VCE Honour Roll - All VCE High Achievers, Victoria, 2006

Filtered by School Name

This is the VCE Honour Roll, listing every High Achiever result (study score of 40 or more) won by Victorian VCE students in 2006, along with their school and subject details.

94 of 94 entries are shown.
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1 Arthurson, Johannah Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 42
2 Barresi, Patricia Loreto College Ballarat Food and Technology 45
3 Bilston, Marisa Loreto College Ballarat Drama 40
4 Boswerger, Marnie Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 49
5 Boswerger, Marnie Loreto College Ballarat Legal Studies 46
6 Boswerger, Marnie Loreto College Ballarat Physical Education 43
7 Boswerger, Marnie Loreto College Ballarat English 42
8 Boswerger, Marnie Loreto College Ballarat Further Mathematics 41
9 Bourke-Finn, Raffaela Loreto College Ballarat Food and Technology 40
10 Byrne, Sarah Loreto College Ballarat Further Mathematics 41
11 Cahir, Rachel Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 40
12 Callahan, Rosie Loreto College Ballarat Physical Education 47
13 Cann, Adrianna Loreto College Ballarat Physical Education 50
14 Cann, Adrianna Loreto College Ballarat Biology 48
15 Cann, Adrianna Loreto College Ballarat Languages: Japanese Second Language 42
16 Cook, Teneal Loreto College Ballarat English 40
17 Cook, Teneal Loreto College Ballarat Literature 40
18 Donegan, Bethany Loreto College Ballarat English 44
19 Donegan, Bethany Loreto College Ballarat History: Revolutions 40
20 Doyle, Emily Loreto College Ballarat Further Mathematics 41
21 Drake, Eliza Loreto College Ballarat English 45
22 Drake, Eliza Loreto College Ballarat History: Revolutions 45
23 Drake, Eliza Loreto College Ballarat Legal Studies 45
24 Drake, Eliza Loreto College Ballarat International Studies 43
25 Drake, Eliza Loreto College Ballarat Languages: French 40
26 Driscoll, Chloe Loreto College Ballarat Design and Technology 41
27 Eastwood, Laura Loreto College Ballarat Studio Arts 43
28 Elliott, Casey Loreto College Ballarat Design and Technology 40
29 Faull, Amy Loreto College Ballarat Design and Technology 43
30 Forbes, Mollie Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 40
31 Francis, Katharine Loreto College Ballarat Food and Technology 47
32 Francis, Katharine Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 47
33 Francis, Katharine Loreto College Ballarat Legal Studies 42
34 Fry, Gemma Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 40
35 Godfrey, Emily Loreto College Ballarat Further Mathematics 40
36 Gourley, Bridget Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 46
37 Griffin, Alexandra Loreto College Ballarat Studio Arts 43
38 Gunnell, Jenna Loreto College Ballarat Physical Education 44
39 Halsall, Bonnie Loreto College Ballarat Studio Arts 45
40 Halsall, Bonnie Loreto College Ballarat English 41
41 Halsall, Bonnie Loreto College Ballarat International Studies 40
42 Halsall, Bonnie Loreto College Ballarat Legal Studies 40
43 Hamm, Teresa Loreto College Ballarat English 40
44 Hamm, Teresa Loreto College Ballarat Physical Education 40
45 Harvey, Renee Loreto College Ballarat English 40
46 Harvey, Renee Loreto College Ballarat Literature 40
47 Harwood, Kate Loreto College Ballarat Studio Arts 50
48 Harwood, Kate Loreto College Ballarat Physical Education 43
49 Harwood, Kate Loreto College Ballarat English 42
50 Hewitt, Katie Loreto College Ballarat Design and Technology 43
51 Hewitt, Katie Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 40
52 Joosten, Stephanie Loreto College Ballarat English 50
53 Joosten, Stephanie Loreto College Ballarat International Studies 43
54 Krusche, Hayley Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 44
55 Lang, Jessica Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 42
56 Lang, Jessica Loreto College Ballarat Further Mathematics 40
57 Lawrance, Naomi Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 49
58 Martin, Tess Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 42
59 McArdle, Claire Loreto College Ballarat Studio Arts 47
60 McArdle, Claire Loreto College Ballarat Art 46
61 McArdle, Claire Loreto College Ballarat Multimedia (VCE VET) 44
62 McArdle, Claire Loreto College Ballarat English 40
63 McArdle, Claire Loreto College Ballarat Psychology 40
64 McBrearty, Siobhan Loreto College Ballarat Physics 49
65 McBrearty, Siobhan Loreto College Ballarat Chemistry 48
66 McBrearty, Siobhan Loreto College Ballarat Mathematical Methods 45
67 McBrearty, Siobhan Loreto College Ballarat English 44
68 McBrearty, Siobhan Loreto College Ballarat Specialist Mathematics 42
69 McCrone, Nikki Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 48
70 McCrone, Nikki Loreto College Ballarat Studio Arts 45
71 McKenzie, Sarah Loreto College Ballarat Studio Arts 41
72 Moran, Sarah Loreto College Ballarat Design and Technology 40
73 Mullane, Emily Loreto College Ballarat Food and Technology 44
74 Murnane, Emma Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 42
75 Murphy, Bridget Loreto College Ballarat Food and Technology 49
76 Neale, Kathleen Loreto College Ballarat English 45
77 Noble, Siobhan Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 40
78 Noble, Siobhan Loreto College Ballarat Psychology 40
79 Orr, Emily Loreto College Ballarat Design and Technology 42
80 Overington, Caitlin Loreto College Ballarat Health and Human Development 41
81 Pyalanda, Erica Loreto College Ballarat English 40
82 Remington, Sally Loreto College Ballarat Design and Technology 40
83 Rix, Genevieve Loreto College Ballarat English 46
84 Rix, Genevieve Loreto College Ballarat Literature 40
85 Sabien, Emily Loreto College Ballarat Food and Technology 43
86 Sellwood, Zoe Loreto College Ballarat English 43
87 Spencer, Mary Loreto College Ballarat Studio Arts 42
88 Stevens, Bianca Loreto College Ballarat Design and Technology 41
89 Taylor, Kaitlin Loreto College Ballarat Food and Technology 49
90 Tibbles, Samantha Loreto College Ballarat Design and Technology 40
91 Watson, Amelia Loreto College Ballarat English 41
92 Wilson, Catherine Loreto College Ballarat Physical Education 41
93 Wilson, Catherine Loreto College Ballarat History: Revolutions 40
94 Wright, Madeleine Loreto College Ballarat Food and Technology 40
Last Updated: 5 Oct 2023
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