This is the SACE Honour Roll, listing every award, merit or prize won by South Australian SACE students in 2021, along with their school and subject details.
The report also includes significant Australian national awards and prizes such as the Australian Student Prize.
172 | Centenera, Jackson Enrique | SA | Merit | Drama | |
173 | Centenera, Jackson Enrique | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
174 | Chahoud, Anthony | SA | Merit | English | |
175 | Champion, Anna | Pulteney Grammar School | Adelaide | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
176 | Champion, Anna Sophia | SA | Merit | English Literary Studies | |
177 | Champion, Anna Sophia | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
178 | Champion, Anna Sophia | SA | Merit | Legal Studies | |
179 | Champion, Anna Sophia | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
180 | Chan, Fai | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
181 | Chan, Ryan Lok Hei | SA | Merit | English | |
182 | Chancellor, Taylah | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
183 | Chang, Wen Yue | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
184 | Chang, Wen Yue | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
185 | Chapman, Mary Isobel | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
186 | Chen, Rujinyi | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
187 | Chen, Wenxi | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
188 | Cheng, Esther | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
189 | Cheung, Lynelle Therese | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
190 | Chirara, Tanatswa | SA | Merit | Health and Wellbeing | |
191 | Choi, Jung Eun | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
192 | Choi, Yedam | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
193 | Choure, Yastika | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
194 | Christian, Caleb Zachary | SA | Merit | Music Performance - Ensemble | |
195 | Christian, Caleb Zachary | SA | Merit | Music Performance - Solo | |
196 | Chronowski-Wong, Jacinta Agnieszka | SA | Merit | Music Explorations | |
197 | Chronowski-Wong, Jacinta Agnieszka | SA | Merit | Music Performance - Solo | |
198 | Chu, Anna Minh-Thy | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
199 | Ciccozzi, Luke Donato | SA | Merit | Integrated Learning A | |
200 | Cirocco, Gianni Ferdinando | SA | Merit | Essential Mathematics | |
201 | Clark, Henry Rhodes | SA | Merit | Legal Studies | |
202 | Clark, Henry Rhodes | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
203 | Clements, Erin | SA | Merit | Material Solutions | |
204 | Clifford, Ryan | SA | Merit | Workplace Practices | |
205 | Coates, Madeleine Jane | SA | Merit | English Literary Studies | |
206 | Coates, Madeleine Jane | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
207 | Cobb, Jemma Mary-Ann | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
208 | Cochrane, Emily Alexandra | SA | Merit | Nutrition | |
209 | Coelho, Gabriela | SA | Merit | Society and Culture | |
210 | Coggins, Cameron Matthew | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
211 | Cole, Katherine Anne | SA | Merit | English | |
212 | Cole, Katherine Anne | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
213 | Cole, Lucy | SA | Merit | Business Innovation | |
214 | Cole, Lucy | SA | Merit | English | |
215 | Colgrave, Lulu | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
216 | Collins, Krystal Louise | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
217 | Collis, Ellie | SA | Merit | Health and Wellbeing | |
218 | Collis, Ellie | SA | Merit | Integrated Learning B | |
219 | Colthorpe, Emma | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
220 | Condo, Cartia | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
221 | Cook, Hollie-Lee | SA | Merit | Health and Wellbeing | |
222 | Cooke, Douglas Tasman | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
223 | Cooper, Chloe | SA | Merit | Religion Studies | |
224 | Copping, Charlotte | SA | Merit | English | |
225 | Corbin, Eliza Mary | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
226 | Cotton, Matilda Amalie | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
227 | Coventry, Bonita Rose Washington | SA | Merit | Visual Arts - Art | |
228 | Cowell, Lillian Paige | SA | Merit | Outdoor Education | |
229 | Cox, Scarlett | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
230 | Craig, Harriet Alice | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
231 | Craig, Harriet Alice | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
232 | Cross, Jade Taylor | SA | Merit | Biology | |
233 | Cuffe, Jenna Kate | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
234 | Cvetanovic, Aleksandra | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
235 | Daish, Taleah Grace | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
236 | Dal Bello, Joseph | SA | Merit | English | |
237 | Dally, Sarah Maddison | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
238 | Dang, Catherine Nguyen | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
239 | Dang, Tam Minh | SA | Merit | Digital Technologies | |
240 | Danish, Ammar | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
241 | Datta Gupta, Koninika | SA | Merit | Essential Mathematics | |
242 | Datta Gupta, Koninika | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
243 | Davey, Grace | SA | Merit | Legal Studies | |
244 | Davidson, Georgia Clare | SA | Merit | Drama | |
245 | Davies, Benjamin | SA | Merit | English | |
246 | Davies, Edward Anthony | SA | Merit | Accounting | |
247 | Davies, Edward Anthony | SA | Merit | Economics | |
248 | Davies, Edward Anthony | SA | Merit | Physics | |
249 | Davies, Edward Anthony | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
250 | Davies, Emily Sian | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
251 | Davies, Jonathan William Charles | SA | Merit | English | |
252 | Davies, Rhys Jac | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
253 | Davill, Caitlyn Rose Alice | SA | Merit | Health and Wellbeing | |
254 | de Angelis, Antonia Italia | SA | Merit | Biology | |
255 | de Angelis, Antonia Italia | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
256 | de Angelis, Antonia Italia | SA | Merit | Physics | |
257 | de Beer, Kiera Amelia | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
258 | de Los Santos, Jose | SA | Merit | English | |
259 | de Pasquale, Joel Alexander | SA | Merit | Biology | |
260 | de Pasquale, Joel Alexander | SA | Merit | Physics | |
261 | de Pasquale, Joel Alexander | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
262 | de Rosa, Alana Filomena | SA | Merit | Accounting | |
263 | de Rosa, Alana Filomena | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
264 | de Silva Palihakkara, Ayesha Jillion Shashini | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
265 | de Silva, Uyanege Methma Lakdini | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
266 | de Silva, Uyanege Methma Lakdini | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
267 | Deakin, Thomas Henry | SA | Merit | Robotic and Electronic Systems | |
268 | Dechellis, Marie Olivia | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
269 | Del Carmen, Nestor Miguel | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
270 | Demina, Maria | SA | Merit | Russian (Continuers) | |
271 | Denton, Amy Claire | SA | Merit | Biology | |
272 | Denton, Amy Claire | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
273 | Devinuwara, Ninuri Jinara | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
274 | Dhawan, Aryan Raj | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
275 | Dhawan, Aryan Raj | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
276 | Di Cola, Lily | Cabra Dominican College | Cumberland Park | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
277 | Di Iulio, Fabian | SA | Merit | English | |
278 | Di Tomaso, Hannah Jai | SA | Merit | Health and Wellbeing | |
279 | Di Tomaso, Hannah Jai | SA | Merit | Nutrition | |
280 | Dianos, Christian | SA | Merit | English | |
281 | Dichiera, Mia | SA | Merit | Visual Arts - Design | |
282 | Dichiera, Sienna | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
283 | Didone, Carla | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
284 | Dietrich, Maddison | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
285 | Dinh, Nhu Y | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
286 | Dippy, Imogen | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
287 | Ditter, Jacob Gordon | SA | Merit | Industry and Entrepreneurial Solutions | |
288 | Ditter, Jacob Gordon | SA | Merit | Physics | |
289 | Dixon, Cameron Justin | SA | Merit | Business Innovation | |
290 | Dixon, Ella Mae | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
291 | Dizon, Jay | SA | Merit | English | |
292 | Dizon, Jay | SA | Merit | Research Project A | |
293 | Dmytriw, Hannah | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
294 | Dodd, Amylea | SA | Merit | Workplace Practices | |
295 | Dodman, Kate | SA | Merit | Essential English | |
296 | Doering, Daniel | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
297 | Dolling, Annabelle Alice Elizabeth | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
298 | Dolman, Lottie Fayth | SA | Merit | Visual Arts - Design | |
299 | Dolphin, Emilia Jane | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
300 | Donato, Lauren Claire | SA | Merit | Italian (Continuers) | |
301 | Donato, Lauren Claire | SA | Merit | Society and Culture | |
302 | Donley, Mahalia Grace | SA | Merit | Biology | |
303 | Doshi, Mihir | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
304 | Doshi, Mihir | SA | Merit | Workplace Practices | |
305 | Douglas, Abigail | SA | Merit | English Literary Studies | |
306 | Douglas, Abigail | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
307 | Douglas, Abigail | SA | Merit | Politics, Power and People | |
308 | Dowd, Amelia Grace | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
309 | Draper, Andrew Nicholas | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
310 | Draper, Samuel Stefan Angus | SA | Merit | English | |
311 | Drillis, Jamison Peter | SA | Merit | English | |
312 | Dugan, Emily | SA | Merit | Health and Wellbeing | |
313 | Duiker, Estella Wynne | SA | Merit | Physics | |
314 | Duncan, Riley | SA | Merit | English | |
315 | Dunlop, Joel | SA | Merit | Material Solutions | |
316 | Dutka, Justyna Joanna | SA | Merit | Biology | |
317 | Dutschke, Samantha Kym | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
318 | Ecimovic, Anya Manda | SA | Merit | English | |
319 | Edwards, Charlotte | SA | Merit | Essential Mathematics | |
320 | Egarr, Olivia Jeanette | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
321 | Ehlers, Katie Kelly | SA | Merit | English | |
322 | Ehlers, Katie Kelly | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
323 | El-Hosni, Karim | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
324 | El-Masry, Jumana | SA | Merit | Arabic (Continuers) | |
325 | Els, Reghard | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
326 | Elsdon, Jade Abbie | SA | Merit | Music Performance - Ensemble | |
327 | Esmilio, Ian | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
328 | Evans, Jackson | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
329 | Evans, John Joseph | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
330 | Evans, Laine Elizabeth | SA | Merit | Biology | |
331 | Evennett, Rosie | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
332 | Fahey, Keeley | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
333 | Fairlamb, Ajah Meridith Roma | SA | Merit | English | |
334 | Faithfull, Molly Ann | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
335 | Faqiri, Meena | SA | Merit | English | |
336 | Farrell, Lily | Loreto College | Marryatville | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
337 | Farrell, Lily Grace | SA | Merit | Women's Studies | |
338 | Fechner, Cassie Jayne | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
339 | Feher, Bianca Jane | SA | Merit | Health and Wellbeing | |
340 | Fels, Jessica Claire | SA | Merit | Outdoor Education | |
341 | Fennell, Josiah Lawrance | SA | Merit | Drama | |
342 | Fernandez, Tiana | SA | Merit | Health and Wellbeing | |
343 | Fiedler, Holly Susanne | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
344 | Fielder, Samantha Yvonne | SA | Merit | Digital Communication Solutions | |
345 | Filleti, Tayla | SA | Merit | Nutrition | |
346 | Filleti, Tayla | SA | Merit | Religion Studies | |
347 | Fitzsimmons, Alana | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
348 | Fitzsimmons, Alana | SA | Merit | Visual Arts - Design | |
349 | Flaherty, Seamus Evan | SA | Merit | Outdoor Education | |
350 | Fleet, Bethany | SA | Merit | Religion Studies | |
351 | Fleet, Bethany | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
352 | Flood, Rebekah Charlotte Cameron | SA | Merit | English | |
353 | Follett, Miah Jade | SA | Merit | Research Project A | |
354 | Forbes, Alexander Thomas | SA | Merit | French (Continuers) | |
355 | Forbes, Alexander Thomas | SA | Merit | Music Performance - Ensemble | |
356 | Fountain, Charlie Frank | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
357 | Fox, Tom | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
358 | Fraser, Hannah | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
359 | Fraser, Iris Mary Kate | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
360 | Fredella, Amy | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
361 | Fredella, Amy | SA | Merit | Tourism | |
362 | Freeze, Sarah | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
363 | Frew, Ella | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
364 | Frew, Thomas | SA | Merit | Digital Technologies | |
365 | Frew, Thomas | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
366 | Frew, Thomas | Nazareth Catholic College | Flinders Park | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
367 | Frost, Sarah Joan Patricia | SA | Merit | English | |
368 | Fryer, Charles Sachin | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
369 | Fuhlbohm, Matthew Taawee | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
370 | Furlan, Mia | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
371 | Fuzer, Boglarka | SA | Merit | Chemistry |