VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2012

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2012, along with their school and subject details.

50 of 188 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 Adams, David Wesley College Glen Waverley Glen Waverley Geography 42
2 Adams, William Scotch College Hawthorn Geography 40
3 Agius, James Xavier College Kew Geography 41
4 Aitken, Imogen Gippsland Grammar Sale Geography 43
5 Amend, Jessica John Monash Science School Clayton Geography 40
6 Angerame, Michael Marcellin College Bulleen Geography 49
7 Arasu, Nisha Methodist Ladies College Kew Geography 46
8 Ashton, William Eltham College of Education Research Geography 40
9 Atkins, Charles Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Geography 41
10 Ayala Rodriguez, Norberto McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Geography 43
11 Baird, Jesse Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat Geography 45
12 Ball, Victoria The Hamilton and Alexandra College Hamilton Geography 41
13 Biggins, Michaela The Hamilton and Alexandra College Hamilton Geography 45
14 Booth, Rose Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat Geography 44
15 Boras, David Melbourne High School South Yarra Geography 43
16 Butler, Juliet Huntingtower School Mount Waverley Geography 41
17 Cameron, George Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Geography 40
18 Cameron, Ian Geelong Grammar School Corio Geography 45
19 Cannon, Grace St Catherines School Toorak Geography 40
20 Carletti, Robert Marcellin College Bulleen Geography 44
21 Cattell, Harrison Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne Geography 40
22 Caulfield, Brooke Caulfield Grammar School Wheelers Hill Wheelers Hill Geography 42
23 Cefala, Natalie Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Geography 43
24 Chanana, Priyanka MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Geography 47
25 Chen, Eric Melbourne High School South Yarra Geography 43
26 Chen, Kollan Scotch College Hawthorn Geography 42
27 Cheung, Lisa Fintona Girls School Balwyn Geography 41
28 Childs, Joshua St Bedes College Mentone Geography 40
29 Choong, Anna Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Geography 41
30 Clancy, Luke Geelong Grammar School Corio Geography 41
31 Coath, Alexander Eltham College of Education Research Geography 41
32 Cole, Montague The Geelong College Newtown Geography 42
33 Commins, Emma Geelong Grammar School Corio Geography 40
34 Connell, Mirella Fintona Girls School Balwyn Geography 41
35 Cooke, Samuel Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Geography 40
36 Coombs, Kristen Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne Geography 43
37 Corkill, Catherine John Monash Science School Clayton Geography 41
38 Craig, Maximillian Box Hill High School Box Hill Geography 48
39 Cui, David Balwyn High School Balwyn North Geography 42
40 Darling, Alexander St Leonards College Brighton East Geography 43
41 Davie-Smythe, Christopher St Bedes College Mentone Geography 43
42 Dixon, Megan Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe Geography 42
43 Draffin, Emma Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat Geography 40
44 Dunn, Angus Xavier College Kew Geography 43
45 Dye, Hamish Geelong Grammar School Corio Geography 40
46 Edwards, Zoe McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Geography 43
47 Efthymiou, Georgina Siena College Camberwell Geography 40
48 Eicher, Simon Boort District P-12 School Boort Geography 41
49 Fanning, Guy The Geelong College Newtown Geography 48
50 Fleming, Vivienne Methodist Ladies College Kew Geography 44
Last Updated: 21 Feb 2021
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