VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2007

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2007, along with their school and subject details.

20 of 70 entries are shown.
51 - 70
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51 Pentreath, Bridget Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Health and Human Development 42
52 Perez, Joshua Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo English 40
53 Philbrick, Kaela Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Physical Education 47
54 Richardson, Lisa Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Health and Human Development 44
55 Robertson, Bethea Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Health and Human Development 44
56 Rutland, Kelsey Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Health and Human Development 44
57 Ryan, Amy Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Biology 41
58 Sheehan, James Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Further Mathematics 48
59 Sheehan, James Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo English 40
60 Skahill, Meaghann Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo English 41
61 Smith, Ellen Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Further Mathematics 42
62 Smith, Julia Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Health and Human Development 44
63 Stephen, Madison Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Biology 43
64 Stevens, Mollie Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Health and Human Development 41
65 Stirling, Jason Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo English 41
66 Thompson, Sarah Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Health and Human Development 41
67 Verbeek, Jessica Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Health and Human Development 41
68 Wheeler, Eve Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo English 40
69 Williamson, Cody Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Physical Education 40
70 Yates, Samuel Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Systems Engineering 40
Last Updated: 4 May 2022
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