VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2007

Filtered by School Name and Subject Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2007, along with their school and subject details.

49 of 49 entries are shown.
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1 Banh, James Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 42
2 Bharatula, Vinay Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 42
3 Bloomfield, Tristan Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
4 Botros, David Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 43
5 Chae, Il-Joong Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 47
6 Chen, Andrew Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 42
7 Cheuk, Kelvin Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
8 Chiu, Terence Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
9 Chu, William Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
10 Ding, Yao Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
11 Do, Andrew Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
12 Du, Hao Nan Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 42
13 Gan, Calvin Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
14 Gupta, Ankit Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 42
15 Hang, Tianqi Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 43
16 Ho, Chit Yuen Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
17 Hong, Brendan Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 42
18 Khoo, Nathanael Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
19 Lababidi, Emad Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
20 Le, Ian Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 42
21 Lim, Alvin Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
22 Mirmilstein, Daniel Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 43
23 Mitropoulos, Yianni Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 43
24 Mohanakumar, Thabotharan Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
25 Muthusamy, Subramanian Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 43
26 Nathan, Haran Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
27 Ng, Alvin Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
28 Ng, Matthew Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 43
29 Nguyen, Joseph Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 46
30 Ramesh, Prashant Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
31 Raviendran, Ambujaan Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 44
32 Saraswat, Siddhartha Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 43
33 Shi, Junyi Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
34 Sivasubramanian, Harish Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 41
35 Spaulding, Bradley Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 47
36 Taing, Alan Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 43
37 Talwar, Arpit Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 44
38 Tan, Garyn Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 45
39 Tang, Yaodong Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 44
40 Trott, Timothy Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 50
41 Van, Andrew Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
42 Varma, Shivesh Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 43
43 Vo, Eric Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
44 Waller, Shohei Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 42
45 Wong, Daniel Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 44
46 Wong, Marcus Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
47 Wu, Simon Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 50
48 Zhang, Gary Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 40
49 Zhong, Michael Melbourne High School South Yarra Specialist Mathematics 45
Last Updated: 4 May 2022
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