This is the SACE Honour Roll, listing every award, merit or prize won by South Australian SACE students in 2009, along with their school and subject details.
The report also includes significant Australian national awards and prizes such as the Australian Student Prize.
719 | O'Connor, Lisa Kathryn | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
720 | Oliver, Amy Betty Lorraine | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
721 | Olsson, Kyra Jean | SA | Merit | English Studies | |
722 | Orchard, Sophie Amelia Giles | SA | Merit | Health Studies | |
723 | Otto, Madeleine Louise | SA | Merit | English Studies | |
724 | Oulton, Jacinta Marie | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
725 | Overton, Luke Alexander | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
726 | Owen-Thomas, Joshua | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
727 | Pacholski, Nicholas | SA | Merit | Systems and Control Products A | |
728 | Panayi-Motus, Alexandra Kate | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
729 | Pang, Sze Yaw | SA | Merit | English as Second Language Studies | |
730 | Pang, Sze Yaw | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
731 | Pang, Sze Yaw | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
732 | Papadopoulos, Yanni Lewie | SA | Merit | Desktop Publishing | |
733 | Papadopoulos, Yanni Lewie | SA | Merit | Electronic Publishing | |
734 | Parisotto, Michael Peter | SA | Merit | Information Technology Studies | |
735 | Park, Nicole Renee | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
736 | Parsons, Charlie Stephen | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
737 | Partington, Vanessa | SA | Merit | Physics | |
738 | Patteson, Gabrielle | SA | Merit | Health, Recreation, and the Community | |
739 | Paul, Jacob Andrew | SA | Merit | Business Studies | |
740 | Peake, Rupert | SA | Merit | Tourism | |
741 | Pearce, Nicole Jessie | SA | Merit | Musicianship | |
742 | Pennino, Sofia | SA | Merit | Business Studies | |
743 | Peplow Ball, Ashleigh | Walford Anglican School for Girls | Hyde Park | Australian Student Prize | |
744 | Peplow Ball, Ashleigh Kate | SA | Merit | Biology | |
745 | Peplow Ball, Ashleigh Kate | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
746 | Peplow Ball, Ashleigh Kate | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
747 | Perrotta, Louisa Carmel | SA | Merit | Studies of Societies | |
748 | Petersen, Nathan Andrew | SA | Merit | Biology | |
749 | Pham, Hannah | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
750 | Phillips, Caroline | SA | Merit | Biology | |
751 | Phillips, Caroline | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
752 | Phillips, Caroline | SA | Merit | Physics | |
753 | Pike, Lachlan Alexander | SA | Merit | Vocational Studies A | |
754 | Pinkie, Robert | SA | Merit | Arts and the Community | |
755 | Pinna, Amelia | SA | Merit | Women's Studies | |
756 | Pitman, Rachael Anne-Marie | SA | Merit | Arts and the Community | |
757 | Pitman, Rachael Anne-Marie | SA | Merit | Communication and the Community | |
758 | Pitt, Craig | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
759 | Pittolo, Lucy Kate | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
760 | Pittolo, Lucy Kate | SA | Merit | Ensemble Performance | |
761 | Porcaro, Daniella Louise | SA | Merit | Geography | |
762 | Powell-Jones, Alycia Elizabeth Louise | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
763 | Prior Bonus, Serrin Elizabeth | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
764 | Prior, Caitlin Marie | SA | Merit | Vocational Studies B | |
765 | Pryor, Timothy | SA | Merit | Business Studies | |
766 | Pryor, Timothy | SA | Merit | Physics | |
767 | Puglisi, Maya | SA | Merit | Music Individual Study | |
768 | Pulford, Emily Kate | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
769 | Purkis, Elyse Constance | SA | Merit | Dance | |
770 | Purvis, Amelia Jane | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
771 | Qassim, Ayub Zuhair | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
772 | Qassim, Ayub Zuhair | SA | Merit | Physics | |
773 | Quinnell, Valerie | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
774 | Radbone, Rebecca Anne | SA | Merit | English Studies | |
775 | Rahman, Sylvia Tasnim | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
776 | Ratnarajah, Venetia Rajini | SA | Merit | Accounting Studies | |
777 | Rawolle, Tessa Amber | SA | Merit | Nutrition | |
778 | Raymond, Catharine Sara | SA | Merit | Solo Performance | |
779 | Reardon, Elysha Daina | SA | Merit | Tourism | |
780 | Redden, Jessica Kate | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
781 | Reppucci, Luke Robert | SA | Merit | Biology | |
782 | Ricci, Alexandra | Wilderness School | Medindie | Australian Student Prize | |
783 | Ricci, Alexandra Lia | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
784 | Ricci, Alexandra Lia | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
785 | Ricci, Alexandra Lia | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
786 | Ricci, Alexandra Lia | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
787 | Richter, Holly | SA | Merit | English Studies | |
788 | Richter, Holly | SA | Merit | Visual Arts Studies | |
789 | Richter, Holly | SA | Prize: Tennyson Medal | English Studies | |
790 | Ridley, Adam Christopher | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
791 | Rigon, Daniel | SA | Merit | Accounting Studies | |
792 | Rigon, Daniel | SA | Merit | Business Studies | |
793 | Roberts, Lily May | SA | Merit | English Studies | |
794 | Robinson, Elysse Anne | SA | Merit | Desktop Publishing | |
795 | Robinson, Elysse Anne | SA | Merit | Studies of Societies | |
796 | Robson, Isabella Marie | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
797 | Rockliff, Teighlor Nicole | SA | Merit | Work and the Community I | |
798 | Rose, Peter Donald | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
799 | Rose, Peter Donald | SA | Merit | Performance Special Study | |
800 | Rostron, Nicola Grace | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
801 | Rowland, Rachel Ann | SA | Merit | Integrated Learning II | |
802 | Rozaklis, Christie Marie | SA | Merit | Nutrition | |
803 | Runnalls, Laura-Ellen | SA | Merit | Early Childhood Studies | |
804 | Russ, Amy | SA | Merit | Music Individual Study | |
805 | Sanders, Jordan | SA | Merit | Design Practical | |
806 | Sanders, Nikki Johanna | SA | Merit | Performance Special Study | |
807 | Sandford, Kathryn Amy | SA | Merit | Nutrition | |
808 | Sapio, Adriana Mary | SA | Merit | Tourism | |
809 | Schiller, Jack William | SA | Merit | Performance Special Study | |
810 | Schiller, Jack William | SA | Merit | Solo Performance | |
811 | Schilling, Carissa Tess | SA | Merit | Work and the Community | |
812 | Schilling, Simona Gabriele | SA | Merit | Legal Studies | |
813 | Schmucker, Josiah Jeffrey | SA | Merit | Arts and the Community | |
814 | Schmucker, Josiah Jeffrey | SA | Merit | Lifestyle and the Community | |
815 | Schnider, Corina Michelle | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
816 | Schonfeldt, Nelson Elliot Devon | SA | Merit | Drama Studies | |
817 | Schonfeldt, Nelson Elliot Devon | SA | Merit | English Studies | |
818 | Schulz, Bianca | SA | Merit | German (continuers) | |
819 | Schulz, Daniel Gordon | SA | Merit | Business Studies | |
820 | Schulz, Daniel Gordon | SA | Merit | Material Products A | |
821 | Schulz, Penny Marianne | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
822 | Schulze, Catherine Ellie Jane | SA | Merit | Nutrition | |
823 | Schumacher, Sophie | SA | Merit | Women's Studies | |
824 | Schumann, Anna Clare | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
825 | Scopacasa, Paul Anthony | SA | Merit | English Studies | |
826 | Scott, Saskia Katherine | SA | Merit | Legal Studies | |
827 | Scott-Hoy, Vaughan Thomas | SA | Merit | Vocational Studies B | |
828 | Scrimgeour, Laura | SA | Merit | Legal Studies | |
829 | Seagrim, Kate Eleanor | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
830 | Seagrim, Kate Eleanor | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
831 | Searson, Laura Rose | SA | Merit | Art Practical | |
832 | Secombe, Kate Rebecca | SA | Merit | Biology | |
833 | Seebohm, Kate Alyce | SA | Merit | Tourism | |
834 | Sekar, Shailaja | SA | Merit | Tourism | |
835 | Semple, Harriet | Wilderness School | Medindie | Australian Student Prize | |
836 | Semple, Harriet Kate | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
837 | Semple, Harriet Kate | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
838 | Semple, Harriet Kate | SA | Merit | Physics | |
839 | Senyszyn, Bridget Marie | SA | Merit | Food and Hospitality Studies | |
840 | Sethi, Parul | SA | Merit | Mathematics and the Community | |
841 | Seys, Genevieve Lauren | SA | Merit | Italian (continuers) | |
842 | Shanko, Neisha Rae | SA | Merit | Environment and the Community I | |
843 | Sharley, Laura Jane | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
844 | Sharley, Laura Jane | SA | Merit | Physical Education | |
845 | Shepley, Rebecca Ann | SA | Merit | Design, Construction, and the Community | |
846 | Shierlaw, Haydyn James | SA | Merit | Mathematical Studies | |
847 | Shivam, Aditya | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
848 | Shuck, Justine Megan | SA | Merit | Mathematical Methods | |
849 | Shugg, Nathan John | SA | Merit | Music in Context | |
850 | Sierp, Emma | SA | Merit | Studies of Societies | |
851 | Simpson, Andrew Crawford | SA | Merit | English Communications | |
852 | Siow, Jia Wen | SA | Merit | Biology | |
853 | Siow, Jia Wen | SA | Merit | Chemistry | |
854 | Siow, Jia Wen | SA | Merit | Specialist Mathematics | |
855 | Siow, Jia Wen | Glenunga International High School | Glenunga | Australian Student Prize | |
856 | Sjoerdsma, Jarrad Andrew | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
857 | Skinner, Madeline Amy | SA | Merit | Early Childhood Studies | |
858 | Slater, Tali Rose | SA | Merit | Legal Studies | |
859 | Slater, Tali Rose | SA | Merit | Modern History | |
860 | Smith, Chantelle Lesley | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
861 | Smith, Daniel | SA | Merit | Outdoor Education I | |
862 | Smith, Daniel | SA | Merit | Outdoor Education II | |
863 | Smith, Elizabeth | SA | Merit | Psychology | |
864 | Smith, Michael | SA | Merit | Communication and the Community | |
865 | Smith, Robyn | SA | Merit | Mathematical Applications | |
866 | South, Henry | SA | Merit | Ensemble Performance | |
867 | South, Henry | SA | Merit | Performance Special Study | |
868 | Sparnon, Perri | SA | Merit | Visual Arts Studies |