VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2007

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2007, along with their school and subject details.

200 of 21047 entries are shown.
19658 - 19857
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19658 Watts, Samantha Mount Clear College Mount Clear Further Mathematics 43
19659 Watts, Samantha Mount Clear College Mount Clear English 42
19660 Watts, Samantha Mount Clear College Mount Clear Physical Education 41
19661 Watts, Tara Clonard College Herne Hill Further Mathematics 41
19662 Waugh, Callum Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat Australian History 43
19663 Waugh, Callum Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat Mathematical Methods 41
19664 Waugh, Callum Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat Physics 40
19665 Waugh, Laurence Xavier College Kew Theatre Studies 45
19666 Waugh, Madeline Genazzano F.C.J. College Kew English 43
19667 Waywood, Nicholas Box Hill Senior Secondary College Mont Albert North Physics 40
19668 Wazeer, Ihithisham Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Accounting 40
19669 Wearne, Stephanie Kilbreda College Mentone Psychology 40
19670 Weate, Chelsey St Monicas College Epping National Politics 46
19671 Weate, Chelsey St Monicas College Epping History: Revolutions 45
19672 Weate, Chelsey St Monicas College Epping English 42
19673 Weate, Chelsey St Monicas College Epping Chemistry 40
19674 Weaver, Megan Wesley College St Kilda Rd Melbourne Geography 40
19675 Weaver, Priscilla Marian College Sunshine West Sunshine West English 40
19676 Webb, Ailsa University High School Parkville English Language 42
19677 Webb, Ailsa University High School Parkville Philosophy 40
19678 Webb, Amanda Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe English 41
19679 Webb, Crystal Kilbreda College Mentone Visual Communication Design 46
19680 Webb, Crystal Kilbreda College Mentone Studio Arts 41
19681 Webb, Emily Macleod College Macleod Studio Arts 43
19682 Webb, Emily Macleod College Macleod Psychology 41
19683 Webb, Emma Luther College Croydon Hills Further Mathematics 40
19684 Webb, Jackson Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Accounting 42
19685 Webb, Jackson Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne National Politics 42
19686 Webb, Jackson Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 40
19687 Webb, Jackson Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Legal Studies 40
19688 Webb, Jackson Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Mathematical Methods 40
19689 Webb, Jessica Kilbreda College Mentone History: Revolutions 47
19690 Webb, Maggie Bright P-12 College Bright English 41
19691 Webb, Rebecca Melbourne Girls College Richmond Further Mathematics 47
19692 Webb, Rebecca Melbourne Girls College Richmond Health and Human Development 42
19693 Webb, Thomas St Johns Regional College Dandenong Further Mathematics 44
19694 Webber, Rebecca Methodist Ladies College Kew Further Mathematics 40
19695 Webberley, Aidan Bialik College Hawthorn Business Management 40
19696 Weber, Jennifer MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Literature 41
19697 Weber, Sophie Sacre Coeur Glen Iris Psychology 40
19698 Weberruss, Joshua University High School Parkville Biology 42
19699 Websdale, Krista Nagle College Bairnsdale Sport and Recreation (VCE VET) 40
19700 Webster, Elise Warrnambool College Warrnambool Psychology 42
19701 Webster, James Mentone Grammar School Mentone Legal Studies 47
19702 Webster, James Mentone Grammar School Mentone Further Mathematics 45
19703 Webster, James Mentone Grammar School Mentone Psychology 45
19704 Webster, James Mentone Grammar School Mentone English 44
19705 Webster, James Mentone Grammar School Mentone Literature 44
19706 Webster, James Mentone Grammar School Mentone History: Revolutions 40
19707 Webster, Kyria Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Theatre Studies 44
19708 Webster, Sarah Benalla P-12 College Benalla Health and Human Development 44
19709 Webster-Conwell, Alexandra Ringwood Secondary College Ringwood Media 43
19710 Weddell, Albert The Geelong College Newtown Mathematical Methods 40
19711 Weddell, Albert The Geelong College Newtown Physics 40
19712 Wee, Roger Trinity Grammar School Kew English as an Additional Language 40
19713 Weeks, Jack Goulburn Valley Grammar School Shepparton Languages: Indonesian Second Language 40
19714 Weenink, Monika Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster Chemistry 50
19715 Weenink, Monika Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster Mathematical Methods 47
19716 Weenink, Monika Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster Physics 42
19717 Weenink, Monika Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster Specialist Mathematics 41
19718 Weerakoon, Dinushi Avila College Mount Waverley Psychology 40
19719 Weerasinghe Mudiyansalage, geVanessa Sacred Heart Girls College Hughesdale Mathematical Methods 44
19720 Weerasinghe Mudiyansalage, geVanessa Sacred Heart Girls College Hughesdale English 41
19721 Weerasinghe, Chamika East Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster East Further Mathematics 41
19722 Weerasinghe, Lahiru St Monicas College Epping Further Mathematics 44
19723 Weerasinghe, Lakshan Camberwell High School Canterbury Economics 40
19724 Wegman, John Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Visual Communication Design 46
19725 Wegman, John Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Studio Arts 41
19726 Wei, Mengxin Balwyn High School Balwyn North Accounting 42
19727 Wei, Mengxin Balwyn High School Balwyn North Mathematical Methods 41
19728 Wei, Yiran Kew High School Kew East Accounting 45
19729 Wei, Yiran Kew High School Kew East Mathematical Methods 45
19730 Wei, Yiran Kew High School Kew East English as an Additional Language 42
19731 Wei, Yiran Kew High School Kew East Specialist Mathematics 40
19732 Wei, Zihui Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Languages: Chinese Second Language Advanced 40
19733 Weidenbach, Stephanie Notre Dame College Shepparton Food and Technology 44
19734 Weight, Annabelle Nagle College Bairnsdale Food and Technology 42
19735 Wein, Elisheva Beth Rivkah Ladies College St Kilda East Biology 40
19736 Weir, Miranda University High School Parkville English 40
19737 Weiss, Lachlan Sandringham College Sandringham English 47
19738 Weiss, Lachlan Sandringham College Sandringham National Politics 42
19739 Welch, Georgia Bendigo Senior Secondary College Bendigo Health and Human Development 40
19740 Welivitiya, Shavindhi Wellington Secondary College Mulgrave Psychology 45
19741 Wellard, Melissa Mowbray College Melton Melton Design and Technology 47
19742 Wellard, Melissa Mowbray College Melton Melton Further Mathematics 43
19743 Wellard, Melissa Mowbray College Melton Melton Accounting 40
19744 Weller, Claire Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak Studio Arts 47
19745 Weller, Claire Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak English 44
19746 Weller, Claire Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak Art 42
19747 Wellington, Alexandra St Josephs College Mildura Mildura Biology 42
19748 Wellington, Amy Genazzano F.C.J. College Kew History: Renaissance Italy 43
19749 Wells, Laura Mooroolbark College Mooroolbark Health and Human Development 45
19750 Welmillage, Nipuna Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Business Management 42
19751 Welsh, Nathan Catholic Regional College Sydenham Sydenham Further Mathematics 40
19752 Wemyss, Nicola Woodleigh School Langwarrin South Food and Technology 43
19753 Wen, Ke Camberwell Girls Grammar School Canterbury Languages: Chinese First Language 40
19754 Wen, Le The Geelong College Newtown Biology 44
19755 Wen, Le The Geelong College Newtown Chemistry 44
19756 Wen, Le The Geelong College Newtown Physics 43
19757 Wen, Le The Geelong College Newtown Specialist Mathematics 43
19758 Wen, Wendy Presbyterian Ladies College Burwood Languages: Chinese Second Language 42
19759 Weraduwage, Hashinee MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Psychology 49
19760 Weragoda, Michael Melbourne High School South Yarra Accounting 42
19761 Werkmeister, Bianca Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury Visual Communication Design 41
19762 Werner, Ben Ballarat Grammar School Wendouree Agricultural and Horticultural Studies 50
19763 Werner, Ben Ballarat Grammar School Wendouree Design and Technology 41
19764 Werner, Sarah Camberwell High School Canterbury Psychology 43
19765 Werrett, Jack Gisborne Secondary College Gisborne Further Mathematics 42
19766 Werzberger, Simone Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Legal Studies 42
19767 Wescott-Dawson, Ellen Luther College Croydon Hills English 42
19768 Wesley, Jarrod Ballarat Grammar School Wendouree Further Mathematics 43
19769 West, Stella Mowbray College Town Centre Caroline Springs English 40
19770 West, Stuart McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Music Solo Performance 48
19771 West, Stuart McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon English 42
19772 West, Tamsien Belmont High School Belmont International Studies 42
19773 West, Tamsien Belmont High School Belmont Studio Arts 42
19774 West, Tamsien Belmont High School Belmont English 40
19775 West, Timothy Leongatha Secondary College Leongatha Business Management 40
19776 Westendorf, Simone-Rose University High School Parkville Mathematical Methods 44
19777 Westendorf, Simone-Rose University High School Parkville Languages: German 41
19778 Westendorf, Simone-Rose University High School Parkville Specialist Mathematics 41
19779 Westlake, Kirsten Warrnambool College Warrnambool Legal Studies 41
19780 Westland, Hugh Princes Hill Secondary College Princes Hill Studio Arts 41
19781 Westland, Thomas Beechworth Secondary College Beechworth English 50
19782 Westland, Thomas Beechworth Secondary College Beechworth Literature 45
19783 Westland, Thomas Beechworth Secondary College Beechworth History: Revolutions 40
19784 Westman, Patrick Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Economics 45
19785 Westman, Patrick Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Accounting 43
19786 Westman, Patrick Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 43
19787 Westmoreland, Amy Oxley Christian College Chirnside Park Australian History 40
19788 Weston, Kate The Hamilton and Alexandra College Hamilton Design and Technology 41
19789 Weston, Ryan Yarra Hills Secondary College Mooroolbark Mooroolbark Biology 42
19790 Westwood, Cassandra Firbank Grammar School Brighton Accounting 47
19791 Westwood, Cassandra Firbank Grammar School Brighton Physics 43
19792 Westwood, Cassandra Firbank Grammar School Brighton Chemistry 42
19793 Westwood, Cassandra Firbank Grammar School Brighton English 41
19794 Wettenhall, Elizabeth Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra Psychology 43
19795 Wettenhall, Elizabeth Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra English 42
19796 Wettenhall, Elizabeth Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra English Language 41
19797 Weuffen, Jodie Clonard College Herne Hill Health and Human Development 41
19798 Wewelwela, Thushara Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Sinhala 49
19799 Wexler, Hanah Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood English 43
19800 Wexler, Hanah Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood Further Mathematics 42
19801 Wexler, Hanah Mount Scopus Memorial College Burwood Religion and Society 42
19802 Whale, Thomas Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe Biology 40
19803 Whalley, Rosemary Ave Maria College Aberfeldie English 41
19804 Whatley, Jessica Girton Grammar School Bendigo Business Management 47
19805 Wheatcroft, Jennifer University High School Parkville English 40
19806 Wheeler, Andrew Scotch College Hawthorn Mathematical Methods 49
19807 Wheeler, Andrew Scotch College Hawthorn Physics 46
19808 Wheeler, Andrew Scotch College Hawthorn Chemistry 44
19809 Wheeler, Andrew Scotch College Hawthorn Literature 44
19810 Wheeler, Andrew Scotch College Hawthorn Specialist Mathematics 43
19811 Wheeler, Eve Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo English 40
19812 Wheeler, Jessica Catholic College Wodonga Wodonga English 41
19813 Wheeler, Jessica Catholic College Wodonga Wodonga National Politics 40
19814 Wheeler, Jillian Lilydale High School Lilydale Environmental Science 42
19815 Wheeler, Jillian Lilydale High School Lilydale English 40
19816 Wheeler, Michelle Viewbank College Viewbank Psychology 41
19817 Wheeler, Sarah Mansfield Secondary College Mansfield Further Mathematics 41
19818 Wheelwright, Laura Kew High School Kew East Drama 45
19819 Whelan, Anna Padua College Mornington Business Management 40
19820 Whelan, Annette Sacred Heart College Geelong Newtown Business Management 41
19821 Whitaker, Jarrad Rutherglen High School Rutherglen Music Group Performance 41
19822 Whitbourne, Matthew Koonung Secondary College Mont Albert North Further Mathematics 41
19823 Whitchelo, Tara Lilydale High School Lilydale Psychology 45
19824 Whitchelo, Tara Lilydale High School Lilydale Physical Education 43
19825 Whitchelo, Tara Lilydale High School Lilydale Biology 41
19826 Whitchurch, Francesca Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra Further Mathematics 46
19827 Whitchurch, Francesca Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra Psychology 43
19828 Whitchurch, Francesca Melbourne Girls Grammar South Yarra English 42
19829 White, Alison Bundoora Secondary College Bundoora Health and Human Development 41
19830 White, Bianca Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East English 44
19831 White, Bianca Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 44
19832 White, Caitlin MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Biology 40
19833 White, Daniella Avila College Mount Waverley English 43
19834 White, Emily Mater Christi College Belgrave Health and Human Development 41
19835 White, Evie Maffra Secondary College Maffra Studio Arts 44
19836 White, Georgia Camberwell High School Canterbury Psychology 42
19837 White, James Oxley Christian College Chirnside Park Information Technology (VCE VET) 41
19838 White, Joanna Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Psychology 46
19839 White, Joanna Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Legal Studies 42
19840 White, Joanna Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew English Language 41
19841 White, Joanna Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew International Studies 40
19842 White, Kara Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe Biology 42
19843 White, Kara Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe Psychology 40
19844 White, Kirah Peninsula Grammar Mount Eliza Visual Communication Design 44
19845 White, Kirah Peninsula Grammar Mount Eliza Hospitality: Food and Beverages (VCE VET) 43
19846 White, Kirah Peninsula Grammar Mount Eliza Further Mathematics 42
19847 White, Madeleine Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak English 46
19848 White, Madeleine Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak Literature 46
19849 White, Madeleine Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak National Politics 42
19850 White, Madeline Ringwood Secondary College Ringwood English 45
19851 White, Melissa Nazareth College Noble Park North Legal Studies 42
19852 White, Nicholas Caulfield Grammar School Wheelers Hill Wheelers Hill Physical Education 42
19853 White, Nicholas Donvale Christian College Donvale Further Mathematics 41
19854 White, Penelope-Jane Cobram Secondary College Cobram Physical Education 44
19855 White, Penelope-Jane Cobram Secondary College Cobram Health and Human Development 41
19856 White, Rachael Mount Evelyn Christian School Mount Evelyn Texts and Traditions 47
19857 White, Rebecca Tintern Girls Grammar School Ringwood East Outdoor and Environmental Studies 43
Last Updated: 4 May 2022
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