VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2013

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2013, along with their school and subject details.

200 of 290 entries are shown.
1 - 200
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1 Adams, Jessie Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury Food and Technology 40
2 Albert, Tekarie St Josephs College Echuca Echuca Food and Technology 40
3 Allison, Brianna Marist Sion College Warragul Food and Technology 45
4 Anam, Aulia Balwyn High School Balwyn North Food and Technology 44
5 Anderson, Claire Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Food and Technology 41
6 Andrews, Jared Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Food and Technology 41
7 Andrews, Simone Mount St Joseph Girls College Altona Food and Technology 40
8 Antolasic, William Ringwood Secondary College Ringwood Food and Technology 47
9 Axarlis, Katerina Shelford Girls Grammar Caulfield Food and Technology 40
10 Ball, Kerry Nagle College Bairnsdale Food and Technology 41
11 Barbazza, Fiona Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Food and Technology 44
12 Barber, Kate Westbourne Grammar School Truganina Food and Technology 42
13 Barber, Stephanie St Brigids College Horsham Food and Technology 50
14 Barker, Katherine Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Food and Technology 47
15 Bathman, Jacqueline Shelford Girls Grammar Caulfield Food and Technology 44
16 Bayly, Tara St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul Food and Technology 40
17 Beck, Rachel Shelford Girls Grammar Caulfield Food and Technology 41
18 Belfrage-Young, Brienna Forest Hill College Burwood East Food and Technology 40
19 Bell, Yasmin Rosehill Secondary College Niddrie Food and Technology 40
20 Belton, Tahlia St Mary MacKillop College Swan Hill Food and Technology 44
21 Bester, Nicole Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Food and Technology 40
22 Bialecki, Natalie Ave Maria College Aberfeldie Food and Technology 46
23 Biggs, Nicole Bairnsdale Secondary College Bairnsdale Food and Technology 48
24 Bond, Shanae Montmorency Secondary College Montmorency Food and Technology 41
25 Borg, Lauren Mount St Joseph Girls College Altona Food and Technology 44
26 Boultwood, Tahla Salesian College Sunbury Sunbury Food and Technology 42
27 Bree, Stephanie Oxley Christian College Chirnside Park Food and Technology 47
28 Bresnahan, Tess Upwey High School Upwey Food and Technology 49
29 Broide, Lauren Star of the Sea College Brighton Food and Technology 43
30 Brown, Lucy Warrnambool College Warrnambool Food and Technology 43
31 Bruyns, Lauren Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Food and Technology 45
32 Buchner, Charlie Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Food and Technology 42
33 Burchell, Elysia Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Food and Technology 42
34 Butler, Juliet Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Food and Technology 45
35 Butler, Katherine Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury Food and Technology 50
36 Buttigieg-Clarke, Austin Williamstown High School Williamstown Food and Technology 40
37 Cabral, Amy Penola Catholic College Broadmeadows Food and Technology 42
38 Calwell, Sarah Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury Food and Technology 46
39 Campagna, Pia Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Food and Technology 45
40 Candusso, Rosie Northcote High School Northcote Food and Technology 43
41 Carino, Stefanie Kilbreda College Mentone Food and Technology 42
42 Carney, Zoe Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury Food and Technology 42
43 Carson, Hannah Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Food and Technology 45
44 Cham, Madeline Toorak College Mount Eliza Food and Technology 50
45 Chapman, Jasmine Mount Eliza Secondary College Mount Eliza Food and Technology 43
46 Chosich, Stephanie St Michaels Grammar School St Kilda Food and Technology 47
47 Ciarrocchi, Ebony Academy of Mary Immaculate Fitzroy Food and Technology 43
48 Clark, Sarah Balwyn High School Balwyn North Food and Technology 41
49 Condor, Esther Marie Mount St Joseph Girls College Altona Food and Technology 40
50 Constable, Patrick Damascus College Mount Clear Food and Technology 42
51 Coogan, Emma Belmont High School Belmont Food and Technology 42
52 Cooper, Emma Padua College Mornington Food and Technology 42
53 Corlass, Renee Bairnsdale Secondary College Bairnsdale Food and Technology 45
54 Corris, Emily Luther College Croydon Hills Food and Technology 42
55 Costello, Daniel St Leonards College Brighton East Food and Technology 40
56 Crossley, Marcus Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Food and Technology 40
57 Currie, Sharon Glenvale School Vic Epping Food and Technology 42
58 Dalla Zuanna, Grace Santa Maria College Northcote Food and Technology 40
59 Dalla-Zuanna, Melinda Santa Maria College Northcote Food and Technology 44
60 Dang, Quynh Keilor Downs College Keilor Downs Food and Technology 45
61 Davidson, Victoria Shelford Girls Grammar Caulfield Food and Technology 41
62 Davies, Hugh St Michaels Grammar School St Kilda Food and Technology 41
63 Davine, Kate Marist Sion College Warragul Food and Technology 46
64 Davis, Hannah Hillcrest Christian College Clyde North Food and Technology 41
65 De Bruin, Mitchell John Paul College Frankston Food and Technology 41
66 De Candia, Rachel Padua College Mornington Food and Technology 42
67 De Pellegrin, Chiara Methodist Ladies College Kew Food and Technology 40
68 De Santis, Emma Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Food and Technology 49
69 De Vere, Samantha St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul Food and Technology 40
70 Delbridge, Olivia Methodist Ladies College Kew Food and Technology 43
71 Deville, Benjamin St Leonards College Brighton East Food and Technology 41
72 Devine, Sarah Maranatha Christian School Endeavour Hills Food and Technology 41
73 Di Fabrizio, Sophie St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul Food and Technology 43
74 Diston, Ashlee St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul Food and Technology 43
75 Do, Ai Academy of Mary Immaculate Fitzroy Food and Technology 41
76 Douglas-Byrnes, Genevieve Benalla P-12 College Benalla Food and Technology 41
77 Dushyanthen, Narmatha Balwyn High School Balwyn North Food and Technology 43
78 Edwards, Polly Methodist Ladies College Kew Food and Technology 47
79 El-Khoury, Victoria Methodist Ladies College Kew Food and Technology 45
80 Elmas, Courtney Greensborough Secondary College Greensborough Food and Technology 41
81 England-Hill, Rebekah Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe Food and Technology 40
82 Erez, Ebony McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Food and Technology 40
83 Evans, Jessica Balwyn High School Balwyn North Food and Technology 40
84 Excell, Chelsey Saint Ignatius College Drysdale Food and Technology 50
85 Eynaud, Taylah Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Food and Technology 40
86 Farrow, Todd Beaconhills College Berwick Berwick Food and Technology 41
87 Farrugia, Breanna Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Food and Technology 44
88 Fedele, Isabella Santa Maria College Northcote Food and Technology 47
89 Ferrier, Meg Frankston High School Frankston Food and Technology 40
90 Finch, Carla Mercy Regional College Camperdown Food and Technology 40
91 Finch, Jaymie Timboon P-12 School Timboon Food and Technology 40
92 Formica, Melanie Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore Food and Technology 50
93 Fowler, Georgia Swinburne Senior Secondary College Hawthorn Food and Technology 43
94 Fulton-Drendel, Rhona Rainbow P-12 College Rainbow Food and Technology 43
95 Fusinato, Sarah Marist Sion College Warragul Food and Technology 48
96 Gaglioti, Laura Academy of Mary Immaculate Fitzroy Food and Technology 42
97 Ganapathy, Surabhi Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Food and Technology 47
98 Gervasoni, Cartia Santa Maria College Northcote Food and Technology 41
99 Giantsios, Victoria Bendigo Senior Secondary College Bendigo Food and Technology 44
100 Gilbert, Miranda Williamstown High School Williamstown Food and Technology 40
101 Glennon, Mikaela St Aloysius College North Melbourne Food and Technology 43
102 Gliouzberg, Rosanna St Michaels Grammar School St Kilda Food and Technology 41
103 Goessler, Emily Genazzano F.C.J. College Kew Food and Technology 42
104 Goring, Lucinda Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School Essendon Food and Technology 40
105 Gray, Kaysee Rochester Secondary College Rochester Food and Technology 41
106 Green, Madison Luther College Croydon Hills Food and Technology 43
107 Griffin, Amy Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Food and Technology 40
108 Grimshaw, Alysha Glenvale School Vic Epping Food and Technology 42
109 Gronow, Sharman Melbourne Girls College Richmond Food and Technology 42
110 Gulle, Jacqueline Sunbury College Sunbury Food and Technology 41
111 Guthrie, Zoe Mount Eliza Secondary College Mount Eliza Food and Technology 40
112 H'Ng, Denyse Mount Waverley Secondary College Mount Waverley Food and Technology 46
113 Haddad, Marlene Lalor Secondary College Lalor Food and Technology 40
114 Haniffa, Khadija Nossal High School Berwick Food and Technology 43
115 Hargrave, Olivia McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Food and Technology 42
116 Harper, Isla Padua College Mornington Food and Technology 40
117 Hedger, Sarah Beaconhills College Berwick Berwick Food and Technology 43
118 Hermiston, Phoebe Toorak College Mount Eliza Food and Technology 40
119 Hickman, Claire Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Food and Technology 46
120 Hilet, Siobhan Clonard College Herne Hill Food and Technology 40
121 Hill, Jasmine Berwick Secondary College Berwick Food and Technology 40
122 Hockey, Jessica Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School Essendon Food and Technology 50
123 Hodgett, Brooke Mount Lilydale Mercy College Lilydale Food and Technology 43
124 Holman, Sally Assumption College Kilmore Food and Technology 42
125 Hopkins, Maddison Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury Food and Technology 40
126 Hughes, Candace St Michaels Grammar School St Kilda Food and Technology 41
127 Hunt, Aimee Maranatha Christian School Endeavour Hills Food and Technology 42
128 Hussain, Wasi Al-Taqwa College Islamic Schools of Vic Truganina Food and Technology 40
129 Hussein, Sarah Kilvington Grammar School Ormond Food and Technology 44
130 In, Sonita Nossal High School Berwick Food and Technology 43
131 Iredale, Zoe Toorak College Mount Eliza Food and Technology 40
132 Iuliano, Angelica Sacred Heart Girls College Hughesdale Food and Technology 44
133 James, Brianna Damascus College Mount Clear Food and Technology 44
134 James, Hayley Upwey High School Upwey Food and Technology 40
135 Jeffries, Athena Star of the Sea College Brighton Food and Technology 40
136 Johnson, Brigitte Kilbreda College Mentone Food and Technology 48
137 Jones, Eliza Kilbreda College Mentone Food and Technology 44
138 Kafkas, Ellen Shelford Girls Grammar Caulfield Food and Technology 49
139 Kako, Ledia Mercy College Coburg Food and Technology 42
140 Kaloupis, Helene Balwyn High School Balwyn North Food and Technology 40
141 Kamphuis, Annie St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul Food and Technology 42
142 Karantoni, Monique Our Lady of Mercy College Heidelberg Food and Technology 41
143 Karasavidis, Stephanie Star of the Sea College Brighton Food and Technology 42
144 Karipidis, Lemone Northcote High School Northcote Food and Technology 40
145 Kearney, Jessica Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe Food and Technology 42
146 Keeran, Peter Balwyn High School Balwyn North Food and Technology 44
147 Kelly, Jessica Loreto College Ballarat Food and Technology 50
148 Kempson, Megan Emmaus College Vermont South Food and Technology 43
149 Kenny, Jennifer St Monicas College Epping Food and Technology 41
150 Kerr, Jenaye Baimbridge College Hamilton Food and Technology 40
151 Kerrison, Ruby Elwood College Elwood Food and Technology 43
152 Kim, Jenny Nossal High School Berwick Food and Technology 41
153 King, Danielle Aquinas College Ringwood Food and Technology 46
154 Langmaid, Megan Emmaus College Vermont South Food and Technology 40
155 Latino, Monica Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Food and Technology 42
156 Latter-Gauci, Molly Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore Food and Technology 41
157 Lau, Claudia Genazzano F.C.J. College Kew Food and Technology 40
158 Lay, Eric Swinburne Senior Secondary College Hawthorn Food and Technology 41
159 Layton, Jessica Colac Secondary College Colac Food and Technology 44
160 Leak, Bethany Kurnai College University Campus Churchill Food and Technology 48
161 Lethlean, Abby Toorak College Mount Eliza Food and Technology 45
162 Lewis, Jane Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Food and Technology 41
163 Lim, Ebony Kilvington Grammar School Ormond Food and Technology 41
164 Lisle, Rebecca Northside Christian College Bundoora Food and Technology 40
165 Lobo, Ayesha Catholic Regional College Sydenham Sydenham Food and Technology 41
166 Lordanic, Marissa Ave Maria College Aberfeldie Food and Technology 44
167 Loxton, Ashlee Beaconhills College Berwick Berwick Food and Technology 46
168 Lucciantonio, Alexandra Catholic Regional College Sydenham Sydenham Food and Technology 40
169 Machutchison, Grace Genazzano F.C.J. College Kew Food and Technology 45
170 Mackie, Kelsey Heathmont College Heathmont Food and Technology 40
171 Marazita, Orlanda St Monicas College Epping Food and Technology 45
172 Mathieson, Stephen Viewbank College Viewbank Food and Technology 40
173 Matthews, Cassidy Elisabeth Murdoch College Langwarrin Food and Technology 42
174 Matthews, Rosie Marist Sion College Warragul Food and Technology 43
175 Mc Cullagh, Emily Warrnambool College Warrnambool Food and Technology 40
176 Mcencroe, Madeleine Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne Food and Technology 43
177 Mcnee, Rhianna Luther College Croydon Hills Food and Technology 43
178 Menzies, Caitlyn Vermont Secondary College Vermont Food and Technology 42
179 Miles, Isabella Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury Food and Technology 48
180 Miller, Tiffany Padua College Mornington Food and Technology 43
181 Mitchell, Alanna Mercy College Coburg Food and Technology 44
182 Moisi, Anthea Korowa Anglican Girls School Glen Iris Food and Technology 45
183 Moloney, Thomas Emmanuel College Warrnambool Warrnambool Food and Technology 40
184 Mooney, Beth Donvale Christian College Donvale Food and Technology 45
185 Moran, Farrah Emmanuel College Melbourne Altona North Food and Technology 42
186 Moss, Cassandra Grovedale College Grovedale Food and Technology 40
187 Mullen, Danica Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore Food and Technology 41
188 Naicker, Kaajal Keilor Downs College Keilor Downs Food and Technology 40
189 Nash, Georgia Beaconhills College Berwick Berwick Food and Technology 41
190 Nguyen, Hoang Nossal High School Berwick Food and Technology 42
191 Nguyen, Michelle Nossal High School Berwick Food and Technology 44
192 Nieborski, Cassandra Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Food and Technology 44
193 Nix, Georgina Melbourne Girls College Richmond Food and Technology 42
194 Norris, Jessica Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury Food and Technology 40
195 O'Connor, Jade Catholic College Sale Sale Food and Technology 40
196 O'Sullivan, Emily East Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster East Food and Technology 40
197 Ostrognay, Jessie Red Cliffs Secondary College Red Cliffs Food and Technology 41
198 Palmer, Laura Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School Essendon Food and Technology 42
199 Pannam, Sarah Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury Food and Technology 43
200 Paredes, Matthew St Johns Regional College Dandenong Food and Technology 41
Last Updated: 18 May 2023
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