Student HSC Subject Top Achievers, New South Wales, 2015

Filtered by School Name

This report shows the 2015 top students in each HSC subject, along with their ranking as assigned by the NSW Education Standards Authority.

Rankings are calculated from student HSC marks in the subject, or, where this results in a tie, from the average of the students' examination and assessment marks.

Students must achieve a band 6 or band E4 result in the relevant subject to appear in this list.

The number of top achievers reported varies from 5 to 20, according to the number of candidates taking each subject.

49 of 49 entries are shown.
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Rows per page:
1 Chinese Beginners Jaame, Muhammad 1 NSW School of Languages Petersham
2 Chinese Beginners Edwards, Samantha 3 NSW School of Languages Petersham
3 Chinese Continuers Clarke, Ella Bridget 3 NSW School of Languages Petersham
4 German Beginners Chappell, Ashleigh Danielle 3 NSW School of Languages Petersham
5 German Beginners Eckmann, Christina Rose-Lee 4 NSW School of Languages Petersham
6 German Extension Okkes, Emilie 2 NSW School of Languages Petersham
7 German Extension Hansen, Allison 3 NSW School of Languages Petersham
8 German Extension Runde, Merle 4 NSW School of Languages Petersham
9 Heritage Indonesian Kodarusman, Qisthy Aliyya Nadifa 1 NSW School of Languages Petersham
10 Heritage Indonesian Zhafranata, Raihan Agung 2 NSW School of Languages Petersham
11 Heritage Japanese Tang, Ivy 1 NSW School of Languages Petersham
12 Heritage Japanese Kuroda, Mao 2 NSW School of Languages Petersham
13 Heritage Japanese Kawahashi, Ryo Ryou 3 NSW School of Languages Petersham
14 Heritage Japanese Prochazka, Miki Elizabeth 4 NSW School of Languages Petersham
15 Indonesian Beginners Sathio, Hillary Permata 1 NSW School of Languages Petersham
16 Indonesian Beginners Christian, Chiara Liane 5 NSW School of Languages Petersham
17 Indonesian Extension Lee, Amy Jacinta 2 NSW School of Languages Petersham
18 Indonesian Extension Kwok, Cassandra Yin-Yiu 3 NSW School of Languages Petersham
19 Indonesian Extension Lu, Jessica Chee Ying 4 NSW School of Languages Petersham
20 Italian Beginners Carrizo, Valentina 2 NSW School of Languages Petersham
21 Italian Continuers Ilievski, Ivana 5 NSW School of Languages Petersham
22 Italian Extension Covre, Amelia 5 NSW School of Languages Petersham
23 Japanese Beginners Yong, Son Shin 2 NSW School of Languages Petersham
24 Japanese Beginners Zou, Xin Yi (Annie) 4 NSW School of Languages Petersham
25 Korean Background Speakers Lee, Jiwoo 3 NSW School of Languages Petersham
26 Korean Continuers Killian, Iola 1 NSW School of Languages Petersham
27 Korean Continuers Li, Cassandra 2 NSW School of Languages Petersham
28 Korean Continuers Chin, Crystal 3 NSW School of Languages Petersham
29 Korean Continuers Mowjsingh, Brenda 4 NSW School of Languages Petersham
30 Korean Continuers Newland, Amy Brooke 5 NSW School of Languages Petersham
31 Modern Greek Beginners Pavlidis, Alexandros 3 NSW School of Languages Petersham
32 Modern Greek Beginners Ladikos, Stella 4 NSW School of Languages Petersham
33 Modern Greek Beginners Solomou, Christina 4 NSW School of Languages Petersham
34 Modern Greek Continuers Kolevris, Haralambia 1 NSW School of Languages Petersham
35 Modern Greek Continuers Kassas, Irini Stephania 5 NSW School of Languages Petersham
36 Modern Greek Extension Kolevris, Haralambia 1 NSW School of Languages Petersham
37 Portuguese Continuers Ferreira, Betina 1 NSW School of Languages Petersham
38 Portuguese Continuers Da Costa Alves, Caio 2 NSW School of Languages Petersham
39 Portuguese Continuers de Almeida Guarino, Carolina 3 NSW School of Languages Petersham
40 Russian Continuers Bogatyreva, Natalia 1 NSW School of Languages Petersham
41 Russian Continuers Singatoulina, Farida 3 NSW School of Languages Petersham
42 Russian Continuers Grozdov, Pavel 4 NSW School of Languages Petersham
43 Spanish Beginners Bau-Gaspar, Rebecca 1 NSW School of Languages Petersham
44 Spanish Beginners Huberman, Alia 4 NSW School of Languages Petersham
45 Spanish Beginners Lee, Amelia 5 NSW School of Languages Petersham
46 Spanish Continuers Darwand, Harry 3 NSW School of Languages Petersham
47 Spanish Continuers Haber, Daniella 4 NSW School of Languages Petersham
48 Spanish Extension Sanchez Bisquerra, Paula 3 NSW School of Languages Petersham
49 Spanish Extension Munoz-Prieto, Eugenia 5 NSW School of Languages Petersham
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 14 Oct 2024
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