VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2009

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2009, along with their school and subject details.

137 of 137 entries are shown.
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1 Acciarito, Cristian Mazenod College Mulgrave Biology 47
2 Acciarito, Cristian Mazenod College Mulgrave Psychology 43
3 Akerlund, Dennis Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 40
4 Allen, Brenton Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 46
5 Allen, Brenton Mazenod College Mulgrave English 41
6 Almeida, Bertram Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 40
7 Assey, Aron Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 40
8 Axiaq, Christopher Mazenod College Mulgrave Psychology 41
9 Axiaq, Christopher Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 41
10 Aynikkal, Arun Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
11 Aynikkal, Arun Mazenod College Mulgrave English 42
12 Aynikkal, Arun Mazenod College Mulgrave Chemistry 41
13 Begashaw, Kirobel Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 40
14 Bernardo, Kevin Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 41
15 Bickers, David Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 45
16 Biviano, Matthew Mazenod College Mulgrave Chemistry 43
17 Bruce, Matthew Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 41
18 Burleigh, Thomas Mazenod College Mulgrave Economics 46
19 Burleigh, Thomas Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 46
20 Burleigh, Thomas Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 45
21 Burleigh, Thomas Mazenod College Mulgrave IT Applications 41
22 Chen, Dasheng Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
23 Chila, Adrian Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
24 Coleiro, Lewis Mazenod College Mulgrave Engineering Studies (Certificate II) 43
25 D'Netto, Reuben Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 47
26 D'Netto, Reuben Mazenod College Mulgrave Chemistry 46
27 D'Netto, Reuben Mazenod College Mulgrave Physics 45
28 D'Netto, Reuben Mazenod College Mulgrave English 44
29 D'Netto, Reuben Mazenod College Mulgrave Specialist Mathematics 41
30 D'Souza, Leroy Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 44
31 D'Souza, Leroy Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 42
32 De Silva, Randil Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 41
33 Di Gregorio, Anthony Mazenod College Mulgrave English 46
34 Di Gregorio, Anthony Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 44
35 Di Gregorio, Anthony Mazenod College Mulgrave Chemistry 41
36 Dias, Bradley Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 44
37 Edirisinghe, Nipun Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 43
38 Escobar, Boris Mazenod College Mulgrave English 42
39 Escobar, Boris Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 41
40 Farinaccio, Fabian Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 43
41 Fernando, Wilhelm Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 47
42 Fernando, Wilhelm Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
43 Francis, Mark Mazenod College Mulgrave English 42
44 Francis, Mark Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
45 Gazukin, Antony Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 41
46 Giacomantonio, Brice Mazenod College Mulgrave Legal Studies 44
47 Giacomantonio, Brice Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 41
48 Gojszyk, Mark Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 40
49 Ha, Sheldon Mazenod College Mulgrave Visual Communication Design 44
50 Ha, Sheldon Mazenod College Mulgrave Psychology 42
51 Hilliard, Justin Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 40
52 Hoang, Duy Anh Mazenod College Mulgrave Psychology 40
53 Hudson, Ryan Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 43
54 Huynh, Trong-Van Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
55 Jayasuriya, Lashlan Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 42
56 Jones, Samuel Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
57 Karl, Sean Mazenod College Mulgrave English 46
58 Karl, Sean Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 42
59 Kelly, Daniel Mazenod College Mulgrave Multimedia (VCE VET) 41
60 Kelly, Daniel Mazenod College Mulgrave Visual Communication Design 41
61 Khoweiss, Adam Mazenod College Mulgrave English 44
62 Krohn, Andrew Mazenod College Mulgrave English 43
63 Lacey, Jack Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 40
64 Malietzis, John Paul Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 40
65 Mancini, Nathan Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 41
66 Mancini, Nathan Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 40
67 Mangiapane, Peter Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 42
68 Manuel, Brett Mazenod College Mulgrave IT Applications 47
69 Manuel, Brett Mazenod College Mulgrave Physics 40
70 Marandola, Antonio Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 50
71 Marandola, Antonio Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 40
72 Marrocco, Julian Mazenod College Mulgrave English 42
73 Marrocco, Julian Mazenod College Mulgrave Legal Studies 40
74 McIntosh, Andrew Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 44
75 McIntosh, Andrew Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 43
76 McLaughlin, Mark Mazenod College Mulgrave English 41
77 McLaughlin, Mark Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 41
78 Mirra, David Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 44
79 Moore, Vincent Mazenod College Mulgrave Economics 41
80 Morkos, Michael Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
81 Ng, Jeremy Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 40
82 Ngieng, Ethan Mazenod College Mulgrave English 43
83 Ngov, Richard Mazenod College Mulgrave Visual Communication Design 50
84 Ngov, Richard Mazenod College Mulgrave English 41
85 O'Keeffe, James Mazenod College Mulgrave Chemistry 43
86 O'Keeffe, James Mazenod College Mulgrave English 43
87 O'Keeffe, James Mazenod College Mulgrave Economics 42
88 O'Keeffe, James Mazenod College Mulgrave Physics 40
89 Ordega, Adrian Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 41
90 Ordega, Adrian Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
91 Ordega, Adrian Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 40
92 Parisi, Aiden Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 43
93 Pietersz, Andrew Mazenod College Mulgrave Visual Communication Design 47
94 Rizk, Andrew Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 45
95 Romano, Anthony Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 45
96 Romano, Anthony Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 42
97 Roussel De-St Remy, Danny Mazenod College Mulgrave English 43
98 Roussel De-St Remy, Danny Mazenod College Mulgrave Multimedia (VCE VET) 43
99 Roussel De-St Remy, Danny Mazenod College Mulgrave Psychology 40
100 Rozkiewicz, Radek Mazenod College Mulgrave Visual Communication Design 45
101 Ruffolo, Robert Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 40
102 Saffigna, Raphael Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 44
103 Scammell, Lucas Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 50
104 Sequeira, Rohan Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
105 Serratore, Michael Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 43
106 Serratore, Michael Mazenod College Mulgrave International Studies 41
107 Serratore, Michael Mazenod College Mulgrave Literature 41
108 Serratore, Michael Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
109 Sheehan, Dale Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 45
110 Sinnappu, Myron Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 44
111 Sinnappu, Myron Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 43
112 Tanti, Peter-Julian Mazenod College Mulgrave Visual Communication Design 40
113 Tcha, Andy Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 41
114 Thambyah, Hamish Mazenod College Mulgrave English 42
115 Thambyah, Hamish Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
116 Thambyah, Hamish Mazenod College Mulgrave Specialist Mathematics 40
117 Ton, That Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 41
118 Tran, Brian Mazenod College Mulgrave English 46
119 Tran, Khoi Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 41
120 Tseng, Chun Mazenod College Mulgrave English as an Additional Language 47
121 Tseng, Chun Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 45
122 Tseng, Chun Mazenod College Mulgrave Specialist Mathematics 42
123 Tseng, Chun Mazenod College Mulgrave Chemistry 40
124 Vom, Jason Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 41
125 Vu, Sang Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 46
126 Warfe, Rhys Mazenod College Mulgrave IT Applications 40
127 Warfe, Rhys Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
128 White, Matthew Mazenod College Mulgrave Engineering Studies (Certificate II) 40
129 Wickramasinghe, Dishan Mazenod College Mulgrave English 47
130 Wickramasinghe, Dishan Mazenod College Mulgrave Legal Studies 46
131 Wickramasinghe, Dishan Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 42
132 Wilmann, Shaun Mazenod College Mulgrave Visual Communication Design 49
133 Wilmann, Shaun Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 40
134 Wise, Johann Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 42
135 Woods, Mitchell Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 41
136 Woods, Mitchell Mazenod College Mulgrave Visual Communication Design 40
137 Yu, Daniel Mazenod College Mulgrave Biology 43
Last Updated: 21 Jun 2021
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