VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2010

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2010, along with their school and subject details.

50 of 149 entries are shown.
51 - 100
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51 Gunter, Konrad Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Languages: French 41
52 Gutton, Erwan Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 44
53 Gwynne, Madeleine Firbank Grammar School Brighton Languages: French 40
54 Harrison, Amelia St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul Languages: French 44
55 Harrison, Angela Kilvington Grammar School Ormond Languages: French 42
56 Hermitage, Louisa MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Languages: French 42
57 Herskope, Todd Melbourne High School South Yarra Languages: French 42
58 Heyward, Alice St Michaels Grammar School St Kilda Languages: French 40
59 Holper, Sarah Kilvington Grammar School Ormond Languages: French 50
60 Hu, Kanning Lowther Hall Anglican Grammar School Essendon Languages: French 41
61 Huo, Christy Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra Languages: French 46
62 Hutchison, Grace Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Languages: French 42
63 Ishak, Monique Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Languages: French 41
64 Jackson, Eliza Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: French 44
65 Jaggi, Anindita MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Languages: French 42
66 Jamieson, Isabelle Melbourne Rudolf Steiner School Warranwood Languages: French 43
67 Joffe, Gabrielle The King David School Armadale Languages: French 41
68 Johanson-Blok, Isaac Princes Hill Secondary College Princes Hill Languages: French 41
69 Kent, Nicholas De La Salle College Malvern Languages: French 41
70 Kilmartin, Anna Genazzano F.C.J. College Kew Languages: French 45
71 Koh, Ryan Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Languages: French 40
72 Koo, Joey Methodist Ladies College Kew Languages: French 40
73 Kotsimbos, Tatiana Ruyton Girls School Kew Languages: French 40
74 Krasny, Leonard Bialik College Hawthorn Languages: French 42
75 Lang, Sarah St Catherines School Toorak Languages: French 42
76 Lassalle, Margot Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: French 45
77 Leung, Michelle Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood Languages: French 44
78 Lewis, Emma Melbourne Girls College Richmond Languages: French 40
79 Lioufas, Peter Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Languages: French 40
80 Louey, Amanda Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Languages: French 45
81 Lowe, Stephanie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Languages: French 43
82 Loyer, Nicola Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury Languages: French 40
83 Luckie, Isabelle Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Languages: French 42
84 Maddison, Anna Ruyton Girls School Kew Languages: French 41
85 Malouf, Jakob Gippsland Grammar Sale Languages: French 47
86 Mance, Katia Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak Languages: French 40
87 Maplestone, Zorro University High School Parkville Languages: French 45
88 Marks, Alexandra MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Languages: French 49
89 Massiha, Monica Damascus College Mount Clear Languages: French 43
90 Matthews, Hugh Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: French 40
91 Matthews, Thomas Scotch College Hawthorn Languages: French 41
92 Maydelman, Daniel Melbourne High School South Yarra Languages: French 40
93 Mcelwee, Benjamin Haileybury College Keysborough Languages: French 45
94 Mckinnon, Laura Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury Languages: French 44
95 Mellahn, Kathleen Mater Christi College Belgrave Languages: French 42
96 Michael, Angus Scotch College Hawthorn Languages: French 44
97 Minahan, Sarah Genazzano F.C.J. College Kew Languages: French 45
98 Mizzi, William Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Languages: French 45
99 Moore, Nadia MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Languages: French 45
100 Morton, Erin Mentone Girls Secondary College Mentone Languages: French 40
Last Updated: 9 Sep 2023
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