This is the SACE Honour Roll, listing every award, merit or prize won by South Australian SACE students in 2020, along with their school and subject details.
The report also includes significant Australian national awards and prizes such as the Australian Student Prize.
963 | Rice, Harrison Finlay | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
964 | Riches, Kaylee | SA | Merit | Workplace Practices | |
965 | Rimington, Hugo Dean | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
966 | Rizwan, Abdullah | SA | Merit | Biology | |
967 | Rizwan, Abdullah | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
968 | Roberts, Emily | SA | Merit | English | |
969 | Roberts, Emily | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
970 | Roberts, Emily | SA | Merit | Society and Culture | |
971 | Roberts, Linden Hyacinthus Morgan | SA | Merit | Information Processing and Publishing | |
972 | Robinson, Paris | SA | Merit | Business Innovation | |
973 | Robinson, Paris | SA | Merit | Drama | |
974 | Robinson, Prudence Georgina | SA | Merit | English | |
975 | Robinson, Talia | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
976 | Robinson, Talia | SA | Merit | Physics | |
977 | Robson, Thomas | SA | Merit | Business Innovation | |
978 | Rodrigues, Timothy Louis | SA | Merit | Biology | |
979 | Rogers, Manuela Leia | SA | Merit | Biology | |
980 | Romaniuk, Annelise | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
981 | Roos, Madeline | SA | Merit | English | |
982 | Roos, Madeline | SA | Merit | Geography | |
983 | Rose, Claire | SA | Merit | Material Solutions | |
984 | Rositano, Laura May | SA | Merit | English | |
985 | Rositano, Laura May | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
986 | Ross, Aidan Alexander | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
987 | Rosser, Richard Brian | SA | Merit | English | |
988 | Rossi, Jacinta | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
989 | Rossi, Jacinta | SA | Merit | Workplace Practices | |
990 | Rothe, Ella Jacinta | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
991 | Rowe, Alexander Joshua | SA | Merit | Physics | |
992 | Rozitis-Holding, Sebastian Maximillian | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
993 | Ruddenklau, Lucienne | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
994 | Rulla, Chelsea | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
995 | Russell, Angus James | SA | Merit | Digital Communication Solutions | |
996 | Russell, Britney Anne | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
997 | Russell, Hannah | SA | Merit | Religion Studies | |
998 | Russell, Harry Charles | SA | Merit | Workplace Practices | |
999 | Ryan, Madeline Rose | SA | Merit | Health | |
1000 | Saccardo, Nicolas | SA | Merit | Digital Communication Solutions | |
1001 | Safi, Hassan | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1002 | Saji, Christy | SA | Merit | Business and Enterprise | |
1003 | Saji, Christy | SA | Merit | English | |
1004 | Saji, Christy | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
1005 | Sajjad, Noor | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1006 | Salt, Georgia | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1007 | Sandercock, Ella | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
1008 | Sanders, Rachel May | SA | Merit | Material Solutions | |
1009 | Sandery, Olivia Kate | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
1010 | Sandhu, Nimrat Kaur | SA | Merit | English | |
1011 | Sandhu, Nirbhik Singh | SA | Merit | English | |
1012 | Santhosh, Lijo Sayanth | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1013 | Santoro, Emily | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
1014 | Santosh Olakkengil, Kate | SA | Merit | Biology | |
1015 | Santosh Olakkengil, Kate | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
1016 | Sarah, Alistair Henry | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1017 | Saw, Nigel | SA | Merit | English | |
1018 | Sayers, Lily Iris | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
1019 | Scamoni, Christian | SA | Merit | Digital Communication Solutions | |
1020 | Schenk, Kurt Tyler | SA | Merit | Outdoor Education | |
1021 | Schubert, Greer Raelene | SA | Merit | Health | |
1022 | Schultz, Henry Walden | SA | Merit | Integrated Learning A | |
1023 | Schultz, Henry Walden | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1024 | Schultz, Lucas | SA | Merit | Material Solutions | |
1025 | Schwerdt, Ethan Christopher | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1026 | Scinto, Angelica | SA | Merit | English | |
1027 | Scipioni, Tahlia Laura | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
1028 | Scipioni, Tahlia Laura | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
1029 | Scipioni, Tahlia Laura | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1030 | Scott, Abby | SA | Merit | Religion Studies | |
1031 | Scott, Nicole | SA | Merit | Tourism | |
1032 | Scroop, Lucas | SA | Merit | Japanese (Continuers) | |
1033 | Searle, Grace Emily | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1034 | Seifert, Connor William | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
1035 | Sellvakumaran, Sidhaarath | Westminster School | Marion | Gov of SA Excellence in Modified SACE Award | |
1036 | Selva-Nayagam, Vijay Kumar | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1037 | Selvanayagam, William Balarajah | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
1038 | Semenov, Lucy | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
1039 | Sentschuk, Samuel | SA | Merit | English Literary Studies | |
1040 | Seppelt, Grace Margaret | SA | Merit | Workplace Practices | |
1041 | Sexton, Hannah Claire | SA | Merit | English | |
1042 | Shacklock, Oliver Henry Alfred | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
1043 | Shah, Aneri Kartik | SA | Merit | Business Innovation | |
1044 | Shah, Jheel Jayant | SA | Merit | English as an Additional Language | |
1045 | Shah, Sanjhi | SA | Merit | Essential Mathematics | |
1046 | Sharp, Joshua | SA | Merit | Integrated Learning A | |
1047 | Sharp, Joshua | SA | Merit | Physics | |
1048 | Shearer, Isabel | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
1049 | Shepherdson, Teliah Jade | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
1050 | Shin, Dongwoo | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
1051 | Short, Alexandra | SA | Merit | English | |
1052 | Shum, Wai Lik (Adrian) | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1053 | Sibley, Emily | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
1054 | Silva, Samoda Lakdini | SA | Merit | Society and Culture | |
1055 | Simionato, Nicholas Anthony | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1056 | Simpson, Annabelle | SA | Merit | Essential Mathematics | |
1057 | Simpson, Ella Grace | SA | Merit | Material Solutions | |
1058 | Simpson, Marli Allanson | SA | Merit | English | |
1059 | Simpson, Rhiannon | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
1060 | Simpson, Toby | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
1061 | Singh, Yuvraj Achal | SA | Merit | Accounting | |
1062 | Singh, Yuvraj Achal | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
1063 | Singleton, Patrick Michael | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
1064 | Sinhal, Shrey | St Peters College | St Peters | Prize: Australian Institute of Physics Prize - Bronze Bragg Medal | Physics |
1065 | Sinhal, Shreyans | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
1066 | Sinhal, Shreyans | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
1067 | Sinhal, Shreyans | SA | Merit | Physics | |
1068 | Sinhal, Shreyans | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
1069 | Sinhal, Shreyans | St Peters College | St Peters | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
1070 | Sivasubramanian, Deavadarshan | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
1071 | Skothos, George | SA | Merit | Digital Communication Solutions | |
1072 | Slade, Sascha | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
1073 | Slade, Sascha | SA | Merit | English | |
1074 | Slattery, Ruth | SA | Merit | Integrated Learning B | |
1075 | Sloman-Smith, Dannielle Joan | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
1076 | Smallridge, Michael Robin | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1077 | Smart, Josephine Niamh | SA | Merit | Physics | |
1078 | Smith, Emma Rosemarie | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
1079 | Smith, Emma Rosemarie | SA | Merit | Music Explorations | |
1080 | Smith, Hope | SA | Merit | English | |
1081 | Smith, Olivia | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
1082 | Smith, Olivia | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1083 | Smith, Zoe Michelle | SA | Merit | Dance | |
1084 | Smith-Munro, Olivia Jane | SA | Merit | Women's Studies | |
1085 | Smolicz, Alexandra Olenka | SA | Merit | Visual Arts - Design | |
1086 | Snelling, Francis | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
1087 | Sodano, Michael | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
1088 | Soong, Talisa | SA | Merit | English Literary Studies | |
1089 | Soong, Talisa | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
1090 | Sooriyabandara, Paarami | SA | Merit | Information Processing and Publishing | |
1091 | South, Jordan Mitchel | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1092 | Speake, Kira Lyn | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1093 | Speranza, Natalie | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1094 | Stafford, Nathan | SA | Merit | Dance | |
1095 | Stafford, Nathan | SA | Merit | Music Performance - Solo | |
1096 | Standley-Grace, Georgia Lee | SA | Merit | Outdoor Education | |
1097 | Stattin, Amber | SA | Merit | Integrated Learning A | |
1098 | Stattmann, Lucy Karen | SA | Merit | Business Innovation | |
1099 | Steer, Chelsea Ruby | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
1100 | Stefanopoulos, Paras | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
1101 | Stefanopoulos, Paras | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
1102 | Stefanopoulos, Paras | SA | Merit | Physics | |
1103 | Stefanopoulos, Paras | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1104 | Stefanopoulos, Paras | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
1105 | Stefanopoulos, Paras | St Michaels College | Henley Beach | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
1106 | Stephens, Lewis | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
1107 | Stephenson, Ellie | SA | Merit | English | |
1108 | Stevens, Lucy | SA | Merit | English | |
1109 | Stevenson, Savannah-Leigh | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
1110 | Stevenson, Savannah-Leigh | SA | Merit | English | |
1111 | Stevenson, Savannah-Leigh | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1112 | Stopford, Zoe | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
1113 | Strangio, Domenic | SA | Merit | Integrated Learning A | |
1114 | Strangio, Domenic | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
1115 | Stretton, Jasmine | SA | Merit | Health | |
1116 | Su, Kevin Nianchu | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
1117 | Sudhir, Anushka | SA | Merit | Business Innovation | |
1118 | Sultan, Mahala | SA | Merit | Communication and the Community | |
1119 | Sutton, David | Xavier College Gawler Belt Campus | Gawler Belt | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
1120 | Suy, Cindy Huy Meang | SA | Merit | Creative Arts | |
1121 | Swain, Jeremy Allan | SA | Merit | Physics | |
1122 | Swiatczak, Karoline | SA | Merit | English | |
1123 | Swiatczak, Karoline | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
1124 | Syed, Fatin Mehdi | SA | Merit | Biology | |
1125 | Symeonakis, Tiana Jayne | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
1126 | Taeger, Georgina | SA | Merit | Health | |
1127 | Taeger, Georgina | SA | Merit | Music Performance - Solo | |
1128 | Tahabub, Tasnuva | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1129 | Tallent, Olivia Emily | SA | Merit | Ancient Studies | |
1130 | Tan, Darrell Karhoe | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
1131 | Tang, Hannah | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1132 | Tape, Mackenzie Jackson | SA | Merit | Industry and Entrepreneurial Solutions | |
1133 | Taplin, Grace Alexandra | SA | Merit | Business and Enterprise | |
1134 | Telford-Sharp, Liam | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
1135 | Terrington, Breanna | SA | Merit | Biology | |
1136 | Terrington, Breanna | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
1137 | Terrington, Breanna | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
1138 | Thach, Thi My Sieu (Michelle) | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
1139 | Thai, Jessica | SA | Merit | English | |
1140 | Thavarajah, Preshaan | SA | Merit | Physics | |
1141 | Theodorakakos, Martina | SA | Merit | Economics | |
1142 | Theodorakakos, Martina | SA | Merit | English Literary Studies | |
1143 | Theodorakakos, Martina | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
1144 | Theodorakakos, Martina | Walford Anglican School for Girls | Hyde Park | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
1145 | Thiselton, Lucy | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1146 | Thoday, Jack | SA | Merit | Integrated Learning A | |
1147 | Thomas, Chloe Louise | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1148 | Thomas, Lauren | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
1149 | Thomas, Sebastian James Kyffin | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1150 | Thomas, Tahnee | SA | Merit | Material Solutions | |
1151 | Thompson, Arivian | SA | Merit | Integrated Learning A | |
1152 | Thompson, Arivian | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1153 | Thorpe, Emmah Jiayu | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1154 | Thursby, Jude | SA | Merit | Research Project A | |
1155 | Timms, Jessica Jade | SA | Merit | Australian and International Politics | |
1156 | Tirimacco, Joelle | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
1157 | Tirimacco, Joelle | SA | Merit | Material Solutions | |
1158 | Toffoli, Zara Jade | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1159 | Tolis, Anastasia | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
1160 | Tonkin, Ella Rose | SA | Merit | Workplace Practices | |
1161 | Toomey, Alyssa Louise | SA | Merit | Business Innovation | |
1162 | Tran, Diep Nhat An Andrew | SA | Merit | Industry and Entrepreneurial Solutions |