VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2011

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2011, along with their school and subject details.

200 of 315 entries are shown.
1 - 200
Jump to row:
Rows per page:
1 Adams, Richard Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Philosophy 45
2 Adams, Richard Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 41
3 Adams, Richard Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne National Politics 40
4 Ahearn, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
5 Ahearn, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Art 42
6 Ahearn, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Music Performance 42
7 Ahearn, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Philosophy 40
8 Ai, David Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
9 Allan, Rupert Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
10 Allan, Rupert Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physics 40
11 Ansell, Benjamin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
12 Ansell, Benjamin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Philosophy 42
13 Ashley, Callum Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 42
14 Ashley, Callum Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 40
15 Avtzis, Evangelos Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 42
16 Baillieu, Hamish Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physical Education 42
17 Baird-Watson, Declan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physical Education 40
18 Balnionis, Alexander Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 40
19 Banfield, Cameron Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physical Education 41
20 Bansal, Rohan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 41
21 Barry, Christopher Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 43
22 Bebbington, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne IT Applications 45
23 Bebbington, Jonathan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 48
24 Bebbington, Jonathan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Philosophy 47
25 Bebbington, Jonathan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 44
26 Bebbington, Jonathan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: Latin 41
27 Bebbington, Jonathan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Specialist Mathematics 41
28 Belyea-Tate, Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Classical Studies 50
29 Belyea-Tate, Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Philosophy 50
30 Belyea-Tate, Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 48
31 Belyea-Tate, Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 47
32 Benjamin, Jonathan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
33 Bennett, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
34 Berry, Hugo Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 44
35 Best, Christopher Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 45
36 Best, Christopher Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
37 Best, Christopher Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Philosophy 43
38 Bolger, Sean Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physical Education 48
39 Bongiorno, Harrison Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Design and Technology 42
40 Borthwick, Charles Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 42
41 Broome, Sebastian Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 50
42 Broome, Sebastian Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 49
43 Broome, Sebastian Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 41
44 Broome, Sebastian Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
45 Burke, Nicholas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Studio Arts 44
46 Calder, Lachlan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 41
47 Carlin, Jack Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
48 Carns, Jackson Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 43
49 Carns, Jackson Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Accounting 42
50 Carroll, Scott Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 41
51 Catto-Smith, Robert Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne IT Applications 40
52 Chan, Jason Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Geography 44
53 Chen, Kevin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 42
54 Chen, Kevin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 41
55 Cheong, Martin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
56 Cheung, Ernest Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
57 Chiu, Yi-Chang Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 43
58 Chong, Wing Kit Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English as an Additional Language 40
59 Chong, Wing Kit Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
60 Chua, Nathan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 49
61 Churkovich, Nicholas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 43
62 Clark, Michael Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
63 Clark, Simon Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physical Education 41
64 Clark, Simon Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
65 Cody, Patrick Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
66 Cooke, Campbell Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
67 Cooke, Campbell Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Philosophy 40
68 Culliver, Thomas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 45
69 Cumming, David Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physical Education 45
70 Daly, John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
71 Daly, John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 41
72 Daly, John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 40
73 Daly, John Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
74 Davey, Christopher Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physical Education 41
75 Davies, Jack Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
76 Donohoe, William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne IT Applications 49
77 Donohoe, William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
78 Dzau, Winston Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 49
79 Ebsworth, Charles Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Geography 40
80 Ekkel, Xavier Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne IT Applications 42
81 Ellis, Zachary Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Biology 40
82 Feaver, Peter Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Design and Technology 40
83 Ferguson, Angus Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 47
84 Ferguson, Angus Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
85 Field, William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne IT Applications 40
86 Flanagan, Jeremy Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 40
87 Fok, Bryan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 41
88 Fok, Bryan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English as an Additional Language 40
89 Forrest, Benjamin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 44
90 Forrest, Benjamin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
91 Forrest, Robert Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 42
92 Francis, Thomas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
93 Fraser, Thomas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 42
94 Fraser, Thomas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Economics 41
95 Garvie, William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
96 Garvie, William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne IT Applications 40
97 Goddard, Paul Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
98 Goddard, Paul Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 42
99 Goldblatt, Daniel Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 42
100 Goodwill, Ashley Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
101 Goodwill, Ashley Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Psychology 43
102 Goodwill, Ashley Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Media 40
103 Graves, Alexander Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
104 Gutton, Erwan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 40
105 Hall, Henry Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 44
106 Hallebone, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 41
107 Hallebone, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 41
108 Hallebone, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 40
109 Ham, Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Design and Technology 40
110 Hannah, Timothy Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 41
111 Hardham, Simon Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 42
112 Hardham, Simon Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
113 Hargreaves, William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 41
114 Hargreaves, William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
115 Haripersad, Mikhar Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
116 Heffernan, William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Accounting 41
117 Hegarty, Lachlan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Classical Studies 45
118 Hibbard, George Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 41
119 Hii, Kai Cheng Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 44
120 Hii, Kai Cheng Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 44
121 Hii, Kai Cheng Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physics 41
122 Hoang, William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 49
123 Hoang, William Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Specialist Mathematics 40
124 Hohaus, Daniel Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
125 Hohaus, Daniel Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
126 Hohaus, Daniel Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physics 40
127 Hosking, Oscar Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physical Education 43
128 Hosking, Oscar Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 41
129 Huang, Patrick Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
130 Hunt, Henry Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 47
131 Hunt, Henry Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Art 40
132 Hunt, Henry Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 40
133 Jasper, Christian Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physics 41
134 Jessup, Thomas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 42
135 Jones, Campbell Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 43
136 Jones, Campbell Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Visual Communication Design 42
137 Jones, Campbell Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 40
138 Jupp, Edwin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 42
139 Jupp, Edwin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Art 41
140 Jupp, Edwin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 40
141 Kanisius, Kevin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Music Performance 48
142 Karatzas, Evan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
143 Kelly, Jack Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 47
144 Kelly, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physical Education 45
145 Kiel, Charles Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 40
146 Kim, Miru Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
147 Klemm, Grant Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physical Education 45
148 Kreis, Eric Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Media 43
149 Kreis, Eric Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 42
150 Kyrios, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Psychology 42
151 Laidlaw, Lachlan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 46
152 Laidlaw, Lachlan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 44
153 Laidlaw, Lachlan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Geography 40
154 Lam, Christopher Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physical Education 50
155 Langford, Nicholas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 47
156 Langford, Nicholas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 45
157 Langford, Nicholas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Philosophy 42
158 Langley, Edward Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 43
159 Larsen, George Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 43
160 Lawson, Daniel Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physics 44
161 Lawson, Daniel Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Visual Communication Design 43
162 Lawson, Daniel Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 42
163 Lee, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Media 41
164 Leighton, George Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Design and Technology 40
165 Leong, Xiao Lung Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 41
166 Li, Henry Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physics 48
167 Li, Henry Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 47
168 Li, Henry Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 46
169 Li, Henry Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: Latin 43
170 Li, Henry Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Specialist Mathematics 42
171 Liu, Benjamin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Biology 41
172 Liu, David Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 48
173 Liu, David Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 46
174 Liu, David Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 45
175 Lo, Hoe Xing Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English as an Additional Language 45
176 Loong, David Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physics 44
177 Loong, David Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 43
178 Loong, David Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Accounting 42
179 Lu, Colin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 50
180 Lu, Colin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physics 50
181 Lu, Colin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Specialist Mathematics 48
182 Lu, Colin Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 47
183 Madders, Oliver Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 46
184 Mcdonald, Charles Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne History: Revolutions 44
185 Mcdonald, Hugh Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Geography 41
186 Mcmahon, Jack Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 48
187 Mcmahon, Jack Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Specialist Mathematics 41
188 Mcmahon, Jack Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Physics 40
189 Meredith, Alexander Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 45
190 Meredith, Alexander Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 43
191 Meredith, Alexander Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Philosophy 41
192 Meredith, Alexander Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Visual Communication Design 41
193 Montgomery, Nicholas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 47
194 Montgomery, Nicholas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 44
195 Montgomery, Nicholas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 43
196 Montgomery, Nicholas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
197 Moore, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Studio Arts 42
198 Muir, Hugh Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Further Mathematics 40
199 Myer, Walter Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 50
200 Myer, Walter Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Classical Studies 49
Last Updated: 21 Jan 2020
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