VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2006

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2006, along with their school and subject details.

200 of 21474 entries are shown.
9362 - 9561
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9362 Kavanagh, Hannah Aquinas College Ringwood Health and Human Development 40
9363 Kavanagh, Lucy Avila College Mount Waverley Health and Human Development 40
9364 Kavenagh, Charlotte Trinity College Colac Media 48
9365 Kawas, Tony Braybrook College Braybrook English as an Additional Language 40
9366 Kay, Mary Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew Psychology 43
9367 Kay, Mary Carey Baptist Grammar School Kew English 41
9368 Kay, Tessa Lauriston Girls School Armadale English 42
9369 Kaya, Hilal Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Turkish 42
9370 Kaye, Alicen Kingswood College Box Hill Art 48
9371 Kaye, Natalie Methodist Ladies College Kew Psychology 41
9372 Kaye, Ryan Glen Waverley Secondary College Glen Waverley Further Mathematics 42
9373 Kazacos, Ben Peninsula Grammar Mount Eliza Visual Communication Design 42
9374 Kazacos, Ben Peninsula Grammar Mount Eliza Further Mathematics 41
9375 Kazamias, Elaine St Johns Greek Orthodox College Preston English as an Additional Language 41
9376 Kazantzidis, Elizabeth Emmaus College Vermont South English 41
9377 Kazantzidis, Elizabeth Emmaus College Vermont South Further Mathematics 40
9378 Kazemi-Manshady, Sepehr Blackburn High School Blackburn English as an Additional Language 41
9379 Kazemi-Manshady, Sepehr Blackburn High School Blackburn Physics 41
9380 Kazerani, Soroush Blackburn High School Blackburn Further Mathematics 50
9381 Kealey, Joshua Kardinia International College Bell Post Hill Biology 41
9382 Keam, Stuart St Kevins College Toorak Design and Technology 46
9383 Keam, Stuart St Kevins College Toorak Visual Communication Design 43
9384 Keamy, Bethilee Toorak College Mount Eliza Design and Technology 50
9385 Kean, Salleen Killester College Springvale English 40
9386 Keane, Hannah Emmanuel College Warrnambool Warrnambool Outdoor and Environmental Studies 40
9387 Keane, Matt Wycheproof P-12 College Wycheproof English 48
9388 Keane, Matt Wycheproof P-12 College Wycheproof Biology 42
9389 Keane, Matt Wycheproof P-12 College Wycheproof Mathematical Methods 41
9390 Keaney, Eliza Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Physical Education 41
9391 Keaney, Eliza Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Further Mathematics 40
9392 Kearney, Christopher Ivanhoe Grammar School Ridgeway Ivanhoe English 43
9393 Kearney, Luke St Kevins College Toorak English 42
9394 Kearney, Sophie St Catherines School Toorak Mathematical Methods 46
9395 Kearton, Melanie Warrandyte High School Warrandyte Visual Communication Design 46
9396 Kearton, Melanie Warrandyte High School Warrandyte Business Management 40
9397 Kearton, Melanie Warrandyte High School Warrandyte Further Mathematics 40
9398 Keary, Daniel Ringwood Secondary College Ringwood Further Mathematics 41
9399 Keary, Stephanie Loreto Mandeville Hall Toorak Health and Human Development 40
9400 Keast, Sam Mazenod College Mulgrave Literature 40
9401 Keath, Sophie Matthew Flinders Girls Secondary College Geelong Outdoor and Environmental Studies 42
9402 Keating, Alan Balwyn High School Balwyn North Physics 42
9403 Keating, Alan Balwyn High School Balwyn North Specialist Mathematics 41
9404 Keating, David Melbourne High School South Yarra English 44
9405 Keating, David Melbourne High School South Yarra National Politics 41
9406 Keating, Rebecca Catholic College Bendigo Bendigo Business Management 40
9407 Keatley, Bronwyn MacRobertson Girls High School Melbourne Further Mathematics 43
9408 Kechris, Kostas Marcellin College Bulleen Legal Studies 40
9409 Keddell, Mitchell Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Physical Education 50
9410 Keddell, Mitchell Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Business Management 42
9411 Keddell, Mitchell Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Further Mathematics 42
9412 Keddell, Mitchell Caulfield Grammar School Caulfield St Kilda East Psychology 40
9413 Kee, Nicole East Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster East English as an Additional Language 43
9414 Keefe, Mirrin Frankston High School Frankston Dance (VCE VET) 50
9415 Keegel, Monique Nazareth College Noble Park North Design and Technology 40
9416 Keeghan, James Xavier College Kew Information Systems 42
9417 Keele, Thomas Loyola College Watsonia Media 42
9418 Keely, Emily Kilbreda College Mentone Health and Human Development 40
9419 Keely, Patrick St Kevins College Toorak Physical Education 43
9420 Keen, Timothy St Michaels Grammar School St Kilda Biology 50
9421 Keenan, Sarah Catholic Ladies College Eltham Legal Studies 44
9422 Keenan, Sarah Catholic Ladies College Eltham Texts and Traditions 42
9423 Keenan, Sarah Catholic Ladies College Eltham English 41
9424 Keenan, Sarah Catholic Ladies College Eltham History: Revolutions 41
9425 Keeran, Felicity Distance Education Centre Victoria Thornbury Psychology 42
9426 Keeton, Emma Firbank Grammar School Brighton History: Revolutions 43
9427 Keirl, Melanie Victorian College of the Arts Secondary School Southbank Music Group Performance 40
9428 Keirnan, Alen St Peters College Cranbourne Design and Technology 43
9429 Keirnan, Alen St Peters College Cranbourne Systems and Technology 42
9430 Keith, Ashleigh Ballarat High School Ballarat Psychology 40
9431 Keith, Melissa Firbank Grammar School Brighton Languages: French 41
9432 Kellapatha, Radika Kew High School Kew East Mathematical Methods 40
9433 Kellargias, Adamantia Korowa Anglican Girls School Glen Iris History: Revolutions 44
9434 Keller, Aubrey Brunswick Secondary College Brunswick English 42
9435 Keller, Aubrey Brunswick Secondary College Brunswick Physics 40
9436 Keller, Jessica Bayview College Portland Biology 41
9437 Keller, Jessica Bayview College Portland Psychology 40
9438 Kelly, Alyssa Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury English 47
9439 Kelly, Barry St Kevins College Toorak English 50
9440 Kelly, Barry St Kevins College Toorak Literature 44
9441 Kelly, Barry St Kevins College Toorak Legal Studies 40
9442 Kelly, Benjamin St Kevins College Toorak Legal Studies 43
9443 Kelly, Benjamin St Kevins College Toorak Accounting 41
9444 Kelly, Bernadette Star of the Sea College Brighton Further Mathematics 41
9445 Kelly, Bianca Cobram Secondary College Cobram Australian History 41
9446 Kelly, Bianca Cobram Secondary College Cobram Psychology 41
9447 Kelly, Bridie Sacred Heart College Kyneton Kyneton English 50
9448 Kelly, Bridie Sacred Heart College Kyneton Kyneton Australian History 47
9449 Kelly, Bridie Sacred Heart College Kyneton Kyneton Legal Studies 46
9450 Kelly, Bridie Sacred Heart College Kyneton Kyneton Literature 46
9451 Kelly, Bridie Sacred Heart College Kyneton Kyneton Texts and Traditions 41
9452 Kelly, Craig Copperfield College Delahey Economics 41
9453 Kelly, David Ballarat Clarendon College Ballarat Drama 44
9454 Kelly, Ella Ivanhoe Girls Grammar School Ivanhoe Visual Communication Design 43
9455 Kelly, Grace Siena College Camberwell Art 42
9456 Kelly, James Kardinia International College Bell Post Hill Mathematical Methods 49
9457 Kelly, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 47
9458 Kelly, James Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Literature 44
9459 Kelly, James Kardinia International College Bell Post Hill Physics 42
9460 Kelly, James Kardinia International College Bell Post Hill Specialist Mathematics 40
9461 Kelly, Jessica Ruyton Girls School Kew Mathematical Methods 42
9462 Kelly, Jessica Ruyton Girls School Kew English 41
9463 Kelly, Jolene Star of the Sea College Brighton English 41
9464 Kelly, Joshua Xavier College Kew English 46
9465 Kelly, Laura Footscray City College Footscray Psychology 47
9466 Kelly, Paul Kardinia International College Bell Post Hill Systems and Technology 45
9467 Kelly, Paul Kardinia International College Bell Post Hill English 40
9468 Kelly, Robert Scotch College Hawthorn English 44
9469 Kelly, Simon Catholic Regional College Drysdale Drysdale Systems and Technology 47
9470 Kelly, Terence The Knox School Wantirna South Multimedia (VCE VET) 45
9471 Kelly, Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew English 50
9472 Kelly, Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 45
9473 Kelly, Thomas Ruyton Girls School Kew Music Solo Performance 40
9474 Kelsall, Madeleine The Hamilton and Alexandra College Hamilton English 42
9475 Kelsey-Sugg, Kate Balwyn High School Balwyn North Music Solo Performance 44
9476 Kelson, Melissa Bacchus Marsh Grammar Bacchus Marsh Psychology 45
9477 Kelty, Anna Eltham High School Eltham Health and Human Development 44
9478 Kelty, Anna Eltham High School Eltham Psychology 41
9479 Kelzi, Elie Xavier College Kew English 41
9480 Kemeny, Scott Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Physical Education 44
9481 Kemeny, Scott Camberwell Grammar School Canterbury Literature 42
9482 Kemp, Jessica Star of the Sea College Brighton English 49
9483 Kemp, Jessica Star of the Sea College Brighton Further Mathematics 42
9484 Kemp, Jessica Star of the Sea College Brighton Literature 40
9485 Kemp, Natasha Yarram Secondary College Yarram English 40
9486 Kemp, Tara Birchip P-12 School Birchip Psychology 47
9487 Kempe, Matthew The Geelong College Newtown Design and Technology 42
9488 Kemper, Ashley Haileybury College Keysborough Further Mathematics 41
9489 Kendrick, Emma Penleigh and Essendon Grammar School Keilor East Health and Human Development 43
9490 Kenna, Paul Scotch College Hawthorn Economics 46
9491 Kenna, Paul Scotch College Hawthorn Accounting 41
9492 Kenneday, Blair Western Heights College Hamlyn Heights Information Processing and Management 41
9493 Kennedy, Christina Star of the Sea College Brighton Texts and Traditions 43
9494 Kennedy, Dane Doncaster Secondary College Doncaster Physical Education 44
9495 Kennedy, Elizabeth MacKillop Catholic Regional College Werribee Business Administration (VCE VET) 42
9496 Kennedy, James Christian College Geelong Waurn Ponds Waurn Ponds Further Mathematics 44
9497 Kennedy, James St Kevins College Toorak Physical Education 41
9498 Kennedy, Joshua St Patricks College Ballarat Further Mathematics 44
9499 Kennedy, Mairead Sacred Heart College Kyneton Kyneton Australian History 41
9500 Kennedy, Mairead Sacred Heart College Kyneton Kyneton English 40
9501 Kennedy, Matthew Haileybury College Keysborough Information Technology (VCE VET) 40
9502 Kennedy, Nicholas Mount Waverley Secondary College Mount Waverley Physical Education 42
9503 Kennedy-Mayne, Lois Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Italian 43
9504 Kennelly, David Ballarat Grammar School Wendouree Music Solo Performance 40
9505 Kenny, Alison St Leonards College Brighton East Accounting 40
9506 Kenny, Janelle Berwick Secondary College Berwick English 42
9507 Kenny, Jayden Eltham College of Education Research Media 43
9508 Kent, James Victorian School of Languages Thornbury Languages: Italian 47
9509 Kent, James Bendigo Senior Secondary College Bendigo Physical Education 45
9510 Kent, James Bendigo Senior Secondary College Bendigo Further Mathematics 44
9511 Kent, James Melbourne High School South Yarra Information Processing and Management 40
9512 Kent, Morgan Newhaven College Rhyll Psychology 46
9513 Kent, Morgan Newhaven College Rhyll English 45
9514 Kent, Morgan Newhaven College Rhyll Legal Studies 40
9515 Kent, William Brighton Grammar School Brighton Further Mathematics 45
9516 Kent, William Brighton Grammar School Brighton Accounting 42
9517 Kent, William Brighton Grammar School Brighton Physical Education 42
9518 Kent, William Wesley College Glen Waverley Glen Waverley Psychology 40
9519 Kenworthy, Victoria Distance Education Centre Victoria Thornbury Media 44
9520 Kenworthy, Victoria Christian College Geelong Waurn Ponds Waurn Ponds English 40
9521 Kenyon, Timothy Peninsula Grammar Mount Eliza Business Management 43
9522 Kenyon, Timothy Peninsula Grammar Mount Eliza Physical Education 42
9523 Kenyon, Timothy Peninsula Grammar Mount Eliza Further Mathematics 41
9524 Keogh, Emily Genazzano F.C.J. College Kew English 43
9525 Keogh, Therese Swinburne Senior Secondary College Hawthorn English 40
9526 Keov, Bryan Haileybury College Keysborough Information Processing and Management 41
9527 Keppel, Christopher St Bernards College Essendon History: Revolutions 48
9528 Keppel, Christopher St Bernards College Essendon Texts and Traditions 42
9529 Kerama, Cleo Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury National Politics 45
9530 Kerama, Cleo Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury English 44
9531 Kerama, Cleo Canterbury Girls Secondary College Canterbury Legal Studies 44
9532 Kerkvliet, Liam Bendigo Senior Secondary College Bendigo Agricultural and Horticultural Studies 41
9533 Kern, Dharnae Sacred Heart College Geelong Newtown Biology 47
9534 Kern, Dharnae Sacred Heart College Geelong Newtown Further Mathematics 45
9535 Kern, Dharnae Sacred Heart College Geelong Newtown Chemistry 44
9536 Kern, Dharnae Sacred Heart College Geelong Newtown Mathematical Methods 43
9537 Kern, Dharnae Sacred Heart College Geelong Newtown English 42
9538 Kernaghan, Casey Avila College Mount Waverley Health and Human Development 45
9539 Kerr, Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Environmental Science 50
9540 Kerr, Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Economics 43
9541 Kerr, Andrew St Kevins College Toorak Business Management 42
9542 Kerr, Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 42
9543 Kerr, Andrew Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Chemistry 40
9544 Kerr, Daniel Girton Grammar School Bendigo English 40
9545 Kerr, Elise Caulfield Grammar School Wheelers Hill Wheelers Hill Visual Communication Design 46
9546 Kerr, Elise Caulfield Grammar School Wheelers Hill Wheelers Hill Art 41
9547 Kerr, Jemima Bendigo Senior Secondary College Bendigo Outdoor and Environmental Studies 41
9548 Kerr, Jemima Bendigo Senior Secondary College Bendigo English 40
9549 Kerr, Michelle McKinnon Secondary College McKinnon Geography 40
9550 Kerr, Stephanie Strathcona Girls Grammar School Canterbury English 40
9551 Kerr, Stephanie Camberwell High School Canterbury Further Mathematics 40
9552 Kerr, Stephanie Camberwell High School Canterbury Media 40
9553 Kersten, Jason Christian College Geelong Waurn Ponds Waurn Ponds Further Mathematics 45
9554 Keskerides, Michael Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne English 47
9555 Keskerides, Michael Melbourne Grammar School Melbourne Classical Societies and Cultures 46
9556 Kestenberg, Jade Methodist Ladies College Kew Food and Technology 41
9557 Kett, Alice Kilbreda College Mentone English 40
9558 Kett, Alice Kilbreda College Mentone Mathematical Methods 40
9559 Key, Sebastian Whitefriars College Donvale Further Mathematics 40
9560 Keys, Alyssa Ringwood Secondary College Ringwood Further Mathematics 41
9561 Khaidurova, Beata Brauer College Warrnambool Mathematical Methods 44
Last Updated: 5 Oct 2023
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