VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2008

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2008, along with their school and subject details.

68 of 118 entries are shown.
51 - 118
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51 Le, Dat Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 43
52 Le, Dat Mazenod College Mulgrave Specialist Mathematics 40
53 Longano, David Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 41
54 Longano, David Mazenod College Mulgrave Economics 40
55 Magee, Dean Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
56 Magee, Dean Mazenod College Mulgrave English 41
57 Magee, Dean Mazenod College Mulgrave Physics 40
58 Mancini, Julian Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 40
59 Manuel, Brett Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 44
60 Manuel, Brett Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 40
61 Matti, John Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
62 McCumstie, Peter Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 45
63 McCumstie, Peter Mazenod College Mulgrave Literature 41
64 McCumstie, Peter Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
65 McGinley, Peter Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 41
66 McLaughlin, Mark Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 43
67 McLaughlin, Mark Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 40
68 Medorini, Steven Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 44
69 Medorini, Steven Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
70 Munasingha, Matthew Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 42
71 Nader, Joshua Mazenod College Mulgrave Psychology 41
72 Newton, Joshua Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 40
73 Ngieng, Ethan Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 40
74 Nguyen, Duta Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 40
75 Nguyen, Ho Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 42
76 O'Keeffe, James Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 40
77 O'Shea, Anthony Mazenod College Mulgrave Business Management 43
78 O'Shea, Anthony Mazenod College Mulgrave English 41
79 O'Shea, Anthony Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 41
80 Ordega, Adrian Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 42
81 Patti, Augustine Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 40
82 Pereira, Zachary Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 41
83 Persico, Matthew Mazenod College Mulgrave English 45
84 Persico, Matthew Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
85 Persico, Matthew Mazenod College Mulgrave Languages: Italian 41
86 Povey, Jason Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 40
87 Rankin, Christopher Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 42
88 Ricupito, Franky Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
89 Ricupito, James Mazenod College Mulgrave Economics 43
90 Ricupito, James Mazenod College Mulgrave English 41
91 Ricupito, James Mazenod College Mulgrave Languages: Italian 41
92 Rolfe, Timothy Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 47
93 Rosamilia, Robert Mazenod College Mulgrave Accounting 41
94 Scholten, Justin Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 43
95 Scholten, Justin Mazenod College Mulgrave Physical Education 40
96 Selvadurai, Francois Mazenod College Mulgrave Furnishing (VCE VET) 41
97 Serratore, Michael Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 42
98 Silvestre, Anthony Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
99 Sinnappu, Myron Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 43
100 Smarrelli, Anthony Mazenod College Mulgrave Economics 40
101 Stephens, Kieran Mazenod College Mulgrave English 40
102 Thambyah, Hamish Mazenod College Mulgrave Psychology 41
103 Tran, Brian Mazenod College Mulgrave Religion and Society 43
104 Um, Jimmy Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 40
105 Vaz, Shane Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 42
106 Vaz, Shane Mazenod College Mulgrave Chemistry 40
107 Velardo, Robert Mazenod College Mulgrave Economics 43
108 Velardo, Robert Mazenod College Mulgrave History: Revolutions 42
109 Velardo, Robert Mazenod College Mulgrave English 41
110 Velardo, Robert Mazenod College Mulgrave International Studies 41
111 Veneziano, Robert Mazenod College Mulgrave IT Applications 40
112 Vilbar, Adam Mazenod College Mulgrave Engineering Studies (Certificate II) 43
113 Warfe, Rhys Mazenod College Mulgrave Software Development 41
114 Wickramasinghe, Dishan Mazenod College Mulgrave Psychology 41
115 Wojnar, Robert Mazenod College Mulgrave Mathematical Methods (CAS) 46
116 Wojnar, Robert Mazenod College Mulgrave Chemistry 43
117 Wojnar, Robert Mazenod College Mulgrave Specialist Mathematics 42
118 Woodhouse, Christopher Mazenod College Mulgrave Further Mathematics 40
Last Updated: 21 Sep 2021
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