This is the SACE Honour Roll, listing every award, merit or prize won by South Australian SACE students in 2018, along with their school and subject details.
The report also includes significant Australian national awards and prizes such as the Australian Student Prize.
83 | BHATIA WILLIAMS, Miraede | SA | Merit | Drama | |
84 | BHATIA, Vatsala | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
85 | BI, Anna | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
86 | BIAN, John | SA | Merit | English | |
87 | BIAN, John | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
88 | BIANCHET, Stefan | SA | Merit | Italian (Beginners) | |
89 | BIBBO, Emily | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
90 | BILLE, Michelle | SA | Merit | Health | |
91 | BILLS, Lillian Jane | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
92 | BILLS, Lillian Jane | SA | Merit | Visual Arts - Art | |
93 | BISHOP-GULLY, Ruby | SA | Merit | Essential Mathematics | |
94 | BLACKMAN, Chelsea Michelle | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
95 | BLEBY, Emma | SA | Merit | Drama | |
96 | BLEBY, Emma | SA | Merit | English Literary Studies | |
97 | BLIGHT, Madison Elizabeth | SA | Merit | Health | |
98 | BLIGHT, Madison Elizabeth | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
99 | BLIGHT, Madison Elizabeth | SA | Merit | Workplace Practices | |
100 | BOCK, Fraser Henry | SA | Merit | Business and Enterprise | |
101 | BOORA, Somil | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
102 | BOOTS, Sophie Annelise | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
103 | BORRELLO, Daniela | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
104 | BORRELLO, Nicholas Francesco | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
105 | BOURKE, Susan | SA | Merit | Health, Recreation and the Community | |
106 | BOWDITCH, Heidi Louise | SA | Merit | Health | |
107 | BOWDITCH, Heidi Louise | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
108 | BOWELL, Emilia Ljubica | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
109 | BOWEN, Claire Adelaide | SA | Merit | Women's Studies | |
110 | BRADBURY, Jessica | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
111 | Bradford, Bella | Wilderness School | Medindie | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
112 | BRADFORD, Isabella Frances | SA | Merit | Drama | |
113 | BRADFORD, Isabella Frances | SA | Merit | English | |
114 | BRADFORD, Isabella Frances | SA | Merit | Society and Culture | |
115 | BRAZIL, Phoebe Charis Heather | SA | Merit | English | |
116 | BRENNAN, Gemma Rose | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
117 | BRICE, Febe Sage | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
118 | BRICE-MARWOOD, Lily Jean | SA | Merit | Outdoor Education | |
119 | BRKIC, Emma | SA | Merit | English | |
120 | BRODERICK, William | SA | Merit | English Literary Studies | |
121 | BROOKS, Natalie Rose | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
122 | BROWN, Evan | SA | Merit | Research Project A | |
123 | BROWN, Hannah | SA | Merit | Solo Performance | |
124 | BRUCKMANN, Jacob Alexander | SA | Merit | Essential Mathematics | |
125 | BRUNO, Luke Iacocca | SA | Merit | Italian (Continuers) | |
126 | BUGEJA, Caitlyn | SA | Merit | English | |
127 | BUGEJA, Caitlyn | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
128 | BULLOCK, Abbey Charlotte | SA | Merit | Health | |
129 | BULLOCK, Abbey Charlotte | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
130 | BUNNIK, Amie Josephine | SA | Merit | Tourism | |
131 | BURGES, Liliana | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
132 | BURNETT, Isaac | SA | Merit | English | |
133 | BURNETT, Isaac | SA | Merit | Geography | |
134 | BURNS, Alicia Eileen | SA | Merit | Communication and the Community | |
135 | BURNS, Darcy Thomas | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
136 | BUSSETTI, Aarushi Srinath | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
137 | BUTTON, Samuel Keith Goold | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
138 | BYRNE, Gabriella Marie Charlotte | SA | Merit | Workplace Practices | |
139 | CAMERON, Olivia Georgia | SA | Merit | Biology | |
140 | Camilleri, Tristan | Sacred Heart College | Somerton Park | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
141 | CAMILLERI, Tristan Anthony | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
142 | CAMILLERI, Tristan Anthony | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
143 | CAMILLERI, Tristan Anthony | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
144 | CANDELORO, Isabella | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
145 | CANDELORO, Isabella | SA | Merit | Society and Culture | |
146 | CANNELL, Teisha | SA | Merit | Essential English | |
147 | CAPOCCIA, Sophie | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
148 | CARTER, Hannah Ruby | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
149 | CARUSO, Nathan | SA | Merit | Material Products I | |
150 | CASANOVA CLARKE, Sophia Reine | SA | Merit | Biology | |
151 | CASAZZA, Nicole | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
152 | CASTINE-PRICE, Jack Ethan | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
153 | CASTLE, Claudia | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
154 | CATTO, Georgia Rose | SA | Merit | Business and Enterprise | |
155 | CAVILL, Hugo Michael | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
156 | CEHIC, Francesca Silvia | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
157 | CENTOFANTI, Nicholas | SA | Merit | Visual Arts - Design | |
158 | CESARIO, Laura Louise | SA | Merit | English | |
159 | CHAMLAGAI, Mon Maya | SA | Merit | Language and Culture | |
160 | CHAN, Jocelyn | SA | Merit | Japanese (Continuers) | |
161 | CHAN, Wen Shin | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
162 | CHANANA, Saujas | SA | Merit | English | |
163 | CHANANA, Saujas | SA | Merit | Legal Studies | |
164 | CHARSLEY, Rhiannan Rose | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
165 | CHEA, Vincent | SA | Merit | Society and Culture | |
166 | CHEN, Sonia Luxiao | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
167 | CHEN, Yongyu | SA | Merit | Essential English | |
168 | CHENG, Jien Lynn | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
169 | CHENG, Yimeng | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
170 | CHHOUR, Catherine | SA | Merit | English | |
171 | CHIA, Jereyllsze Shaun | SA | Merit | Solo Performance | |
172 | CHIABRERA, Joseph | SA | Merit | Scientific Studies | |
173 | CHIGNOLA, Ardo Rigo Elmo Lio | SA | Merit | Performance Special Study | |
174 | CHIU, Karen Kai-Yuet | SA | Merit | English | |
175 | CHRISTIE, Olivia | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
176 | CHU, Wing Kwan Hannah | SA | Merit | Biology | |
177 | CHUNG, Hao Man | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
178 | CLEARY, Savannah Mae | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
179 | CLOHESY, Alyssa | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
180 | COLANGELO, Thomas | SA | Merit | Material Products I | |
181 | COLES, Kristen | SA | Merit | Physics | |
182 | Coles, Kristen | Seymour College | Glen Osmond | Prize: Australian Institute of Physics Prize - Bronze Bragg Medal | Physics |
183 | Collins, Heidi | Westminster School | Marion | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
184 | COLLINS, Heidi Jane | SA | Merit | Outdoor Education | |
185 | COMBE, Ellie | SA | Merit | Nutrition | |
186 | COMPARE, Olivia | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
187 | COOK, Lucy Jude | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
188 | COOK, Olivia Chelsea | SA | Merit | Essential English | |
189 | COOKE, Danielle | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
190 | Cooke, Danielle | Our Lady of the Sacred Heart College | Enfield | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
191 | COOKE, Harry Douglas | SA | Merit | Accounting | |
192 | COOKE, Harry Douglas | SA | Merit | Business and Enterprise | |
193 | COOTE, Cheyenne | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
194 | CORAM, Ingrid Elizabeth | SA | Merit | Economics | |
195 | CORAM, Ingrid Elizabeth | SA | Merit | English Literary Studies | |
196 | CORAM, Ingrid Elizabeth | SA | Merit | Legal Studies | |
197 | CORCORAN, Bianca Ruby | SA | Merit | Society and Culture | |
198 | CORMACK, Chavannah | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
199 | COSTANZO, Marcus | SA | Merit | Business and Enterprise | |
200 | COSTI, Jake Jaysen | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
201 | COTTON, Ella | SA | Merit | Essential Mathematics | |
202 | COWLES, Paige Georgia | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
203 | COWLEY, Kate | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
204 | COWLING, William Arthur | SA | Merit | Biology | |
205 | COWLING, William Arthur | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
206 | COYLE, Angus | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
207 | CRAIG, Oliver James | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
208 | CRAIG, Sahara | SA | Merit | Material Products I | |
209 | CRAWFORD, Katelyn Melinda | SA | Merit | Composing and Arranging | |
210 | CRAWFORD, Lachlan | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
211 | CRETTENDEN, Olivia Nicole | SA | Merit | Creative Arts | |
212 | CROCKER, Jasmine | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
213 | CROPLEY, Daniel Haywood | SA | Merit | English Literary Studies | |
214 | CROPLEY, Daniel Haywood | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
215 | CROSS, Bethany | SA | Merit | Biology | |
216 | CROSS, Bethany | SA | Merit | English Literary Studies | |
217 | CROSS, Bethany | SA | Merit | Physics | |
218 | Cross, Bethany | St Peters Girls School | Stonyfell | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
219 | Crowden, Caleb | Temple Christian College Mile End Campus | Mile End | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
220 | CROWLEY, Tate James | SA | Merit | Physics | |
221 | CULLEN, Emily | SA | Merit | Essential Mathematics | |
222 | CURNOW, Tahlia | SA | Merit | English | |
223 | CUSTODIO, Paula Andrea | SA | Merit | Integrated Learning A | |
224 | CZECHOWICZ, Adele Iris | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
225 | D'ORTENZIO, Luke Harrison | SA | Merit | English | |
226 | DAISH, Georgie Rose | SA | Merit | Biology | |
227 | DAISH, Georgie Rose | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
228 | DAISH, Georgie Rose | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
229 | DALIDOWICZ, Jade | SA | Merit | Visual Arts - Art | |
230 | DALKOS, Eleni | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
231 | DALLIMORE, Jasmine | SA | Merit | Society and Culture | |
232 | DALWOOD, Oliver | SA | Merit | Workplace Practices | |
233 | DAMA, Alethea Laura | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
234 | DANG, Huynh Bao Chau | SA | Merit | Vietnamese (Background Speakers) | |
235 | DANG-HUYNH, Liam Phi | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
236 | DANIEL, Sasha Helen | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
237 | DASONDI, Aatmaj Shivam | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
238 | DASONDI, Aatmaj Shivam | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
239 | DASONDI, Aatmaj Shivam | SA | Merit | Physics | |
240 | DAVID, Sheryl Ramona | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
241 | DAVIDSON, Kitty Kalpa | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
242 | DAVIES, Sophie Elizabeth | SA | Merit | Drama | |
243 | DAVIES, Sophie Elizabeth | SA | Merit | English Literary Studies | |
244 | DAVIES, Sophie Elizabeth | SA | Merit | Information Processing and Publishing | |
245 | DAVIES, Sophie Elizabeth | SA | Merit | Legal Studies | |
246 | DAVIES, Sophie Elizabeth | SA | Merit | Solo Performance | |
247 | DAWE, Benjamin Thomas Humphries | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
248 | DAY, Eliza Jayne | SA | Merit | English | |
249 | DAY, Eliza Jayne | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
250 | DAYMAN, Michael William | SA | Merit | Research Project A | |
251 | DE BARRO, Courtney Annalise | SA | Merit | English | |
252 | DE PIZZOL, Zali | SA | Merit | Business and Enterprise | |
253 | DE PIZZOL, Zali | SA | Merit | English | |
254 | DE ZOYSA, Randula | SA | Merit | Physics | |
255 | DEAN, Griffin Angus | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
256 | DEGREEF, Aaron | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
257 | DELA CRUZ, Francis Arice | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
258 | DELBRIDGE, Piper Emily | SA | Merit | Health | |
259 | DELIC, Amelia | SA | Merit | Religion Studies | |
260 | DELIC, Amelia | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
261 | DELIC, Annalise | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
262 | Delic, Annalise | Eynesbury Senior College | Adelaide | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
263 | DELO, Yasna | SA | Merit | Drama | |
264 | DELUCA, Pia Manuela | SA | Merit | Biology | |
265 | DELUCA, Pia Manuela | SA | Merit | English Literary Studies | |
266 | DELUCA, Pia Manuela | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
267 | DEMPSTER, Jessica Rose | SA | Merit | Essential Mathematics | |
268 | DENG, Jazmine Kaye | SA | Merit | Creative Arts | |
269 | DENNIS, Isabella | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
270 | DENNIS, Mia | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
271 | DERRINGTON, Jennifer Jean | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
272 | DESANTIS, Tia | SA | Merit | English | |
273 | DEVITO, Hannah | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
274 | DEVITO, Liberty | SA | Merit | General Mathematics | |
275 | DEVITO, Xani Louise | SA | Merit | Information Processing and Publishing | |
276 | DI STASIO, Ella | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
277 | DI STASIO, Ella | SA | Merit | Visual Arts - Art | |
278 | DIAS, Svetlana | SA | Merit | Music Individual Study | |
279 | DIAS, Svetlana | SA | Merit | Solo Performance | |
280 | DIX, Teagan Kathleen | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
281 | DNISTRJANSKI, Tahlia | SA | Merit | Information Processing and Publishing | |
282 | DO, My Linh | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality |