VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2010

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2010, along with their school and subject details.

94 of 94 entries are shown.
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1 Abrey, Kyle Aquinas College Ringwood Design and Technology 40
2 Bekkers, Nicholas Aquinas College Ringwood English Language 41
3 Canfor, James Aquinas College Ringwood Visual Communication Design 44
4 Cant, Olivia Aquinas College Ringwood Health and Human Development 45
5 Cereceda, Pilar Aquinas College Ringwood Physical Education 40
6 Cheung, Wincey Aquinas College Ringwood Further Mathematics 40
7 Dee, Georgie Aquinas College Ringwood Visual Communication Design 44
8 Del Sureto, Laura Aquinas College Ringwood Media 40
9 Dodd, Nicholas Aquinas College Ringwood Further Mathematics 41
10 Dodd, Nicholas Aquinas College Ringwood Health and Human Development 40
11 Eggleston, Samuel Aquinas College Ringwood IT Applications 42
12 Engelhardt, Natasha Aquinas College Ringwood Health and Human Development 42
13 Fitzclarence, Daniel Aquinas College Ringwood IT Applications 44
14 Flanagan, Georgia Aquinas College Ringwood Physical Education 40
15 George, Priyanka Aquinas College Ringwood Biology 41
16 Grau, Caitlin Aquinas College Ringwood Visual Communication Design 43
17 Grau, Caitlin Aquinas College Ringwood Media 41
18 Haythorne, Jemma Aquinas College Ringwood IT Applications 46
19 Haythorne, Jemma Aquinas College Ringwood Software Development 40
20 Haythorne, Jemma Aquinas College Ringwood Visual Communication Design 40
21 Henderson, Matthew Aquinas College Ringwood Environmental Science 42
22 Henderson, Matthew Aquinas College Ringwood English 40
23 Hird, Cassandra Aquinas College Ringwood Psychology 41
24 Hutchison, Cassandra Aquinas College Ringwood Drama 41
25 Hutchison, Cassandra Aquinas College Ringwood Further Mathematics 40
26 Jamison, Grant Aquinas College Ringwood Drama 44
27 Jamison, Grant Aquinas College Ringwood Media 42
28 Jamison, Grant Aquinas College Ringwood English 41
29 Jamison, Grant Aquinas College Ringwood English Language 41
30 Jape, Karen Aquinas College Ringwood Media 43
31 Kassimiotis, Stephanie Aquinas College Ringwood Media 42
32 Kowalczyk, Stanislaw Aquinas College Ringwood IT Applications 43
33 Kulesz, Thomas Aquinas College Ringwood Software Development 40
34 Ladiana, Melissa Aquinas College Ringwood Visual Communication Design 41
35 Lee, Timothy Aquinas College Ringwood IT Applications 41
36 Li, Samuel Aquinas College Ringwood Biology 43
37 Lisboa-Pinto, Ryan Aquinas College Ringwood Further Mathematics 44
38 Lisboa-Pinto, Ryan Aquinas College Ringwood English 41
39 Mackey, Aimee Aquinas College Ringwood Business Management 42
40 Mani, Vinayak Aquinas College Ringwood IT Applications 40
41 Mcconville, Megan Aquinas College Ringwood Psychology 40
42 McDonald, Lachlan Aquinas College Ringwood Physical Education 44
43 Mcdonald, Lachlan Aquinas College Ringwood Geography 40
44 Mchugh, Stephanie Aquinas College Ringwood English 50
45 Mchugh, Stephanie Aquinas College Ringwood Further Mathematics 41
46 Mchugh, Stephanie Aquinas College Ringwood Literature 41
47 Mcleod, Rachel Aquinas College Ringwood IT Applications 40
48 Mehta, Manish Aquinas College Ringwood English Language 44
49 Mehta, Manish Aquinas College Ringwood Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
50 Mehta, Manish Aquinas College Ringwood Specialist Mathematics 41
51 Morrison, Haylee Aquinas College Ringwood Further Mathematics 41
52 Myors, Brianna Aquinas College Ringwood Drama 41
53 Nee-Salvador, Rhiannon Aquinas College Ringwood Media 42
54 Pezzimenti, Angela Aquinas College Ringwood IT Applications 41
55 Pollard, Gregory Aquinas College Ringwood Visual Communication Design 44
56 Pollard, Gregory Aquinas College Ringwood English 41
57 Pollard, Gregory Aquinas College Ringwood Geography 40
58 Raso, Christopher Aquinas College Ringwood Environmental Science 40
59 Raso, Christopher Aquinas College Ringwood Visual Communication Design 40
60 Repalust, Katherine Aquinas College Ringwood Geography 44
61 Repalust, Katherine Aquinas College Ringwood English 42
62 Ricketts, Claire Aquinas College Ringwood Geography 40
63 Ringeri, Elisa Aquinas College Ringwood Psychology 41
64 Riseley, Emma Aquinas College Ringwood Psychology 41
65 Ryan, Seth Aquinas College Ringwood English 45
66 Ryan, Seth Aquinas College Ringwood Health and Human Development 41
67 Salzmann, Caitlan Aquinas College Ringwood Visual Communication Design 46
68 Salzmann, Caitlan Aquinas College Ringwood Geography 44
69 Salzmann, Caitlan Aquinas College Ringwood Studio Arts 40
70 Scundi, Robert Aquinas College Ringwood Software Development 50
71 Sheehy, Nicole Aquinas College Ringwood Geography 43
72 Sheehy, Nicole Aquinas College Ringwood Health and Human Development 41
73 Sheffield, Samantha Aquinas College Ringwood Health and Human Development 42
74 Sheffield, Samantha Aquinas College Ringwood Further Mathematics 41
75 Southworth, Kelly Aquinas College Ringwood English Language 41
76 Spillane, Samuel Aquinas College Ringwood Software Development 43
77 Sutton, Maxwell Aquinas College Ringwood IT Applications 46
78 Szymanski, Shannon Aquinas College Ringwood Visual Communication Design 42
79 Tarrant, Nicholas Aquinas College Ringwood IT Applications 50
80 Taylor, Karissa Aquinas College Ringwood Drama 44
81 Taylor, Karissa Aquinas College Ringwood Music Technical Production (VCE VET) 43
82 Teh, Jacqueline Aquinas College Ringwood Software Development 46
83 Timms, Courtney Aquinas College Ringwood Visual Communication Design 41
84 Turner, Jarrod Aquinas College Ringwood Software Development 42
85 Tzardis, Evan Aquinas College Ringwood Physics 43
86 Varnam, Katherine Aquinas College Ringwood Further Mathematics 41
87 Vassallo, Diana Aquinas College Ringwood Visual Communication Design 41
88 Warren, Kaitlin Aquinas College Ringwood Psychology 43
89 Weeks, Ashley Aquinas College Ringwood Economics 49
90 Weymes, Hannah Aquinas College Ringwood Visual Communication Design 40
91 Woodward, Ash Aquinas College Ringwood Geography 41
92 Woollard, Joshua Aquinas College Ringwood IT Applications 45
93 Woollard, Joshua Aquinas College Ringwood Further Mathematics 41
94 Yeo, Melissa Aquinas College Ringwood Psychology 41
Last Updated: 9 Sep 2023
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