VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2010

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2010, along with their school and subject details.

150 of 498 entries are shown.
1 - 150
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1 Abraham, Nathan Melbourne High School South Yarra Accounting 44
2 Acharya, Saurav Melbourne High School South Yarra Accounting 45
3 Adams, Bryce Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood Accounting 43
4 Adams, Daniel Mentone Grammar School Mentone Accounting 45
5 Alam, Shojeeb Melbourne High School South Yarra Accounting 48
6 Amarasena, Pravini Sacred Heart Girls College Hughesdale Accounting 40
7 Anandarasa, Sahanna MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Accounting 42
8 Ananthakumar, Shehan Caulfield Grammar School Wheelers Hill Wheelers Hill Accounting 41
9 Anasril, Muhammad Lukman Al-Taqwa College Islamic Schools of Vic Truganina Accounting 43
10 Anderson, Brett Distance Education Centre Victoria Thornbury Accounting 43
11 Anderson, Daniel Bendigo Senior Secondary College Bendigo Accounting 40
12 Andrews, Anushia Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood Accounting 50
13 Armstrong, Alexandra St Pauls Anglican Grammar School Warragul Accounting 41
14 Ashcroft, Amy Mount Waverley Secondary College Mount Waverley Accounting 42
15 Ayad, Daniel Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 42
16 Baker, Yehudah Yeshivah College St Kilda East Accounting 46
17 Balasooriya, Deepthi MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Accounting 44
18 Barca, Cristian St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Accounting 40
19 Bart, Avi Yeshivah College St Kilda East Accounting 43
20 Bartalotta, Stephanie Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Accounting 41
21 Bartlett, Amy Colac Secondary College Colac Accounting 40
22 Begashaw, Kirobel Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 48
23 Belevski, Stefan Aitken College Greenvale Accounting 40
24 Belkin, Daniel St Johns Regional College Dandenong Accounting 40
25 Bendet, Shmuel Yeshivah College St Kilda East Accounting 48
26 Benjamin, Jarrod Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 43
27 Bickerton, Tayla Catholic Ladies College Eltham Accounting 41
28 Bird, Christian Yarra Valley Grammar School Ringwood Accounting 40
29 Blase, Helen Frankston High School Frankston Accounting 40
30 Block, Saul Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood Accounting 43
31 Boccabella, Dathen Sunbury College Sunbury Accounting 44
32 Bolger, Mitchell St Kevins College Toorak Accounting 44
33 Bonello, Christian Parade College Bundoora Accounting 43
34 Bong, Reuben Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 42
35 Bradley, Karina Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury Accounting 44
36 Brennan, Bradley St Patricks College Ballarat Accounting 42
37 Britto, Geoffrey The Knox School Wantirna South Accounting 41
38 Brooks, Alyce Beaconhills College Pakenham Pakenham Accounting 40
39 Brown, Liam Oberon High School Armstrong Creek Accounting 41
40 Browning, Jordan Haileybury College Keysborough Accounting 45
41 Bruce, Jayson Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 41
42 Bruch, Dustin Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood Accounting 41
43 Buhariwala, Carl Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Accounting 45
44 Bui, Allan Westbourne Grammar School Truganina Accounting 43
45 Bui, Chi Killester College Springvale Accounting 45
46 Bullimore, Anna Rosehill Secondary College Niddrie Accounting 40
47 Burbergs, John Strathmore Secondary College Strathmore Accounting 43
48 Burt, Ashlee Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Accounting 41
49 Cabarubia, Camille St Francis Xavier College Beaconsfield Accounting 40
50 Calcinotto, Joel St Kevins College Toorak Accounting 40
51 Cam, Sally MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Accounting 50
52 Cantwell, Lachlan Whitefriars College Donvale Accounting 41
53 Cao, Khoa Melbourne High School South Yarra Accounting 49
54 Carmody, Cordell Westbourne Grammar School Truganina Accounting 42
55 Casey, Michael Frankston High School Frankston Accounting 41
56 Castles, Nicholas Echuca College Echuca Accounting 44
57 Chan, Brandon Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Accounting 50
58 Chan, Esther Fintona Girls School Balwyn Accounting 41
59 Chanter, Thomas Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Accounting 40
60 Chavan, Mrunal MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Accounting 43
61 Cheah, Justin Mount Waverley Secondary College Mount Waverley Accounting 42
62 Cheah, Li Ping Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Accounting 44
63 Chen, Shi Yue Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Accounting 40
64 Chen, Xia Sacre Coeur Glen Iris Accounting 41
65 Cheong, Jin Xi Camberwell High School Canterbury Accounting 45
66 Cheong, Weng Keat Haileybury College Keysborough Accounting 40
67 Cheung, Ernest Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Accounting 43
68 Chew, Samantha Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Accounting 46
69 Chia, Kayleen Shelford Girls Grammar Caulfield Accounting 43
70 Chin, Jeremy Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Accounting 40
71 Chin, Samuel Balwyn High School Balwyn North Accounting 42
72 Choi, Joo Yon Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Accounting 45
73 Chong, Aaron Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster Accounting 44
74 Chong, Nicole Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Accounting 49
75 Chong, Terence Melbourne High School South Yarra Accounting 40
76 Chow, Zoe Fintona Girls School Balwyn Accounting 42
77 Christie, Fraser Scotch College Hawthorn Accounting 40
78 Chua, Nathalia Vermont Secondary College Vermont Accounting 41
79 Chung, Belinda Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Accounting 43
80 Coates, William St Kevins College Toorak Accounting 43
81 Cohen, Jeremy Bialik College Hawthorn Accounting 48
82 Cohen, Rachel Bialik College Hawthorn Accounting 48
83 Coldwell, Allanah Cobram Secondary College Cobram Accounting 41
84 Cookson, Jack Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Accounting 42
85 Corsi, Alessandro Xavier College Kew Accounting 40
86 Crisafi, Vincent-Joseph Xavier College Kew Accounting 43
87 Cunnington, Nikki MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Accounting 40
88 Curtis, Maxwell Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood Accounting 40
89 D'Souza, James Catholic Regional College Sydenham Sydenham Accounting 41
90 Dalli, Michael St Bernards College Essendon Accounting 41
91 Dao, Fiona Wellington Secondary College Mulgrave Accounting 43
92 Davis, Christopher Whitefriars College Donvale Accounting 45
93 Dawud, Midya Mercy College Coburg Accounting 41
94 De Livera, Michael McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Accounting 42
95 De Riter, Toby Beaconhills College Pakenham Pakenham Accounting 42
96 Denelzen, Elizabeth Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Accounting 43
97 Denny, Dale The Geelong College Newtown Accounting 44
98 Dhaliwal, Tarundeep Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Accounting 49
99 Di Battista, Matthew Tintern Schools Senior College Ringwood East Accounting 44
100 Di Carlo, Jordan Haileybury Girls College Keysborough Accounting 45
101 Di Natale, Francis Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Accounting 44
102 Dimopoulos, Gregory Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Accounting 40
103 Ding, Chang Traralgon College Traralgon Accounting 40
104 Doan, Linda MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Accounting 43
105 Doan, Thao Quynh Mater Christi College Belgrave Accounting 41
106 Drentin, David St Bernards College Essendon Accounting 42
107 Drosinos, Jacinta Santa Maria College Northcote Accounting 41
108 Dryzun, Joshua Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood Accounting 41
109 Efron, Megan Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood Accounting 50
110 Emmett, Andrew Scotch College Hawthorn Accounting 40
111 Ercan, Kamil St Josephs College Ferntree Gully Ferntree Gully Accounting 46
112 Estrellado, Jose Nazareth College Noble Park North Accounting 40
113 Feng, Lu Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra Accounting 44
114 Fink, Veronica Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood Accounting 41
115 Fisher, Bethany Caulfield Grammar School Wheelers Hill Wheelers Hill Accounting 48
116 Fisher, Ryan Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood Accounting 43
117 Fleming, Oliver St Kevins College Toorak Accounting 42
118 Fletcher, Scott Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Accounting 47
119 Flint, Lauren St Catherines School Toorak Accounting 42
120 Fong, Matthew Brighton Secondary College Brighton East Accounting 43
121 Fonseka, Natasha MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Accounting 40
122 Foo, Shannon Mordialloc College Mordialloc Accounting 40
123 Forrest, Nicholas Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Accounting 42
124 Frajman, Marcus Melbourne High School South Yarra Accounting 43
125 Frawley, Xavier Xavier College Kew Accounting 45
126 Frayman, Julia Bialik College Hawthorn Accounting 42
127 Frazzetto, Luke De La Salle College Malvern Accounting 47
128 Freeman, Alex De La Salle College Malvern Accounting 42
129 Freeman, Benjamin Mullauna College Mitcham Accounting 47
130 Fromhold, Jackson Beaconhills College Pakenham Pakenham Accounting 40
131 Fung, Nicholas Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Accounting 45
132 Futschik, Nathan Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Accounting 41
133 Gill, Amanpreet St Monicas College Epping Accounting 40
134 Glascott, Bianca Avila College Mount Waverley Accounting 40
135 Gleeson, Timothy Xavier College Kew Accounting 46
136 Goenka, Udhav Trinity Grammar School Kew Accounting 46
137 Goldman, Lauren Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood Accounting 50
138 Gorelik, Mina Beth Rivkah Ladies College St Kilda East Accounting 40
139 Graham, Hamish Brighton Grammar School Brighton Accounting 41
140 Gulasekharam, Darren St Kevins College Toorak Accounting 43
141 Gunanayagam, Julika Our Lady of Sion College Box Hill Accounting 42
142 Habel, Mason University High School Parkville Accounting 44
143 Hackling, Brayden Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 41
144 Hajis, Joshua Balwyn High School Balwyn North Accounting 41
145 Hall, Yvette Fintona Girls School Balwyn Accounting 43
146 Hamilton, Joel Melbourne High School South Yarra Accounting 42
147 Han, Jenny Camberwell Girls Grammar School Canterbury Accounting 44
148 Hanney, Mackayla Fintona Girls School Balwyn Accounting 40
149 Hartmanis, Sally St Catherines School Toorak Accounting 42
150 Haseeb, Anisha MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Accounting 42
Last Updated: 9 Sep 2023
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