VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2009

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2009, along with their school and subject details.

61 of 61 entries are shown.
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1 Badge, Lucy Lauriston Girls School Armadale Physical Education 42
2 Bassett, Laura Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 42
3 Bensz, Louise Lauriston Girls School Armadale Further Mathematics 41
4 Bensz, Louise Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 40
5 Blair-West, Laura Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 49
6 Blair-West, Laura Lauriston Girls School Armadale Chemistry 44
7 Blair-West, Laura Lauriston Girls School Armadale Languages: French 42
8 Blair-West, Laura Lauriston Girls School Armadale Mathematical Methods 42
9 Blair-West, Laura Lauriston Girls School Armadale Specialist Mathematics 40
10 Blosfelds-Hayes, Louise Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 41
11 Bradley, Olivia Lauriston Girls School Armadale Further Mathematics 46
12 Carroll, Sarah Lauriston Girls School Armadale Visual Communication Design 43
13 Carroll, Sarah Lauriston Girls School Armadale Literature 40
14 Caruso, Isabella Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 40
15 Connor, Jessica Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 40
16 Connor, Jessica Lauriston Girls School Armadale Geography 40
17 Cooper, Sophie Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 45
18 Cooper, Sophie Lauriston Girls School Armadale Economics 43
19 Cooper, Sophie Lauriston Girls School Armadale International Studies 41
20 Corr, Georgina Lauriston Girls School Armadale Further Mathematics 40
21 Davidson, Sophie Lauriston Girls School Armadale Studio Arts 40
22 Deb, Shreosi Lauriston Girls School Armadale Literature 41
23 Dwyer, Camilla Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 47
24 Dwyer, Camilla Lauriston Girls School Armadale Physical Education 42
25 Geddes, Harriet Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 41
26 Geddes, Harriet Lauriston Girls School Armadale History: Revolutions 41
27 Jones, Sophie Lauriston Girls School Armadale Further Mathematics 46
28 Jones, Sophie Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 41
29 Joseph, Paula Lauriston Girls School Armadale Further Mathematics 43
30 Joseph, Paula Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 40
31 Kenny, Amelia Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 45
32 Koegel, Morgan Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 50
33 Koegel, Morgan Lauriston Girls School Armadale Studio Arts 50
34 Koegel, Morgan Lauriston Girls School Armadale History: Revolutions 48
35 Koegel, Morgan Lauriston Girls School Armadale International Studies 44
36 Koegel, Morgan Lauriston Girls School Armadale Literature 42
37 Lucente, Arianna Lauriston Girls School Armadale History: Revolutions 42
38 Lynch, Courtney Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 44
39 Macfarlane, Sophie Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 43
40 Macfarlane, Sophie Lauriston Girls School Armadale History: Revolutions 41
41 Macfarlane, Sophie Lauriston Girls School Armadale Literature 40
42 Maitland, Meghan Lauriston Girls School Armadale Physical Education 42
43 Morris, Emily Lauriston Girls School Armadale Biology 42
44 Moulis, Amelia Lauriston Girls School Armadale Theatre Studies 47
45 Moulis, Amelia Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 46
46 Nelson, Georgia Lauriston Girls School Armadale Art 42
47 Paton, Julia Lauriston Girls School Armadale Further Mathematics 40
48 Smith, Emma Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 40
49 Soo, Jade Lauriston Girls School Armadale Mathematical Methods 49
50 Soo, Jade Lauriston Girls School Armadale Chemistry 45
51 Soo, Jade Lauriston Girls School Armadale Specialist Mathematics 43
52 Soo, Jade Lauriston Girls School Armadale Physics 42
53 Stahle, Mireille Lauriston Girls School Armadale Studio Arts 42
54 Thatcher, Savannah Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 40
55 Thatcher, Savannah Lauriston Girls School Armadale Literature 40
56 Thatcher, Savannah Lauriston Girls School Armadale Media 40
57 Tyler, Sarah Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 43
58 Watt, Jessye Lauriston Girls School Armadale Physical Education 47
59 White, Alexandra Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 42
60 Wilson, Lauren Lauriston Girls School Armadale Visual Communication Design 41
61 Yencken, Jordana Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 40
Last Updated: 21 Jun 2021
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