VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2008

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2008, along with their school and subject details.

10 of 21710 entries are shown.
8664 - 8673
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8664 Ilangaratne, Dilini MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne English 43
8665 Ilangaratne, Dilini MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Languages: Japanese Second Language 42
8666 Ilangaratne, Dilini MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Biology 41
8667 Ilczyszyn, Katarzyna MacKillop Catholic Regional College Werribee Media 46
8668 Iles, Kieran St Pauls College Altona North Physics 40
8669 Ilett, Louise Colac High School Colac English 41
8670 Ilgoutz, Scott Braemar College Woodend Biology 47
8671 Ilic, Genevieve Camberwell Girls Grammar School Canterbury Mathematical Methods 50
8672 Ilich, Maria Ximena Sacre Coeur Glen Iris Psychology 42
8673 Iliuta, Michael St Francis Xavier College Beaconsfield English 41
Last Updated: 21 Sep 2021
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