VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2012

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2012, along with their school and subject details.

91 of 91 entries are shown.
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1 Kitching, Susanne Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 50
2 Mcindoe, Nicholas Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 50
3 Mosse, Kate Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Environmental Science 49
4 Patton, Kellie Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 49
5 Ropolyi, Boglarka Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Biology 48
6 Mcindoe, Nicholas Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Psychology 48
7 Walden, Jessica Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 47
8 Tate, Declan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Literature 47
9 Phan, Vincent Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 46
10 Ropolyi, Boglarka Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 46
11 Mcindoe, Nicholas Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 45
12 Irvine, Emily Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Physical Education 45
13 Mcindoe, Nicholas Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English Language 44
14 Magrath, Kiri Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 44
15 Wang, Jessica Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 44
16 Kitching, Susanne Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Literature 44
17 Chindris, Ioana Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Psychology 44
18 Mcindoe, Nicholas Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Visual Communication Design 44
19 Mosse, Kate Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Chemistry 43
20 Tabbara, Dana Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 43
21 Wang, Zhaolin Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English as an Additional Language 43
22 Lanigan, Lahra Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Environmental Science 43
23 Gay, Philip Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 43
24 Lai, Sze Man Jasmine Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 43
25 Spark, Daisy Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 43
26 Neilson, Emma Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 43
27 Canil, Jourdan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Literature 43
28 Canil, Jourdan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Psychology 43
29 Harms, Kirsten Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Biology 42
30 Spence, Elise Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Business Management 42
31 Della Gatta, Andrew Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Chemistry 42
32 Cutter, Nathaniel Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English Language 42
33 Coffey-Wong, Larisa Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 42
34 Harms, Kirsten Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 42
35 Jeans, Michael Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 42
36 Tate, Declan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 42
37 Thompson, Amy Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 42
38 Thompson, Jarod Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 42
39 Yuan, Ming Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 42
40 Cutter, Nathaniel Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Global Politics 42
41 Irvine, Emily Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North History: Revolutions 42
42 Della Gatta, Daniel Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North IT Applications 42
43 Ristic, Kana Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Languages: Japanese Second Language 42
44 Wang, Zhaolin Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
45 Moon, Hyemin Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Psychology 42
46 Thompson, Jarod Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Psychology 42
47 Ropolyi, Boglarka Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Specialist Mathematics 42
48 Ropolyi, Boglarka Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Chemistry 41
49 Barr, Bridie Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Community Services (VCE VET) 41
50 Ackland, Brooke Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 41
51 Parascandalo, Michaela Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 41
52 Stokes, Sean Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 41
53 Thompson, Jarod Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 41
54 Mosse, Kate Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English Language 41
55 Caine, Grace Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 41
56 Canil, Jourdan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 41
57 Coffey-Wong, Caitlin Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 41
58 Della Gatta, Daniel Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 41
59 Kapnoullas, Michael Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 41
60 Nasiopoulos, Spiros Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 41
61 O'Donnell, Hamish Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 41
62 Zhu, Han Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 41
63 Bates, Tara Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 41
64 Carafillis, Lucy Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 41
65 Churchward, Nicola Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 41
66 Goldrick, Remi Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 41
67 Irvine, Emily Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 41
68 Stanghi, Cassandra Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 41
69 Sabhlok, Prateeti Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North History: Revolutions 41
70 Tate, Declan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North History: Revolutions 41
71 Wong, Chernyse Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North History: Revolutions 41
72 Zhu, Han Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
73 Carafillis, Lucy Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Physical Education 41
74 Goslin, Sarah Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Physical Education 41
75 Coffey-Wong, Larisa Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Psychology 41
76 Hansen, Jemma Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Psychology 41
77 Harms, Kirsten Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Psychology 41
78 Martin, Amy Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Studio Arts 41
79 Wang, Jessica Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Accounting 40
80 Choi, Joshua Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 40
81 Fitzgerald, Emma Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 40
82 Thompson, Eloise Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 40
83 Breeze, Caitlin Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English Language 40
84 Ahmeti, Sebastian Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 40
85 Bottomley, Rachel Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 40
86 Magrath, Kiri Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 40
87 Ackland, Brooke Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North History: Revolutions 40
88 Harris, Caitlin Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North History: Revolutions 40
89 Hansen, Jemma Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Literature 40
90 Lee, Kevin Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
91 Wang, Zhaolin Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Specialist Mathematics 40
Last Updated: 21 Feb 2021
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