webster, Cody Benalla P-12 College Benalla Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
192 Whelan, Aimee Penola Catholic College Broadmeadows Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
193 Whittington, Thomas Western Heights College Hamlyn Heights Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
194 Whitworth, Jessica Mater Christi College Belgrave Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
195 Williamson, Hannah Chairo Christian School Drouin Drouin Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
196 Wines, Samuel St Patricks College Ballarat Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
197 Wright, Jacqueline Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College Geelong Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
Last Updated: 18 May 2023
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