VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2009

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2009, along with their school and subject details.

96 of 96 entries are shown.
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1 Ashby, Crista St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Physical Education 42
2 Ashby, Crista St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Biology 41
3 Baines, Ray St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Furnishing (VCE VET) 40
4 Barras, Andrew St Helena Secondary College Eltham North IT Applications 46
5 Baxa, Elise St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Business Management 41
6 Briggs, Amber St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Visual Communication Design 41
7 Callaway, Lachlan St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Psychology 42
8 Campbell, Lachlan St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Legal Studies 43
9 Campbell, Lydia St Helena Secondary College Eltham North English 43
10 Chapman, Melissa St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Further Mathematics 41
11 Chapman, Renee St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Further Mathematics 41
12 Chapman, Renee St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Accounting 40
13 Chapman, Renee St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Business Management 40
14 Chapman, Tamara St Helena Secondary College Eltham North History: Revolutions 40
15 Cheregi, Beatrice St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Psychology 44
16 Clark, Andrew St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Food and Technology 40
17 Clark, Matthew St Helena Secondary College Eltham North IT Applications 41
18 Cochrane, Adele St Helena Secondary College Eltham North English 44
19 Cochrane, Adele St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Art 41
20 Cochrane, Adele St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Philosophy 41
21 Cochrane, Adele St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Visual Communication Design 40
22 Coulson, Nicola St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Health and Human Development 40
23 Cunningham, Amanda St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Design and Technology 42
24 Dalla Rosa, Matthew St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Psychology 42
25 Dalla Rosa, Paul St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Drama 41
26 Daniels, Tiana St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Further Mathematics 48
27 Daniels, Tiana St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Physical Education 43
28 Freeman, Mia St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Visual Communication Design 47
29 Freeman, Mia St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Art 40
30 Gilham, Bethany St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Hospitality: Commercial Cookery (VCE VET) 45
31 Griffith, Bradley St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Information Technology (VCE VET) 40
32 Harriman, Alexandra St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Health and Human Development 43
33 Harvey, Alice St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Media 41
34 Harvey, Alice St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Health and Human Development 40
35 Hedley, Jake St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Systems Engineering 40
36 Horne, Caleb St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Systems Engineering 40
37 How, Clement St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Furnishing (VCE VET) 43
38 Johansson, Isabella St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Visual Communication Design 43
39 Jordan, Taeler St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Visual Communication Design 43
40 Keane, Erin St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Philosophy 50
41 Keane, Erin St Helena Secondary College Eltham North English 47
42 Keane, Erin St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Art 44
43 Khoury, John St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Engineering Studies (Certificate II) 41
44 Lennox, Alyse St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Psychology 44
45 Lombardo, Carli St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Design and Technology 41
46 Lyne, Jenni St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Psychology 45
47 Malcolm, Lisa St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Psychology 44
48 Malcolm, Lisa St Helena Secondary College Eltham North English 41
49 Mason, Jessica St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Psychology 41
50 McCarthy, Michelle St Helena Secondary College Eltham North English 43
51 McCarthy, Michelle St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Drama 41
52 McCarthy, Michelle St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Philosophy 41
53 McDonald, Emma St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Food and Technology 43
54 Mcvicar, Caitlin St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Biology 41
55 Mcvicar, Caitlin St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Physical Education 41
56 Megaloudis, Steven St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Biology 50
57 Mihailides, Byron St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Legal Studies 44
58 Miller, Travis St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Furnishing (VCE VET) 45
59 Moody, Tom St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Business Management 41
60 Naidoo, Dhivaan St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Business Management 50
61 Naidoo, Dhivaan St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Psychology 41
62 Naismith, Kate St Helena Secondary College Eltham North English 43
63 Newton, Kimberley St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Physical Education 50
64 Newton, Kimberley St Helena Secondary College Eltham North English 42
65 Newton, Kimberley St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Chemistry 40
66 Ng, Winston St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Media 41
67 Nothdurft, Hannah St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Visual Communication Design 42
68 Patterson, Chloe St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Legal Studies 40
69 Pavlidis, Tara St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Food and Technology 47
70 Pike, Shannon St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Visual Communication Design 40
71 Potashnyk, Megan St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Legal Studies 47
72 Potashnyk, Megan St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Media 44
73 Purcell, Bonnie St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Chemistry 43
74 Purcell, Bonnie St Helena Secondary College Eltham North English 43
75 Purcell, Bonnie St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Physics 41
76 Ripper, Alister St Helena Secondary College Eltham North English 40
77 Rogers, Jarryd St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Mathematical Methods 40
78 Russell, Amelia St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Chemistry 42
79 Russell, Amelia St Helena Secondary College Eltham North English 41
80 Russell, Amelia St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Mathematical Methods 41
81 Russell, Amelia St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Physics 41
82 Skender, Tom St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Visual Communication Design 40
83 Slade, Emma St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Visual Communication Design 42
84 Smith, Catherine St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Psychology 44
85 Stockley, Shannon St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Community Services (VCE VET) 41
86 Thuys, Joshua St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Systems Engineering 43
87 Toulson, Michelle St Helena Secondary College Eltham North English 41
88 Toulson, Michelle St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Media 41
89 Toulson, Michelle St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Legal Studies 40
90 Trevenna, Laura St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Physical Education 43
91 Trevenna, Laura St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Mathematical Methods 42
92 Webb, Vanessa St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Physical Education 40
93 Wilkin, Callum St Helena Secondary College Eltham North IT Applications 42
94 Woodhouse, Katherine St Helena Secondary College Eltham North English 44
95 Yoannidis, David St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Psychology 43
96 Zappino, Stefanie St Helena Secondary College Eltham North Media 40
Last Updated: 21 Jun 2021
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