VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2010

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2010, along with their school and subject details.

50 of 187 entries are shown.
1 - 50
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1 Adams, Luke Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 44
2 Ahmling, Harriet Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew English 41
3 Ahmling, Harriet Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Psychology 41
4 Allen, Rebecca Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Business Management 40
5 Andrianakis, Tia Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 41
6 Angwin, Grace Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew English 46
7 Angwin, Grace Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Media 46
8 Angwin, Grace Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew International Studies 40
9 Arnold, Kathleen Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew English 41
10 Bao, Yi Fan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 40
11 Bonavia, William Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Physics 40
12 Briggs, Shannon Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Legal Studies 40
13 Bristow, Sarah Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Psychology 43
14 Bristow, Sarah Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 40
15 Brotchie, Nicholas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew History: Revolutions 40
16 Calafiore, Siobhan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Australian History 41
17 Calwell, Paris Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew English 40
18 Carlile, Matthew Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Physical Education 45
19 Casey, Oliver Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Business Management 44
20 Casey, Oliver Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 42
21 Chapman, Thomas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Psychology 41
22 Cheng, Long Yin Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 44
23 Clark, Katherine Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Australian History 40
24 Conos, Theodore Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Visual Communication Design 42
25 Cornelius, Thomas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Business Management 43
26 Cornelius, Thomas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Visual Communication Design 40
27 Coull, James Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Business Management 42
28 Davidson, Cara Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Australian History 40
29 De La Harpe, Aiden Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Business Management 40
30 De Moel, Sem Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Business Management 46
31 Degnan, Sophie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew English Language 41
32 Dempster, Nicole Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Media 46
33 Dimopoulos, Stephanie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew English 44
34 Dimopoulos, Stephanie Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 44
35 Ding, Shiyu Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
36 Dingjan, Thomas Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew IT Applications 45
37 Doig, Katya Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 47
38 Dowell, Lachlan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 42
39 Duncan, David Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Languages: Indonesian Second Language 46
40 Ellenby, Scott Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew IT Applications 45
41 Evans, Morgan Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Business Management 41
42 Fitzpatrick, Brigitte Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Business Management 40
43 Fordham, Todd Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Design and Technology 49
44 Gaff, Andrew Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Business Management 42
45 Gaff, Andrew Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 42
46 Gaff, Andrew Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew English 40
47 Gandy, Victoria Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Psychology 42
48 Gange, Bronte Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew English 41
49 Gange, Bronte Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 41
50 Gange, Bronte Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew History: Revolutions 40
Last Updated: 9 Sep 2023
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