VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2011

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2011, along with their school and subject details.

84 of 84 entries are shown.
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1 Aldis, Jack Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 43
2 Aldis, Jack Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Psychology 40
3 Arora, Nipun Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 41
4 Arora, Nipun Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
5 Aslam, Samir Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Specialist Mathematics 48
6 Aslam, Samir Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 47
7 Aslam, Samir Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Physics 45
8 Baek, Hye-Yeon Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 46
9 Baek, Hye-Yeon Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Specialist Mathematics 43
10 Baek, Hye-Yeon Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English as an Additional Language 41
11 Brooke, Nicholas Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Media 44
12 Brooke, Nicholas Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Biology 42
13 Browning, Rowan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
14 Carafillis, Lucy Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Geography 40
15 Cheng, Xiaowen Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 46
16 Cheng, Xiaowen Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 44
17 Cutter, Nathaniel Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North History: Revolutions 41
18 Deng, Shu Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 46
19 Deng, Shu Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English as an Additional Language 42
20 Deng, Shu Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Specialist Mathematics 41
21 Fraser, Lachlan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Psychology 44
22 Fraser, Lachlan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 42
23 Fraser, Lachlan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North History: Revolutions 41
24 Gale, Ryan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 44
25 Gale, Ryan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Physical Education 43
26 Gale, Ryan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 42
27 Gale, Ryan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Biology 41
28 Goding, Oliver Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 40
29 Goodman, Aysha Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 42
30 Hansen, Jemma Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 43
31 Harms, Kirsten Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 40
32 Harris, Caitlin Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Business Management 42
33 Huynh, Sandy Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 41
34 Jin, Alan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 43
35 Jin, Alan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Media 43
36 Jin, Alan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Biology 40
37 Kitching, Susanne Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Biology 43
38 Kokinos, Stewart Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 45
39 Lanigan, Lahra Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Geography 45
40 Lowe, Hayden Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 43
41 Mahboobi, Amelia Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Business Management 46
42 Mcindoe, Nicholas Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Business Management 48
43 Moon, Hyemin Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 40
44 Mosse, Kate Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Biology 42
45 Nasiopoulos, Spiros Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North IT Applications 42
46 Ng, Lut Yiu Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 41
47 Paul, Murray Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English Language 45
48 Paul, Murray Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Physics 45
49 Paul, Murray Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
50 Paul, Murray Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Chemistry 40
51 Phan, Vincent Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 43
52 Ramadan, Renan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North IT Applications 41
53 Russell, Hollie Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Biology 43
54 Savige, April Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Psychology 44
55 Savige, April Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English Language 41
56 Savige, April Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North History: Revolutions 41
57 Savige, April Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 40
58 Spark, Daisy Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Biology 43
59 Spence, Kimberley Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 41
60 Spence, Kimberley Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Geography 41
61 Spence, Kimberley Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Psychology 41
62 Spence, Kimberley Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 40
63 Strasser, Rosie Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Physical Education 43
64 Strasser, Rosie Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 42
65 Su, Chun Cheng Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 41
66 Susanto, Ivan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
67 Susanto, Ivan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Physics 41
68 Tabbara, Dana Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Biology 40
69 Teng, Lisha Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 44
70 Teng, Lisha Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Specialist Mathematics 40
71 Tobin-White, Joel Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 40
72 Trusler, Oliver Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Physics 40
73 Vogel, Thomas Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Physical Education 43
74 Vogel, Thomas Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Health and Human Development 40
75 Walden, Lachlan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Accounting 47
76 Walden, Lachlan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Legal Studies 46
77 Walden, Lachlan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North English 40
78 Walker, Jordan Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
79 Young, Bronte Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 44
80 Young, Bronte Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Physical Education 43
81 Youssef, Daniel Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 47
82 Youssef, Daniel Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Physics 44
83 Youssef, Daniel Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Specialist Mathematics 40
84 Zou, Ke Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
Last Updated: 21 Jan 2020
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