VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2009

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2009, along with their school and subject details.

149 of 149 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 Abera, Fasika Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
2 Albury, Ruby Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physics 50
3 Arney, Emily Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 40
4 Arney, Irena Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 42
5 Bamford, Jedda Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 50
6 Barbas, Michala Melbourne Girls College Richmond Food and Technology 42
7 Beranek, Rachael Melbourne Girls College Richmond Food and Technology 43
8 Bloom, Felicity Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 40
9 Bloom, Felicity Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 40
10 Bolt, Georgia Melbourne Girls College Richmond Legal Studies 44
11 Burum-Mikelat, Claire Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 44
12 Burum-Mikelat, Claire Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 43
13 Burum-Mikelat, Claire Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 42
14 Castle, Emily Melbourne Girls College Richmond Studio Arts 50
15 Castle, Emily Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 48
16 Castle, Emily Melbourne Girls College Richmond Languages: French 45
17 Castle, Emily Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 44
18 Castle, Emily Melbourne Girls College Richmond Chemistry 41
19 Castle, Emily Melbourne Girls College Richmond Mathematical Methods 40
20 Chau, Chieu Dinh Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 41
21 Chen, Yuan Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 42
22 Chen, Yuan Melbourne Girls College Richmond Mathematical Methods 40
23 Chung, Hil Chun Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 43
24 Churchill, Amie Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 46
25 Clearwater, Vanessa Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 42
26 Curtain, Tess Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 46
27 Dang, Thuy Minh Melbourne Girls College Richmond English Language 43
28 Dang, Thuy Minh Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 41
29 Digby-Diercks, Lola Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 42
30 Fairbairn, Ellen Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 41
31 Fairbairn, Ellen Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 40
32 Georgiou, Nicole Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 41
33 Gluchowska, Julia Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 47
34 Gluchowska, Julia Melbourne Girls College Richmond English Language 42
35 Gordon, Malika Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 41
36 Grigoriou, Katherine Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 43
37 Grigoriou, Katherine Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 41
38 Handby, Tess Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
39 Hannigan, Enya Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 42
40 Henkel, Julia Melbourne Girls College Richmond Food and Technology 50
41 Henkel, Julia Melbourne Girls College Richmond Business Management 46
42 Henkel, Julia Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 40
43 Hulls, Kate Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 50
44 Hulls, Kate Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 42
45 Iwama, Yuki Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 42
46 Jarvis, Tayla Melbourne Girls College Richmond Food and Technology 42
47 Jazayeri, Dana Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 42
48 Jazayeri, Dana Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 41
49 Jenkins, Amy Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 44
50 Jenkins, Amy Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 40
51 Jensen, Phillipa Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 41
52 Karakaltsas, Georgia Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 42
53 Karakaltsas, Georgia Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 41
54 Kaur, Amreeta Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physics 50
55 Kaur, Amreeta Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 43
56 Kaur, Amreeta Melbourne Girls College Richmond Mathematical Methods 43
57 Kaur, Amreeta Melbourne Girls College Richmond Chemistry 40
58 Kearney, Sarah Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physical Education 40
59 Kennedy-Mayne, Ruby Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 42
60 Kennedy-Mayne, Ruby Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physical Education 42
61 Landby, Claire Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physical Education 44
62 Lee, Lauren Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 40
63 Lee, Seo-Hyun Melbourne Girls College Richmond Business Management 46
64 Lee, Seo-Hyun Melbourne Girls College Richmond Accounting 41
65 Lewis, Emma Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 48
66 Look, Emily Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 42
67 Lord, Rosalie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
68 Louchart, Sophie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 42
69 Louchart, Sophie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Studio Arts 42
70 Lowe, Stephanie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Outdoor and Environmental Studies 46
71 Lowe, Stephanie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 43
72 Lu, Jenny Melbourne Girls College Richmond Mathematical Methods 40
73 Luc, Mysa Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 43
74 Ly, Linh Melbourne Girls College Richmond Mathematical Methods 45
75 Ly, Linh Melbourne Girls College Richmond Chemistry 40
76 Mack, Emily Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 40
77 Mangune, Janetzko Melbourne Girls College Richmond English Language 42
78 Mangune, Janetzko Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 42
79 Mason, Louise Melbourne Girls College Richmond Food and Technology 45
80 McBride, Bonnie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 41
81 McCaskill, Nicola Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 48
82 McCaskill, Nicola Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 43
83 McMahon, Erin Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 41
84 McPhee-Lam, Brigid Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 42
85 Muldoon, Nellie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Languages: French 41
86 Mulvey, Ilona Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 42
87 Mulvey, Ilona Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 41
88 Nguyen, Huong Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 42
89 Nottle, Briana Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 41
90 Nottle, Briana Melbourne Girls College Richmond Visual Communication Design 41
91 O'Leary-Rutherford, Phoebe Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 42
92 Papamanos, Anthea Melbourne Girls College Richmond Design and Technology 43
93 Papamanos, Anthea Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 41
94 Perdomo, Gabriella Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 48
95 Perdomo, Gabriella Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 44
96 Platt, Meredith Melbourne Girls College Richmond Biology 43
97 Qian, Meng Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 41
98 Roche, Jocelyn Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 50
99 Roche, Jocelyn Melbourne Girls College Richmond Business Management 45
100 Roche, Jocelyn Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 40
101 Ross, Catherine Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 46
102 Ross, Catherine Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 45
103 Ross, Catherine Melbourne Girls College Richmond Legal Studies 44
104 Ross, Catherine Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 43
105 Ross, Catherine Melbourne Girls College Richmond International Studies 40
106 Scarmozzino, Cristina Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 42
107 Shaw, Audrey Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 43
108 Shaw, Audrey Melbourne Girls College Richmond Visual Communication Design 42
109 Sinclair, Chloe Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 45
110 Situ, Weijing Melbourne Girls College Richmond Languages: Chinese Second Language Advanced 42
111 Soedarsono, Rhian Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 43
112 Sohanpal, Kiran Melbourne Girls College Richmond Visual Communication Design 49
113 Sohanpal, Kiran Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 45
114 Sohtra, Abana Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 43
115 Sohtra, Abana Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 40
116 Sprott, Stephanie Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 50
117 Sprott, Stephanie Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 50
118 Sprott, Stephanie Melbourne Girls College Richmond International Studies 49
119 Sprott, Stephanie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Languages: French 43
120 Sprott, Stephanie Melbourne Girls College Richmond Literature 43
121 Stefanopoulos, Loretta Melbourne Girls College Richmond Food and Technology 41
122 Sulaiman, Karima Melbourne Girls College Richmond Media 45
123 Sulaiman, Karima Melbourne Girls College Richmond Design and Technology 42
124 Sydow, Camille Melbourne Girls College Richmond Legal Studies 40
125 Sydow, Camille Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physics 40
126 Tamiakis, Zoe Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 41
127 Tat, Mystery Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 44
128 Taylor, Lydia Melbourne Girls College Richmond English Language 43
129 Tran, Hieu Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 42
130 Tran, Mai Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 43
131 Tremoulas, Maria Melbourne Girls College Richmond Business Management 40
132 Van, Han Melbourne Girls College Richmond Business Management 45
133 Verma, Sumedha Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 43
134 Visser, Erin Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 40
135 Wang, Milly Melbourne Girls College Richmond Business Management 42
136 Webster, Alexandra Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 46
137 Webster, Alexandra Melbourne Girls College Richmond English Language 40
138 Webster, Hannah Melbourne Girls College Richmond Hospitality: Food and Beverages (VCE VET) 41
139 Webster, Hannah Melbourne Girls College Richmond International Studies 40
140 Willis, Louella Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 50
141 Willis, Louella Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 50
142 Willis, Louella Melbourne Girls College Richmond International Studies 50
143 Willis, Louella Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 46
144 Wilson-O'Neill, Alice Melbourne Girls College Richmond English 47
145 Wilson-O'Neill, Alice Melbourne Girls College Richmond Physical Education 43
146 Wilson-O'Neill, Alice Melbourne Girls College Richmond History: Revolutions 40
147 Ye, Victoria Melbourne Girls College Richmond Psychology 41
148 Zhang, Elsa Melbourne Girls College Richmond Accounting 43
149 Zhang, Elsa Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 42
Last Updated: 21 Jun 2021
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