VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2007

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2007, along with their school and subject details.

71 of 71 entries are shown.
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1 Ananthanathan, Thiruverni The Knox School Wantirna South Mathematical Methods 45
2 Ananthanathan, Thiruverni The Knox School Wantirna South Biology 42
3 Bandara, Kavindu The Knox School Wantirna South English 42
4 Bandara, Kavindu The Knox School Wantirna South Further Mathematics 40
5 Bandara, Kavindu The Knox School Wantirna South Psychology 40
6 Borg, James The Knox School Wantirna South Mathematical Methods 46
7 Byrne, Lachlan The Knox School Wantirna South IT Applications 40
8 Cai, Li Yuan The Knox School Wantirna South Mathematical Methods 40
9 Chen, Chao The Knox School Wantirna South Languages: Chinese First Language 40
10 Chen, Yiyi The Knox School Wantirna South Languages: Chinese First Language 46
11 Chen, Yiyi The Knox School Wantirna South Mathematical Methods 41
12 Coniglione, Michael The Knox School Wantirna South Physical Education 40
13 De Ridder, Byron The Knox School Wantirna South Further Mathematics 46
14 De Ridder, Byron The Knox School Wantirna South IT Applications 44
15 Donnellon, Christopher The Knox School Wantirna South English 42
16 Doolan, James The Knox School Wantirna South Business Management 40
17 Dow, Michael The Knox School Wantirna South Business Management 42
18 Dow, Michael The Knox School Wantirna South Further Mathematics 41
19 Dow, Michael The Knox School Wantirna South IT Applications 41
20 Durdin, Michael The Knox School Wantirna South Business Management 40
21 Egeberg, Sarah The Knox School Wantirna South Health and Human Development 41
22 Elshenawy, Laila The Knox School Wantirna South English 42
23 Hammond, Thomas The Knox School Wantirna South Physical Education 45
24 Hammond, Thomas The Knox School Wantirna South Further Mathematics 42
25 Hooper, Callum The Knox School Wantirna South Further Mathematics 41
26 Htet, Mamoemoe The Knox School Wantirna South Further Mathematics 43
27 Htet, Mamoemoe The Knox School Wantirna South Languages: Chinese Second Language 43
28 Kalisperis, Nicholas The Knox School Wantirna South Further Mathematics 47
29 Kalisperis, Nicholas The Knox School Wantirna South English 42
30 Kalisperis, Nicholas The Knox School Wantirna South Accounting 40
31 Karam, Andrew The Knox School Wantirna South IT Applications 42
32 Kelly, Terence The Knox School Wantirna South English 40
33 Larasati, Runi The Knox School Wantirna South English as an Additional Language 41
34 Lee, Andrew The Knox School Wantirna South English 44
35 Leenheers, Nicholas The Knox School Wantirna South Business Management 45
36 Lim, Michael The Knox School Wantirna South Further Mathematics 50
37 Lim, Michael The Knox School Wantirna South Mathematical Methods 42
38 Liu, Ding The Knox School Wantirna South Mathematical Methods 40
39 Liu, Xiao Ying The Knox School Wantirna South Languages: Chinese First Language 40
40 Lowe, Nathan The Knox School Wantirna South Physical Education 40
41 Luxford, Victoria The Knox School Wantirna South Business Management 43
42 Machmud, Leah The Knox School Wantirna South Health and Human Development 42
43 Ming, Robyn The Knox School Wantirna South Further Mathematics 42
44 Oh, Youn Soo The Knox School Wantirna South Further Mathematics 43
45 Osborne, Allana The Knox School Wantirna South Legal Studies 41
46 Parrish, Adam The Knox School Wantirna South English 45
47 Parrish, Adam The Knox School Wantirna South Health and Human Development 43
48 Parrish, Adam The Knox School Wantirna South Legal Studies 40
49 Piyanandana, Thilanka The Knox School Wantirna South Physical Education 41
50 Quittner, Matthew The Knox School Wantirna South Physical Education 48
51 Quittner, Matthew The Knox School Wantirna South Further Mathematics 45
52 Quittner, Matthew The Knox School Wantirna South English 41
53 Quittner, Matthew The Knox School Wantirna South Biology 40
54 Robbins, Michael The Knox School Wantirna South Further Mathematics 42
55 Robbins, Michael The Knox School Wantirna South IT Applications 42
56 Salameh, Nader The Knox School Wantirna South Visual Communication Design 41
57 Salameh, Nader The Knox School Wantirna South Business Management 40
58 Sarris, Dean The Knox School Wantirna South Business Management 41
59 Sarris, Dean The Knox School Wantirna South Physical Education 41
60 Sherer, Jaimie The Knox School Wantirna South Art 45
61 Sherer, Jaimie The Knox School Wantirna South Physical Education 42
62 Singh, Pawanjit The Knox School Wantirna South Business Management 40
63 Singh, Pawanjit The Knox School Wantirna South IT Applications 40
64 Srikanthan, Suren The Knox School Wantirna South IT Applications 50
65 Srikanthan, Suren The Knox School Wantirna South Chemistry 46
66 Taylor, Luke The Knox School Wantirna South Physical Education 41
67 Thambiratnam, Ramona The Knox School Wantirna South Legal Studies 40
68 Triegaardt, Heidi The Knox School Wantirna South Legal Studies 41
69 Walker, Jessica The Knox School Wantirna South English 41
70 Zhang, Qian The Knox School Wantirna South Languages: Chinese First Language 40
71 Zhou, Dan Feng The Knox School Wantirna South Languages: Chinese First Language 42
Last Updated: 4 May 2022
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