VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2006

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This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2006, along with their school and subject details.

167 of 167 entries are shown.
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1 Ahearne, Corey Trinity Grammar School Kew English 43
2 Andrianakis, Jonathon Trinity Grammar School Kew English 41
3 Atkin, John Trinity Grammar School Kew Specialist Mathematics 43
4 Atkin, John Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 40
5 Atkin, John Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 40
6 Austin, Mark Trinity Grammar School Kew Legal Studies 44
7 Austin, Mark Trinity Grammar School Kew English 42
8 Austin, Mark Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 40
9 Barmanray, Rahul Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 50
10 Barmanray, Rahul Trinity Grammar School Kew English 49
11 Barmanray, Rahul Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 45
12 Barmanray, Rahul Trinity Grammar School Kew Languages: German 44
13 Barmanray, Rahul Trinity Grammar School Kew Specialist Mathematics 42
14 Barter, Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 42
15 Barter, Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew English 41
16 Bilney, Kathryn Trinity Grammar School Kew Accounting 48
17 Bilney, Kathryn Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 42
18 Buckley, Joseph Trinity Grammar School Kew English 43
19 Buckley, Joseph Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 42
20 Burnside, Tristan Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 40
21 Calleja, Dale Trinity Grammar School Kew Information Processing and Management 45
22 Cameron, David Trinity Grammar School Kew English 42
23 Cameron, James Trinity Grammar School Kew English 47
24 Cameron, James Trinity Grammar School Kew History: Renaissance Italy 41
25 Cameron, James Trinity Grammar School Kew Literature 40
26 Cerini, Ben Trinity Grammar School Kew English 44
27 Cerini, Ben Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 40
28 Cheok, Patrick Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 40
29 Chiang, Chad Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
30 Chong, Benjamin Trinity Grammar School Kew English 46
31 Cipans, Jack Trinity Grammar School Kew Information Processing and Management 50
32 Cipans, Jack Trinity Grammar School Kew English 41
33 Clayton, Sarah Trinity Grammar School Kew Geography 41
34 Cray, Daniel Trinity Grammar School Kew English 46
35 Dai, Louis Trinity Grammar School Kew English 44
36 Dai, Louis Trinity Grammar School Kew Specialist Mathematics 43
37 Davies, Sean Trinity Grammar School Kew English 47
38 Davies, Simon Trinity Grammar School Kew English 43
39 Foo, Cheng Trinity Grammar School Kew English as an Additional Language 49
40 Foo, Cheng Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 40
41 Glazebrook, Timothy Trinity Grammar School Kew English 47
42 Glazebrook, Timothy Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 40
43 Gloster, James Trinity Grammar School Kew Literature 49
44 Gloster, James Trinity Grammar School Kew English 48
45 Godfrey, Thea Trinity Grammar School Kew Music Group Performance 41
46 Grace, Paul Trinity Grammar School Kew English 44
47 Grace, Paul Trinity Grammar School Kew Literature 41
48 Gregory, James Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 41
49 Griffiths, Michael Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
50 Grouios, Peter Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 45
51 Grouios, Peter Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 44
52 Grouios, Peter Trinity Grammar School Kew English 41
53 Hale, Matthew Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 50
54 Hale, Matthew Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
55 Hawley, Mitchell Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 49
56 Hawley, Mitchell Trinity Grammar School Kew Accounting 40
57 Henschel, Kristian Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
58 Hoare, Joshua Trinity Grammar School Kew English 44
59 Hoare, Joshua Trinity Grammar School Kew Australian History 43
60 Hoare, Joshua Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 43
61 Hoare, Joshua Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 41
62 Hobson, Edward Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
63 Humann, Robert Trinity Grammar School Kew English 44
64 Hume, Robert Trinity Grammar School Kew English 43
65 Hume, Robert Trinity Grammar School Kew Specialist Mathematics 42
66 Hunt, Benjamin Trinity Grammar School Kew English 41
67 Kelly, Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew English 50
68 Kelly, Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 45
69 Kilpin, Matthew Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 42
70 Kuo, Jennifer Trinity Grammar School Kew Languages: Chinese Second Language Advanced 41
71 Lal, Sandeep Trinity Grammar School Kew English 50
72 Lal, Sandeep Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 41
73 Lal, Sandeep Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 41
74 Lane, Timothy Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
75 Lay, Patrick Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 40
76 Lay, Patrick Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 40
77 Lee, Siak Trinity Grammar School Kew English 48
78 Lee, Siak Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 43
79 Lee, Siak Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 42
80 Leetham, Sam Trinity Grammar School Kew Physical Education 42
81 Leung, Philip Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 47
82 Lim, Royce Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 41
83 Lim, Royce Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 40
84 Lonnborn, Jack Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 44
85 Malta, Lex Trinity Grammar School Kew Information Systems 40
86 Marshall, Daniel Trinity Grammar School Kew English 41
87 Marshman, Samuel Trinity Grammar School Kew Psychology 43
88 Matthews, Catherine Trinity Grammar School Kew Physical Education 40
89 McCoy, Hamish Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 44
90 McQuillen, Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew English 47
91 McQuillen, Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew Accounting 43
92 McQuillen, Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew Legal Studies 41
93 McQuillen, Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 40
94 Million, James Trinity Grammar School Kew English 42
95 Mohan, Yadhuparan Trinity Grammar School Kew Accounting 41
96 Murphy, Christopher Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 40
97 Murphy, Julian Trinity Grammar School Kew English 50
98 Murphy, Julian Trinity Grammar School Kew Specialist Mathematics 44
99 Murphy, Julian Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 41
100 Nankervis, Christopher Trinity Grammar School Kew Information Processing and Management 45
101 Nguyen, Daniel Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 42
102 Nicolas, David Trinity Grammar School Kew English 45
103 Nowak, Caitlin Trinity Grammar School Kew Geography 40
104 O'Sullivan, Phoebe Trinity Grammar School Kew Australian History 41
105 Osborn, Jack Trinity Grammar School Kew Australian History 46
106 Osborn, Jack Trinity Grammar School Kew English 45
107 Parker, Ian Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 43
108 Parker, Ian Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 43
109 Parker, Ian Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 42
110 Pawsey, Steven Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 44
111 Pawsey, Steven Trinity Grammar School Kew Australian History 43
112 Philpott, Andrew Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 44
113 Philpott, Andrew Trinity Grammar School Kew Psychology 43
114 Power, John Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
115 Price, Tristan Trinity Grammar School Kew English 44
116 Rae, James Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 40
117 Reynolds, Felicity Trinity Grammar School Kew Information Processing and Management 48
118 Robertson, Brett Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 41
119 Robertson, Brett Trinity Grammar School Kew English 40
120 Rogers, Michael Trinity Grammar School Kew Visual Communication Design 41
121 Rogers, Paul Trinity Grammar School Kew Geography 42
122 Rothfield, Blake Trinity Grammar School Kew Psychology 44
123 Rothfield, Blake Trinity Grammar School Kew Legal Studies 43
124 Sainsbery, Edward Trinity Grammar School Kew English 47
125 Sainsbery, Edward Trinity Grammar School Kew Economics 44
126 Sainsbery, Edward Trinity Grammar School Kew History: Renaissance Italy 42
127 Scott, Natalie Trinity Grammar School Kew Theatre Studies 42
128 Sheahan, Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 42
129 Sheehan, Daniel Trinity Grammar School Kew English 50
130 Sheehan, Daniel Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 42
131 Silvester, Benjamin Trinity Grammar School Kew English 50
132 Silvester, Benjamin Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 44
133 Silvester, Benjamin Trinity Grammar School Kew Literature 44
134 Silvester, Benjamin Trinity Grammar School Kew Specialist Mathematics 40
135 Strugnell, Sebastian Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 50
136 Tan, Fung Ying Trinity Grammar School Kew English as an Additional Language 47
137 Thewlis, Matthew Trinity Grammar School Kew English 43
138 Thewlis, Matthew Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 41
139 Thewlis, Matthew Trinity Grammar School Kew Languages: French 40
140 Thomas, Andrew Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 44
141 Thomas, Andrew Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 43
142 Tong, Andrew Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 43
143 Trotta, Dean Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 42
144 Tulloch, Laura Trinity Grammar School Kew Legal Studies 46
145 Tunstill, Matthew Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 43
146 Tyedin, Andrew Trinity Grammar School Kew English 41
147 Victor, Rahul Trinity Grammar School Kew Information Processing and Management 47
148 Wales, Tearlach Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 40
149 Walker, Simon Trinity Grammar School Kew History: Revolutions 43
150 Westmore, Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew Specialist Mathematics 49
151 Westmore, Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew English 44
152 Westmore, Thomas Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 42
153 Whitehill, Jason Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 40
154 Widdowson, Brendan Trinity Grammar School Kew Business Management 42
155 Wong, Christine Trinity Grammar School Kew Further Mathematics 42
156 Woodward, Angus Trinity Grammar School Kew Australian History 40
157 Worcester, Timothy Trinity Grammar School Kew English 45
158 Worcester, Timothy Trinity Grammar School Kew Chemistry 43
159 Worcester, Timothy Trinity Grammar School Kew Physics 43
160 Worcester, Timothy Trinity Grammar School Kew Accounting 41
161 Worcester, Timothy Trinity Grammar School Kew Specialist Mathematics 40
162 Yacoub, Elias Trinity Grammar School Kew English 43
163 Yang, Meng Da Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 46
164 Yang, Meng Da Trinity Grammar School Kew Specialist Mathematics 40
165 Ye, Rui Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 41
166 Yoo, Dongwoo Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 42
167 York, Ethan Trinity Grammar School Kew Mathematical Methods 41
Last Updated: 5 Oct 2023
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