VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2011

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2011, along with their school and subject details.

24 of 24 entries are shown.
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1 Burns, Chloe Geelong High School East Geelong Food and Technology 40
2 Camilleri, Jarrod Geelong High School East Geelong English 40
3 Crabtree-Morton, Jared Geelong High School East Geelong Chemistry 44
4 Crabtree-Morton, Jared Geelong High School East Geelong Languages: German 43
5 Crabtree-Morton, Jared Geelong High School East Geelong Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
6 Hall, Meagan Geelong High School East Geelong Languages: German 40
7 Hamill-Beach, Jackson Geelong High School East Geelong Physical Education 50
8 Jelbart, Rex Geelong High School East Geelong Further Mathematics 42
9 Jelbart, Rex Geelong High School East Geelong Visual Communication Design 41
10 Kirby, Thomas Geelong High School East Geelong English 42
11 Kirby, Thomas Geelong High School East Geelong History: Revolutions 41
12 Levinson, Ari Geelong High School East Geelong Physical Education 46
13 Levinson, Ari Geelong High School East Geelong Further Mathematics 40
14 Mann, Georgina Geelong High School East Geelong Visual Communication Design 45
15 Mann, Georgina Geelong High School East Geelong Design and Technology 40
16 Rowland, William Geelong High School East Geelong English 49
17 Rowland, William Geelong High School East Geelong History: Revolutions 48
18 Rowland, William Geelong High School East Geelong Literature 48
19 Rowland, William Geelong High School East Geelong Media 40
20 Warren, Hannah Geelong High School East Geelong English 44
21 Warren, Hannah Geelong High School East Geelong History: Revolutions 43
22 Waugh, Samuel Geelong High School East Geelong Psychology 49
23 Waugh, Samuel Geelong High School East Geelong English 45
24 Waugh, Samuel Geelong High School East Geelong Media 40
Last Updated: 21 Jan 2020
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