This is the SACE Honour Roll, listing every award, merit or prize won by South Australian SACE students in 2013, along with their school and subject details.
The report also includes significant Australian national awards and prizes such as the Australian Student Prize.
347 | Gibbons, Andrew James | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
348 | Gibbons, Jessica Rebecca | SA | Merit | Creative Arts | |
349 | Gibson, Matt | SA | Merit | Biology | |
350 | Giglio, Rosemarie Gabrielle | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
351 | Gilbert, Grace Victoria | SA | Merit | Workplace Practices | |
352 | Gilfillan, Denise | SA | Merit | Material Products I | |
353 | Gill, Alison Rose | SA | Merit | Communication Products II | |
354 | Goddard, Nicole | Immanuel College | Novar Gardens | Australian Student Prize | |
355 | Goddard, Nicole Kirsti | SA | Merit | Biology | |
356 | Goddard, Nicole Kirsti | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
357 | Goddard, Nicole Kristi | Immanuel College | Novar Gardens | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
358 | Goffredo, Lauren Lee | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
359 | Goffredo, Lauren Lee | SA | Merit | Nutrition | |
360 | Goh Xiu Ming, Sarah | SA | Merit | English as Second Language Studies | |
361 | Goldwyn, Laura Kate | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
362 | Goodes, Haris James | SA | Merit | French (Continuers) | |
363 | Goodridge, Inara Joy | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
364 | Grace, Sharon Angela | SA | Merit | Visual Arts - Design | |
365 | Gransbury, Thomas William | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
366 | Gransbury, Thomas William | SA | Merit | English Studies | |
367 | Gransbury, Thomas William | SA | Merit | French (Continuers) | |
368 | Gransbury, Thomas William | SA | Merit | Physics | |
369 | Gransbury, Thomas William | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
370 | Gransbury, Thomas William | SA | Prize: Alliance Francaise de l'Australie du Sud Prize | French | |
371 | Gransbury, Thomas William | SA | Prize: Annie Montgomerie Martin Prize and Medal for French | French | |
372 | Gransbury, Thomas William | Saint Ignatius College | Athelstone | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
373 | Gransbury, Tom | Saint Ignatius College | Athelstone | Australian Student Prize | |
374 | Gray, Tiffany Kate | SA | Merit | Biology | |
375 | Graziano, Lauren | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
376 | Grech, Jaime Pauline | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
377 | Greco, Jessica Lee | SA | Merit | Religion Studies | |
378 | Green, Raquel Louise | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
379 | Gretsas, Eleni | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
380 | Grieger, Emma | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
381 | Grynchuk, Maksym | SA | Merit | Composing and Arranging | |
382 | Grynchuk, Maksym | SA | Merit | Ensemble Performance | |
383 | Grynchuk, Maksym | SA | Merit | Musicianship | |
384 | Guan, Ailin (Irene) | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
385 | Guan, Ailin (Irene) | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
386 | Guidera, Khalia Renee | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
387 | Gulino, Claudia | SA | Merit | Visual Arts - Design | |
388 | Hage, Celina | SA | Merit | Dance | |
389 | Hage, Jonathan | SA | Merit | Ensemble Performance | |
390 | Hall, Charles John Limbert | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
391 | Hall, Lachlan Angus | SA | Merit | Biology | |
392 | Hall, Lachlan Angus | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
393 | Halpin-Bassham, Caoimhe Mette Kate | SA | Merit | Media Studies | |
394 | Hamden, Courtney Ann | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
395 | Hamilton, Charlie Robert | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
396 | Hampel, Amy | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
397 | Hancock, Alexandra | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
398 | Hanney, Alice Pamela | SA | Merit | Tourism | |
399 | Hannon, Claire Patricia | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
400 | Haralampopoulos, Zoe | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
401 | Hardcastle, Liam Boyd | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
402 | Hardcastle, Liam Boyd | SA | Merit | Physics | |
403 | Harrison, Courtney | Wilderness School | Medindie | Australian Student Prize | |
404 | Harrison, Courtney Rebecca Rose | SA | Merit | Legal Studies | |
405 | Harrison, Courtney Rebecca Rose | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
406 | Harrison, Courtney Rebecca Rose | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
407 | Harrison, Courtney Rebecca Rose | SA | Merit | Society and Culture | |
408 | Hasaneen, Mahmoud | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
409 | Hauer, Anja | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
410 | Hawkins, Charis | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
411 | Hawkins, Taylor Jay | SA | Merit | Environment and the Community | |
412 | Hayden, Krystal | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
413 | Hayek, Lara | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
414 | Haylock, Imogen Fae | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
415 | Hayman, Lucinda Katherine | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
416 | Haynes, Shaun Stanley | SA | Merit | Music Individual Study | |
417 | Haysman, Lucy Francesca | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
418 | Haysman, Lucy Francesca | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
419 | Haysman, Lucy Francesca | SA | Merit | Physics | |
420 | Haysman, Lucy Francesca | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
421 | Haysman, Olivia Jean | SA | Merit | Physics | |
422 | Heaslip, Benjamin | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
423 | Hebditch, Luke Ian | SA | Merit | Ensemble Performance | |
424 | Heggart, Talis William | SA | Merit | Communication Products I | |
425 | Hein, Stacey | SA | Merit | Workplace Practices | |
426 | Helmore, Sarah | SA | Merit | Child Studies | |
427 | Henderson, Andrew William | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
428 | Henderson, Andrew William | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
429 | Henderson, Andrew William | SA | Merit | Physics | |
430 | Henderson, Andrew William | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
431 | Henderson, Andrew William | University Senior College | Adelaide | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
432 | Henderson, Naomi Joy | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
433 | Henderson, Naomi Joy | SA | Merit | Physics | |
434 | Hewson, Suzannah Elizabeth | SA | Merit | Business and Enterprise | |
435 | Hicks, Madeline Eliza Mary | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
436 | Hill, Daniel James Weston | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
437 | Hillier, Shelini Jacqueline | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
438 | Hillier, Shelini Jacqueline | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
439 | Hillier, Taliah | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
440 | Hin, Nhi Xao | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
441 | Ho, Joe In | SA | Merit | Biology | |
442 | Ho, Tam Minh | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
443 | Hoang, Vu Phuong Anh | SA | Merit | Vietnamese (Background Speakers) | |
444 | Hockley, Liam Christopher | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
445 | Hodson, Mitchell | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
446 | Hodson, Mitchell | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
447 | Hofmeyer, Kate | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
448 | Hofmeyer, Kate | SA | Merit | Physics | |
449 | Hollingworth, Erin Claire | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
450 | Holmes, Dylan Avery | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
451 | Holmes, Liam | SA | Merit | Ensemble Performance | |
452 | Holmes, Raquel Lynette | SA | Merit | Information Processing and Publishing | |
453 | Holmes, Raquel Lynette | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
454 | Hondzeas, Peter | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
455 | Hong, Trudy Qiu di | SA | Merit | Chinese (Continuers) | |
456 | Hong, Trudy Qiu di | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
457 | Hong, Trudy Qiu di | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
458 | Hong, Wendy Wendi | SA | Merit | Biology | |
459 | Hong, Wendy Wendi | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
460 | Hong, Wendy Wendi | Seymour College | Glen Osmond | Australian Student Prize | |
461 | Honner, Brittany Joy | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
462 | Hookway, Margaret Mary | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
463 | Hookway, Margaret Mary | SA | Merit | Visual Arts - Arts | |
464 | Hopgood, Madeleine Isabeau | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
465 | Hornby, Jasmine | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality | |
466 | Horsnell, Erin | SA | Merit | Material Products I | |
467 | Horvat, Alaric Josef | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
468 | Hosking, Samuel David | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
469 | Howard, Jacob Kane | SA | Merit | Solo Performance | |
470 | Howlett, Caitlin | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
471 | Hu, Eileen | Wilderness School | Medindie | Australian Student Prize | |
472 | Hu, Eileen Tian | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
473 | Hu, Eileen Tian | SA | Merit | English Studies | |
474 | Hu, Eileen Tian | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
475 | Hu, Eileen Tian | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
476 | Hu, Eileen Tian | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
477 | Hu, Eileen Tian | Wilderness School | Medindie | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
478 | Hua, Jamie | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
479 | Hua, Jamie | SA | Merit | Physics | |
480 | Huang, Frank Guang Yu | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
481 | Huang, Jiaying (Rayna) | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
482 | Huang, Jiaying (Rayna) | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
483 | Huang, Sonia | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
484 | Huang, Sonia | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
485 | Huang, Sonia | SA | Merit | Physics | |
486 | Huang, Xinyu (Garry) | SA | Merit | Physics | |
487 | Hughes, Harrison Edward | SA | Merit | Information Technology | |
488 | Hughes, James Martin | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
489 | Hughes, James Martin | SA | Merit | Physics | |
490 | Hughes, James Martin | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
491 | Hughes, Madeleine Ella | SA | Merit | Material Products I | |
492 | Hughes, Madeleine Ella | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
493 | Hull, Maria Teresa | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
494 | Hull, Maria Teresa | Salisbury High School | Salisbury North | Gov of SA SACE Award | |
495 | Humphries, Emily Louise | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
496 | Humphries, Emily Louise | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
497 | Hunter, Gemma Victoria | SA | Merit | Business and Enterprise | |
498 | Huntingford, Kate Helen | SA | Merit | Physics | |
499 | Hutchinson, Ben | SA | Merit | Workplace Practices | |
500 | Huynh, Jessica | SA | Merit | Biology | |
501 | Huynh, Jessica | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
502 | Huynh, Julie | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
503 | Huynh, Julie | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
504 | Huynh, Julie | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
505 | Huynh, Julie | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
506 | Huynh, Julie | Pulteney Grammar School | Adelaide | Australian Student Prize | |
507 | Hwang, Min Jee | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
508 | Hwang, Min Jee | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
509 | Iles, Harriet Jane Wilson | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
510 | Iles, Harriet Jane Wilson | SA | Merit | Legal Studies | |
511 | Iles, Harriet Jane Wilson | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
512 | Iles, Harriet Jane Wilson | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
513 | Iles, Harriet Jane Wilson | Wilderness School | Medindie | Australian Student Prize | |
514 | Ingleton, Rachael Anne | SA | Merit | Drama | |
515 | Inglis, Eliza | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
516 | Inglis, Tayla Brooke | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
517 | Ip, Wai Ting Laren | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
518 | Ip, Wai Ting Laren | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
519 | Ireland, Kate Louise | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
520 | Ireland, Rhiannon | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
521 | Irvine-Baldock, Lucinda Rose | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
522 | Isaac, Adil Poonnoose | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
523 | Isaac, Adil Poonnoose | SA | Merit | Physics | |
524 | Isaac, Adil Poonnoose | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
525 | Isaac, Adil Poonnoose | Westminster School | Marion | Australian Student Prize | |
526 | Isaac, Laura Kate | SA | Merit | English Studies | |
527 | Iskeirjeh, Sara | SA | Merit | Arabic (Continuers) | |
528 | Islam, Mujahidul | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
529 | Ivanic, Jovanka | SA | Merit | Women's Studies | |
530 | Jackson, Ann | SA | Merit | Physics | |
531 | Jacquier, Lauren | SA | Merit | Information Processing and Publishing | |
532 | Jaensch, Jae Marie | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
533 | Jafari, Mohammad Sarvar | SA | Merit | Persian (Background Speakers) | |
534 | James, Benjamin | SA | Merit | Economics | |
535 | James, Carlie Susan | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
536 | James, Rhiannon Louise | SA | Merit | Communication and the Community | |
537 | Jamieson, Declan Kelton | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
538 | Jane, Madeline | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
539 | Janowski, Luke | SA | Merit | Research Project B | |
540 | Janowski, Luke | SA | Merit | Visual Arts - Design | |
541 | Jay, Olivia | SA | Merit | English Studies | |
542 | Jay, Olivia | SA | Merit | Legal Studies | |
543 | Jay, Olivia | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
544 | Jay, Olivia | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
545 | Jenke, Kahlia Marie | SA | Merit | Agricultural and Horticultural Principles | |
546 | Jenkins, Lewis Scott | SA | Merit | Material Products II |