VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2010

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2010, along with their school and subject details.

34 of 84 entries are shown.
51 - 84
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51 Mavandadi, Payam Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 42
52 Mcinnes, Kate Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 40
53 Mealings, Rebecca Vermont Secondary College Vermont Psychology 43
54 Michael, Eleyna Vermont Secondary College Vermont Business Management 47
55 Murrihy, Alana Vermont Secondary College Vermont Biology 42
56 Murrihy, Alana Vermont Secondary College Vermont English 40
57 Murrihy, Alana Vermont Secondary College Vermont Physical Education 40
58 Perring, Roxanne Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 42
59 Prame Kumar, Pravin Vermont Secondary College Vermont Specialist Mathematics 48
60 Prame Kumar, Pravin Vermont Secondary College Vermont Mathematical Methods (CAS) 46
61 Prame Kumar, Pravin Vermont Secondary College Vermont Chemistry 45
62 Prame Kumar, Pravin Vermont Secondary College Vermont Physics 41
63 Raath, Dylan Vermont Secondary College Vermont Geography 47
64 Richardson, Lauren Vermont Secondary College Vermont Health and Human Development 41
65 Semjonov, Aleksandra Vermont Secondary College Vermont Psychology 43
66 Sheridan-Ferrie, Sam Vermont Secondary College Vermont Geography 41
67 Shiel, Caitlyn Vermont Secondary College Vermont Accounting 44
68 Slaughter, Luke Vermont Secondary College Vermont Business Management 40
69 Smith, Fraser Vermont Secondary College Vermont Business Management 41
70 Smith, Jason Vermont Secondary College Vermont Accounting 40
71 Teakel, Nicole Vermont Secondary College Vermont Geography 49
72 Thai, Juley Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 48
73 Thai, Juley Vermont Secondary College Vermont Chemistry 45
74 Thomas, Guy Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 44
75 Truong, Kelly Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 41
76 Ving, Steven Vermont Secondary College Vermont Biology 41
77 Walsh, Samantha Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 45
78 Walsh, Samantha Vermont Secondary College Vermont Chemistry 42
79 Walsh, Samantha Vermont Secondary College Vermont English Language 40
80 Wong, Priscilla Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 44
81 Wong, Priscilla Vermont Secondary College Vermont Accounting 40
82 Wood, Lauren Vermont Secondary College Vermont Geography 44
83 Ye, Ivy Vermont Secondary College Vermont Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
84 Zhu, Tian Vermont Secondary College Vermont Further Mathematics 44
Last Updated: 9 Sep 2023
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