Student HSC Subject Top Achievers, New South Wales, 2008

Filtered by School Name

This report shows the 2008 top students in each HSC subject, along with their ranking as assigned by the NSW Education Standards Authority.

Rankings are calculated from student HSC marks in the subject, or, where this results in a tie, from the average of the students' examination and assessment marks.

Students must achieve a band 6 or band E4 result in the relevant subject to appear in this list.

The number of top achievers reported varies from 5 to 20, according to the number of candidates taking each subject.

31 of 31 entries are shown.
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1 Classical Greek Continuers Vallance, Thomas 1 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
2 Classical Greek Continuers Pope, Benjamin 2 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
3 Classical Greek Continuers Marinos, Emmanuel 3 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
4 Classical Greek Continuers Menzies, Matthew 3 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
5 Classical Greek Extension Vallance, Thomas 1 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
6 Classical Greek Extension Pope, Benjamin 2 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
7 Classical Greek Extension Marinos, Emmanuel 3 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
8 Classical Greek Extension Menzies, Matthew 4 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
9 Economics Chan, Derek 10 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
10 English Extension 2 Yeow, Mark 10 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
11 French Continuers Letcher, Heydon 4 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
12 French Continuers Vallance, Thomas 5 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
13 French Extension Letcher, Heydon 1 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
14 French Extension Manser, David 2 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
15 French Extension Vallance, Thomas 4 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
16 German Continuers Wells, Alexander 1 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
17 German Extension Letcher, Heydon 4 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
18 German Extension Wells, Alexander 5 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
19 History Extension Chu, Victor 3 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
20 Italian Continuers Cameron, Harry 1 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
21 Italian Continuers Manser, David 4 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
22 Italian Extension Cameron, Harry 1 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
23 Italian Extension Manser, David 2 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
24 Japanese Beginners Tung, Eli 1 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
25 Latin Continuers Pope, Benjamin 1 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
26 Latin Continuers Menzies, Matthew 5 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
27 Latin Extension Pope, Benjamin 2 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
28 Latin Extension Cameron, Harry 3 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
29 Mathematics Extension 2 Menzies, Matthew 1 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
30 Modern History Chu, Victor 9 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
31 Personal Development, Health and Physical Education Southwood, David 11 Sydney Grammar School Darlinghurst
Source: NSW Education Standards Authority (NESA).
Supplementary data from school publications.
Last Updated: 5 Dec 2016
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