VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2006

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2006, along with their school and subject details.

10 of 21474 entries are shown.
16601 - 16610
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16601 Sabatini, Franca Mercy College Coburg Design and Technology 40
16602 Sabien, Emily Loreto College Ballarat Food and Technology 43
16603 Sablina, Ksenia Mater Christi College Belgrave Economics 43
16604 Sablina, Ksenia Mater Christi College Belgrave English as an Additional Language 40
16605 Sabo, Rebecca Mowbray College Town Centre Caroline Springs Business Management 40
16606 Sabri, Aaron Shepparton High School Shepparton Furnishing (VCE VET) 41
16607 Saccardo, Alexander Xavier College Kew English 42
16608 Saccardo, Alexander Xavier College Kew Classical Societies and Cultures 40
16609 Saccaro, Natalie Eumemmerring College Hallam Design and Technology 44
16610 Saccaro, Natalie Eumemmerring College Hallam Business Management 40
Last Updated: 5 Oct 2023
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