2243 | Cabanban, Athea | Werribee Secondary College | Werribee | Health and Human Development | 41 |
2244 | Cabarkapa, Sonja | Melbourne Girls College | Richmond | Psychology | 43 |
2245 | Cabarkapa, Sonja | Melbourne Girls College | Richmond | Biology | 41 |
2246 | Cabral, Anna | Mount St Joseph Girls College | Altona | Art | 42 |
2247 | Caceres, Jessica | Marian College Sunshine West | Sunshine West | Business Management | 40 |
2248 | Cadd, Haidee | Swan Hill College | Swan Hill | Biology | 44 |
2249 | Caddy, Matthew | Mary MacKillop Catholic College | Leongatha | Further Mathematics | 48 |
2250 | Cadman, Lauren | Lakeside Secondary College | Reservoir | Health and Human Development | 42 |
2251 | Cafarella, Elise | Star of the Sea College | Brighton | Texts and Traditions | 47 |
2252 | Caffin, Nicole | Catholic Ladies College | Eltham | Equine Industry (VCE VET) | 46 |